Is there any realistic way to beat Jews?

They now control the Trump administration, we will go to war in Syria for Israel - they seemingly cannot lose. How can the white man be as coordinated and as effective?

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We are it. This is literally ground zero to make effective strategies. Our only weapon is information control and that is already being removed. We had a chance with a strong weapon and made some impact but due to the lack of leadership in this shit hole we are slowly losing the freedom of speech and freedom to spread awareness on the issues. However , this is truly one step closer to 1984.

Destroy the media.

>he bought into the "Sup Forums isn't satire" meme

Expose their propaganda continuously

Kill all white people.

What's going on here?


It's all just a coincidence tbqh

Do all of you laugh internally when the ADL unironically expects us to believe that it's all coincidence?

you lost the plot. this is weaponized autistic truth.

There isnt a way

If you cant beat them, join em. The rewards are amazing and worth it.

The Christian Bible is the root of the problem.
Anytime genuine efforts to revitalize our race are funneled into this Judaism Jr., quasi-slavery is the result.
Resist that shit. Argue with Christians.
Make them say they worship a dead Jew (they will, because they take a perverse satisfaction in the absurd, like the cuckholds they are).
Take a stand. Fear not death, for in Valhalla, we shall feast like kings.

Ban foreign lobbying groups
Disband Jewish organizations in the US
Deport all Jews to Israel
Ban Israeli immigration

no thx I like my foreskin

>that image

the hivemind tho

The jews may have gotten my foreskin, but i'll be damned if I let them continue taking the foreskins of my races children.

Ok lets say for a second that the jews are behind everything. Lets go with that. If they are so extremely capable to orchestrating all of this, how does that not make them the uberman? Hitler was defeated and now, according to you, the jews are on top. So obviously hitler lost that one.
If you are in support of social darwinism or uberman or whatever clearly the jews are it by most metrics.

Give up goyim.
You can't beat us.

Even if that were the case, it doesn't mean i'm going to bend over and take it. The jews go against my morals, and as such I cannot let myself sit idly by and watch them set fire to the world. I would prefer the benefit of all humanity in the long run than the benefit of a few hundred materialistic kikes.

Nice quads bro

Exactly fellow (((Merchant))).

These faggots wish they had a high-IQ like (((us))).


Remove the jews and there would still be war and shit. Look at the stanford prison experiment. Humans are ugly and violent jews or no.

No one is "in support of social Darwinism or uberman or whatever". The point is to do what is best for your own people, not to appeal to some absurd universal abstract. The Nazis didn't believe that they were the Master Race and therefore would win forever, they wanted to make themselves into the Master Race because it was good for their people.
(((Their))) degenerate society won't last long.
Make sure to survive when shit hits the fan by living a simpler life and having lots of huwhite children!

Ok but what makes someone one of your own people then? Like if you have a jewish... American (saw the flag icon thing), is that one of your own people?

Just as well however, it is still better to not have our problems exacerbated by Judea. The best solution for humanities interests can only be achieved when you do not have this group of Judae at the head of things incessantly stoking every fire imaginable.

Whites have high IQ (not as high on average but a wide distribution) but are burdened by our ability to feel guilty and empathy these are things that Jews can't feel so they can live with fucking people over and corrupting them just to make a shekel. They are also extremely tribalistic if whites were as loyal to other whites like Jews are to Jews we could crush the Jewish problem.




skeletons vs leprechauns would be a great horror comedy

But if we agree that humanity is ugly regardless of judae, then wouldn't eliminating them just create a power vacuum? Who would replace them?

No, your people are those who share your mindset. In this modern age with corrupted globalism run rampant your people are those who can be your friends. Sup Forums is a people, whether, my people as well as yours, because it doesn't matter that we may be of different races and backgrounds, we all strive toward a singular goal, and provide for each other to that end. That is what these liberals fail to understand about diversity, you need a unifying factor.

So in theory you could have a ton of jews as "your people" as long they had similar end goals?

Civic nationalism please go.

On a small scale yes you can have people of different races living Harmoniously but on a large scale one ethnicity is going to be better at competing for resources and it will cause tension and strife within the community. The most stable one would be a community of one single ethnicity there is no way a multi cultural society can be as unified as an ethno central state.

Humanity in order to maintain itself must unify under a goal, and most commonly a person who embodies that goal will lead in the unification. It may seem authoritarian, but in truth humanity is too easily swayed and emotional to effectively maintain a world as large as this all together, that is why leaders are necessary. A good way to help benefit humanity however is to unify those nations of which will unite under the cause of bringing humanity to new technological heights, as it is only through such that we can learn more about our situation in this universe. All nations and peoples who do not wish to join will be left out of the alliance of peoples to fend for themselves as they wish, I am in particular speaking of nations such as Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan so entrenched in their culture of hatred for others that they are unable to unite effectively.

