>pic related should be considered beautiful because it's natural
>Women shaving is not an aspect of culture
>Women shouldn't fear society's judgement
>The social pressure to conform to a standard of hairless beauty is too strong
Is this how it should be?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's unfortunate that many of the women that want to get back in touch with the natural are also the most likely to raise their hands.
>Conforming to beauty standards
>not shaving just so your pits don't itch and smell.
women are silly
>nose piercings
Her bush is probably a disgusting jungle.
Is is that hard to maintain an agreeable appearance by shaving regularly?
as long as the legs ain't fuzzy I don't really care
Women didn't shave back in the 50s when they were good housewives, and their husbands didn't throw up at the sight of their hairy armpits. It's just another Jewish trick to get women to spend money on shaving equipment.
>tfw like armpit hair but women who don't shave are either 'this will show the patriarchy' or completely vile in all other aspects of hygiene
It ain't fair, Sup Forums. It ain't fair.
In the 50s this was sexy?
Yes they did. Women shave to maintain a youthful appearance. When you have hair like a man, men aren't interested in you, then your only resort is to post pictures of your cats on tumblr and complain that real men don't exist and don't appreciate your natural beauty in your 30's.
It didn't stop us in the past, I'm pretty sure we'd get over it if we had to.
Why'd she also cut and style the hair on her head? Clearly that's done to conform to some cultural standard.
Shitting on the floor is natural too.
Being natural is not an argument.
I had a girlfriend for a while who didn't shave anything but her puss.
It's not that big of a deal.
It's a case of the threat being worse than the thing, when she S the D you're not going to give a fuck.
Men are often expected to shave their faces on a daily basis, and to not shave or at least trim your beard is generally frowned upon.
And you don't really hear men complain about that very often, and certainly not in the context of it being oppressive.
Does she at least wear deoderant?
Mate you only have to look at porn from the 70s to see that you're full of shit. Women were hairy as fuck back then. It's only young men that are repulsed by body hair, simply because the Jews told you that body hair was gross. For so many generations men didn't give a shit about women having body hair.
>tfw cute slavic gf with well maintained armpit hair
I'm not your mate, guy. They had large 70s bushes because that was the style. They still shaved their legs and pits and other body hair. Just like in the 00's porn starts were completely hairless, now some pubes are making a comeback because thats what the consumer wants. However other than niche fetishes, reduced pubes and limited body hair is still universally preferred.
That bitch has more hair in her pits than I do. And I'm a hairy fuck. I guess it really does come back thicker if you shave it a bunch and then stop.
Men have to shave their fucking faces every day in most cases and women are complaining about having to do their armpits once in a while?
Nah nigga.
She's so fucking hot. I love how hairy she is
This is my fetish
Removal of body hair is gross. If hair wasn't supposed to be places it wouldn't grow.
Normal hair doesn't itch, stubble from cutting it itches.
It's not difficult to figure out the basic pattern of attractiveness based on hairiness
>Men < Women
>Anything else but head
>Men > Women
Having a shit is natural mate, don't want to see that either. And if 'natural' is the aim they should stop dying their fucking hair blue and using makeup. They can fuck the piercings off an all while they're at it...
You know the best part about these things are how it's women that push the meme, women who fight against the meme and then say how women aren't responsible for the meme.
Clickb8 sage.
There, there my little hobbit.
Pirsing isn't natural.
by that logic, you filthy shit, you shouldn't brush your teeth or wash your armpits, because the sweat and food remains there are compltely natural. also don't wipe your ass because the shit on your ass is also natural. you're naturally a natural retard.
Jesus fucking christ she's hairier than me
that's kinda hot
ITT: hot chicks
Normal women don't need to shave, only genetic failures need to. Sure those dark-haired women have more visible hair, but if their hair looks like that of man there's something wrong with genetics. Women started wearing make-up and shaving in 50ies USA because they mixed beyond the point of genetic healthy. It's no wonder USA is also the fattest. Those are bad genes.
I bet her minge looks like a wildebeest carcass after the wolves have had a go at it...