As would be the case should the world not be as it is today, but one must look realistically at this scenario we find ourselves in and work towards the most achievable ideal. Could you honestly look at someone like carl the cuck and still call him your people? Take a look at Rome before it was jewed by Constantine. It was a people unified by their dedication to the Empires goals, and worked particularly well until Judea came along and messed with the system by exacerbating all of it's flaws.

>Sup Forums is a people
>Civic nationalism please go
It ceases to be "civic" nationalism when you generate a new ethnos. USA almost did it, by absorbing the Irish and Germans into the Anglo identity. Shame about all those niggers though. So, are shitposters an ethnicity? Could they merge to become one in the future?

Thats funny, if you put your statement in quotations and add -the illuminati or -the jews at the end it works surprisingly well.

Theoretically yes, but statistically it is highly unlikely a Jew would find himself aligned with my aspirations. Either way there would be far more Europeans or Asians who would want to work toward such a goal than Jews.

You must realize that while the Judea have kiked the theory of unification to no end to the point it has become unrecognizable the theory in and of itself can be used in a number of truly beneficial ways.

Blame not the sword for the actions of the man who wields it.

Whats your aspirations?

yes but it's true 8d chess

create a clash of civilization between the west and islam
instigate iran to destroy israel before
make mudslimes go insane because their entire region is in flames and they feel it's a clash of civilization making many terrorist
the terrorist will start killing lots of people in the west and will allow trump to completely lockdown from top to bottom america
he then purges all the things globalist/jews are using to destroy america
he deports all muslims
he has police patrolling the streets lowering crime
suddenly everybody is afraid of muslims and the feminist+lgbg+muslim breaks
he withdraws funding and attack feminism/liberals from different angles under the cover of all the war and mayhem
when all the muslims in europe are going berserk they push far right and eject liberalism and kick out muslims

suddenly the jewish agenda is completely fucked. a clash of civilization is the best choice trump can make desu

Of course a unifying theory can be used in beneficial ways. All I am saying is I do not see much difference in your statement and the statements of disdain depicting what 'the jews' are doing. I would like to take a second to qualify this with I am not here with a plan or a grand ideal, I am just trying to understand.

A well developed humanity with capabilities of space exploration. High focus on scientific advancement and study of the natural world and beyond. A humanity capable of going beyond just the throes of our universe. A people brought together not because of materialistic need but of determination under a goal to better themselves.

we have the ultimate weapon on our side

You should truly step back and look at what the Judea are doing. They are not unifying the world, they are tearing it apart so they can use their resources to scoop up the pieces by force and rule completely. That is not a unification of people, that is an aristocracy centuries in the making.

Except that white people do outscore Jews on many IQ tests. White people have higher Spatial IQ, whereas Jews have higher verbal IQ. The mathematical IQ is about the same.

Honestly, get some of them on our side. It's like having nukes, they are so fucking effective

Moly is part jewish, so was Milo. Breitbart is run by jews. Steven Miller is jewish
In fact you could say our jews are our greatest asset right now. They just operate in an entirely different class than anyone else who has tried

I've met many jews who are receptive and even sympathetic to white nationalist ideas. They laugh at oven memes right along with us. The only people they're wary of are the stormfags who literally want to gas everyone that isn't white

Ah.. the old communist ideal. Pretend you're seizing power for the good of the people, and then later kill those people.

GTFO Bolshevik scum.

So I don't see how jews are not statistically "your people" then?
Some of the greatest scientific advancements in history have been attributed to jews. Whats your logic?
Further, I would pose that many people on Sup Forums, which you declared your people, are not active in bettering themselves. Although we all know there are bright minds here on Sup Forums you know there are also many NEET types, and non-scientific or determined persons. So I don't understand why you would draw the line of self-bettering and scientific advancement at jew/nonjew?

>We're going to war for Israel

Fuck off cunt Trump said "maybe you will use military force in Syria" according to CNN with no other context besides the media tacitly implying he is pro-rebel.

That's it

Ok. Congratulations, you are now the head of the unification movement of Sup Forums You have 15k followers (or whatever pol gets daily), and you are tasked with the unifcation of the world. How are you going to get the sovereign governments of all these diverse countries to just hand over the keys to their country?
You will have to do something similar. People don't just hand over power for funnsies.

There need not be communism involved. Neither need there be a single entity in control.

End the Fed

spaghetti fucker

As a first statement, there need not be a single leader that all world powers must turn over the keys to.

Likewise, as things stand now the world is in sucha a delicate balance of pure shit that it would be nigh impossible at the moment to go through with such a plan. There would need to be quite a large upheaval of the order from how it stands now to successfully break through the barrier of materialistic hedonism that has placed itself like a veneer over modern social order.