Bitch has more armpit hair than I do Jesus christ
If every Anglo woman would look like that then world would be ok.
wtf i smell it virtually
"Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker or coarser or darker. The hair only becomes wider and feels coarser."
I want him to force me to lick his armpits, desu lads...
Wait until you get a woman and she farts while you sleep. Then you'll see women are overrated.
Yes, it is completely natural, and I respect any woman's choice to remain unshaven wherever she likes.
However, in return, any such woman must respect my (and the overwhelming majority of male society's) preference for shaved armpits, and our assertion that hairy women are less attractive.
Since beauty standards are dictated by society for the most part, it would be accurate to say that women who choose to have hairy pits are uglier than they would be with shaved pits.
I have to shave my face or I look like a pedo, people are mean and will make judgements, you can't change the fact that people are attracted to different things.
No it doesn't.
When I let my facial hair grow out my mom says I look like "one of those Iranians"(she's so adorably dopey). I let it grow anyway, I hate cutting it. I don't know how any one does it more often than every few months.
>>Women didn't shave back in the 50s
Yes they did. Women have been shaving their body hair since the time of the romans, and the only reasons they would stop were if they didn't have shaving equipment.
It certainly become more *common* lately, because women now wear clothing that shows their legs, so people know if they shave or not.
But it certainly isn't a new trend. You silly billy.
This bitche's armpits are hairier than my ass.
Maybe in Saudi Arabia where you're from, but not here.
Muslim women shave everything below the neck.
It's even in the Quran, cause that book was mainly written by men to tell chicks to obey them or they'll go to hell.
LMAO this.
She has more pit hair than I have belly hair lol
In my country both men and women shave their armpits.
because it's hygienic and rapists get mad when they see hair there.
I really don't like hair on a woman but I'm not insecure enough to go on a crusade against it
For the same reason I don't want women to go on a crusade to decide what a man is supposed to look like
And since I'm not a whiny bitch who thinks white males are being oppressed, I'm ok with this.
Bitch in op must be mexican or poo in loo. Normal women arent that hairy
This is now a gore/trap thread (because anything is better than this shit)
>I had a girlfriend for a while who didn't shave anything but her puss.
isn't that the opposite of how it usually goes
>File: Pit game off the charts.jpg (132 KB, 1080x1080)
Now, that looks shaved and trimmed.
Azerbaijan? Cool, post a pic of out your window or something.
Not shaving has nothing to do with itch and smell. Itchiness comes from shaving. Stubble is itchy. Shaving too close causes microcutting which leads to infection which induces itchiness. Healing of microcutting leads to dry patches of skin which feels itchy. Smell simply comes from not washing. A human will stink without washing each day whether they are hairless or not.
Most importantly, who is to say what should be considered "beauty" or "attractive"? I prefer women who aren't obsessed with their looks. You know the type.. the insecure female who needs to spend two hours in the mirror applying all manner of makeup and hairspray and perfume and clothing accessories just to run down to the market to do a little food shopping. I prefer a woman who knows when it is appropriate to get all done up but who is equally comfortable with herself when she puts her hair in a pony tail, throws on a pair of sweatpants, and still feels comfortable in her own skin. If some chick is comfortable with herself unshaven, and some guy finds that sexy and attractive, they are symbiotic and I'm completely fine with happy people.
Scratch an unshaved woman, and you'll find a woman who hates bearded men.
>Shitting and pissing on the ground is also natural. Using a toilet is unnatural.
>Not wiping your ass after shitting is also natural. Stop wiping your ass.
>Bathing everyday with soap and shampoo is also unnatural. Stop bathing with soap.
>Brushing your teeth is unnatural. So is using toothpaste.
See where this is going? Natural DOES NOT always equal better.
The more women abandon beauty practice the more men should pick it up. The hairier they become, the more men should shave. The fatter they become, the more men should be muscled. The less well presented they are, the more men should be. The less elaborately they dress, the more elaborately men should dress. Then on top of all that, men continue to be physically stronger and less emotionally vulnerable. Sounds good to me.