Well, we won't win by arguing with them or by pleading for our right to exist in our own countries or by making nationalist appeals vis a vis Isreal.

It will come to what it always comes to with Jews, who will lie, mock and slander all the way to the cattle cars, and who will fight back by agitating inside and outside actors.

Sure, many Jews have done scientific study and research, but Jews are only 2% of the population (last time I saw statistics) and the majority are no inclined to follow such pursuits. You kind find just as many jews in the media industry as in scientific pursuits.

Like I've been saying for a year: we hope to fuck the economy crashes and then we have a violent revolution

I have come to the belief that complete upheaval is the only way things will be able to be fixed.

There are many issues with your statement.
Here are some that I can recognize:
-Jews are not just in the US, it is a matter that extends beyond your boarders
-The old joke is jews make doctors and lawyers and bankers, so you would need to cite showing jews are not engaged in such persuits
-Only a small handful of scientists are attributed with 'break through' in science and technology. As cited, many of these have been jewish. So even though they are a small group of people, on the science front you might say they are pulling more than their weight.

These are just a few things that came to me when I was reading your statement. You may be right overall, but not for the reasons you stated. At least not without amplifying information.

Fuck off and die

I agree, but I just don't see how jews are to blame for this. Greed is pervasive to all walks of life, and isn't the ultimate responsibility of not engaging in greed upon the individual? Moral agency I think is the issue.

>they wanted to make themselves the master race
This is the one thing people ignore. They actually started early genetic research programs vause of this


Just shut up already you absolute retards

So we should unite the white race under one banner?

It is not an issue with Jews as a whole, moreso the specific group exacerbating the issues of the world, including promoting the very materialistic hedonism they participate in.

Effectively, but many whites are too far gone.

no, you were fooled.
King Kike BiBi appointed trump because he knew he was a good goyim that would sell out the US in the name of profit.

Do you think I will believe a jew's reason?

One has to focus on themselves. Its not that they can ignore the outside world but one must come to understand that the amount of power they have over the entire world is small, but the power one has over his own life is great. Live your life in the correct way. By denying that victory you move toward their destruction.

The merchant only has power because people give him power over their own life.

This guy is thinking the right way. GAS THE KIKES

You heard them all in their country and nuke it to shit.

Germany did it once, why can't we do it again?

>Europe in tatters
>millions of whites dead or disabled
>any and all white nationalism dead for at least 50 years
>Jewish state created for the first time in millennia

>Germans won
lel at ur life

time for new real 1776 kill in the den of vipers in DC. Take back and save or country.


It's always been the only way. History shows that it's impossible through democratic means to create a large and instant change.
We don't need to vote some meme that can delay the doom a few years we need to tear the system down brick by rotten brick and replace it with one that will actually work to ensure our survival

Because you're American I'll use this example: when the people of the 13 colonies wanted to live under capitalism and to decide their own destiny did Washington tell them to give up in despair and go home and cry when the British ignored and blocked their peaceful attempts at change? No he along with many others now known as the founding fathers organized the people to create the change and a new system themselves by force.
Our attempts at resolving our situation peacefully have failed for 30 years. We must now prepare and wait for the right time because it will be people like us who raise up the people. That time I think is coming soon and will be caused by economic depression i think it's coming sooner to my country than yours but every revolution needs a first attempt.

When the apathetic majority are broken from the cycle of bread and circuses as they start having less to eat is the time when they are the most open to listen to a new ideology a n opportunity for a "mass redpill" if you will. This is the time when we must be most aware and most prepared for because this is the time that our ideological enemies will start to also sway them to their side. We must help these people who will still be in shock we must help them to have extra food to protect them and then most importantly we must rally them, to make them more than supporters but also fanatics willing to fight for our cause and to do that we must associate our cause with their very survival and that of their children.

i think you are underestimating your ability to create illusions.

"people like us" dont exist. if you could see the faces and circumstances of all the people that post here you would be very, VERY disillusioned

>Our attempts at resolving our situation peacefully have failed for 30 years

who are you to declare that ?

instead of sucking yourself off you should aim to improve your own day to day life and inspire enjoyment of life in the people around you evrything else is ego game in your intellectual masturbatorium

We wont commit the same mistakes they did

My advice to you now is to prepare: get a very reliable decent size vehicle, keep working and buy some things that will be valuable if currency becomes worthless, but a weapon and as much ammunition as you can without making yourself look suspicious, always be watching the economy and political climate, get to know your way by memory around the place you land become comfortable in the bush, train with your weapon to be able to use it proficiently

Most importantly though always keep your ears open in real life as there are already people that could be swayed to our support. Remember you never want at this stage to tell someone much instead you mention something that will make them look for themselves. Don't go on a rant about Jews etc instead you want to be very subtle and remember you want to initially point them in the right direction you don't want to try and tell them what to think they need to come to the conclusions themselves you are just helping them come to these conclusions

The working class family man has ironically never been the moving factor in history.

If we got every user to come to america and we armed ourselves over the course of a few years, we could storm the white house, convert the army, and make america our place, exterminating jews and teaming up with all based white countries and the japs.

>he bought the "Sup Forums is satire meme"
pic related

Fucking mehmet
PLs help , arkadash.

>any way to beat the jews?
christianity, senpai.
christianity teaches non-compliance, and dropping out of the game/system, even more, it teaches us to propogate this doctrine.

look at jesus's trial and death.

we are told to leave the worldly things behind, and let the world destroy it's self.

I know right? It's not like trump was always pro-Israel right?

Christianity is the biggest jewish conspiracy. Don't fall for it. Jesus was a jew!

I really don't care much about Trump. Fixing this problem will not happen democratically.

>Let the world destroy itself.
I have always had a problem with Christianity for this very reason. Too ready to give up on humanity and take the easy way through life, with no conviction to do anything for it.

Christianity has always taught the opposite of the jewish doctrine.

you're thinking of talmudism.

it's like saying satanism is a jewish conspiracy.

Chiristianity outlines the enemy and his methods and gives a concise doctrine to combat it.

if you know for certain that the world will kill itself without a doubt.
do you still try to fix it?
>sinking ship
no, you inform all of the people, tell them to spread the message and save yourself.

judaism, islam, buhdism, hinduism, etc all teach that they have the way to fix the world.

they are wrong, and reality is proving them wrong, that's why there's conflicts in all of the world.
in the christian nations there is some peace, but it's only temporary HQs for the spiritual warfare(to help propagate), until the other beliefs come in.

the world WILL destroy itself, and only God will determine who will inherit it.
>ephesians 6:12
Not giving up, just accepting reality

it's slow process of building the perfect jew trap

>we are told to leave the worldly things behind, and let the world destroy it's self.

this is so easy to forget
it's so easy to desire family and country and status and love and friendship

all the things that are good to the eye
the lusts of life

it's so hard to follow alone, the churches are geared towards families and communities not towards abandoning the world and the lusts of life and having fellowship with others

now i am sad

you don't think the jew had anything to do with the writing of The Bible? If you think it was a bunch of gentile fags circle jerking about god you've already lost.

Fuck that, make isreal Palestine again.
Ship all the kikes to Madagascar just like Hitler wanted.

Not if you're a NEET shut in, that's for fucking sure

Get your shit together guys. Sort yourselves out

we are the jews

We have tried for 30 years to vote for someone who tells us he's going to do what we need to get things fixed and then when he gets in he doesn't do what he said and instead turns out to be another puppet who continues the previous system on further

Things may be different in your county but here year after year meaningful employment becomes more scarce year after year cost of living rises while wages effectively fall every election we have had someone with a plan to fix these problems a plan that in many cases would probably work but when they get elected they ignore what they said they would do and continue on much the same as the one before them.
At this point our economy is in a dangerous situation. Most people need to borrow money just to live paycheck to paycheck yet can never pay that back so our household debt itself is an economy threatening bubble.
And then people tell us to enjoy ourselves to ignore everything and I say that becomes increasingly hard to do when the cheapest place to live still costs near half a months pay and then after you have to consider overpriced utilities overpriced basic food and the high taxes on absolutely everything. Taxes being so high because we rely on the government for a huge amount of employment without which we'd be in a full crisis already every year more money spent to delay the inevitable collapse

>We have tried for 30 years to vote for someone who tells us he's going to do what we need to get things fixed and then when he gets in he doesn't do what he said and instead turns out to be another puppet who continues the previous system on further
>Things may be different in your county but here year after year meaningful employment becomes more scarce year after year cost of living rises while wages effectively fall every election we have had someone with a plan to fix these problems a plan that in many cases would probably work but when they get elected they ignore what they said they would do and continue on much the same as the one before them.
>At this point our economy is in a dangerous situation. Most people need to borrow money just to live paycheck to paycheck yet can never pay that back so our household debt itself is an economy threatening bubble.
>And then people tell us to enjoy ourselves to ignore everything and I say that becomes increasingly hard to do when the cheapest place to live still costs near half a months pay and then after you have to consider overpriced utilities overpriced basic food and the high taxes on absolutely everything. Taxes being so high because we rely on the government for a huge amount of employment without which we'd be in a full crisis already every year more money spent to delay the inevitable collapse


The working class family man however is the one that the movers must win over when the time comes

Everything that matters to me matters in this world. I care about the people of this world, the struggles they face and the pain they suffer. The only thing seeing the causation of all that would do to me is piss me off even more.