Should Germany halt it's Guilt-Based History?

Hello, I have a question. All my friends who are German or have German parents have told me that when the subject of History was taught in their classes that they were taught the horrors of the holocaust and stuff and how it was their fault. While I believe that such a horror should never be forgotten, is it right of the German Government to make the children feel ashamed for something their Grandparents/Great Grandparents did?

Like, if that's the case why don't the Americans do the same thing about the Trail of Tears, Slavery, Segregation, and basically everything else? So I have a question for yall today.

Should the German Government do what the Americans do - acknowledge the mistakes of the past, but not dwell on it?
Like, understand that times were different and people did things that we today find atrocious?

And before anyone says anything about the Holocaust, ignore that for a moment because according to my mother, a native born German, they were also taught about the other acts committed by the German Government during WW2, so you can leave that at the door.

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>Should Germany halt it's Guilt-Based History?
No. Germany has a pathological since Reformation a pathological culture and they are rightly, for the time being, ashamed of it. Unless they start to profess catholicism, they should be ashamed of themselves

But that's not really a better substitute either, although I can see how that could help strength the moral fabric of communities.
Duly noted Poland.

>Should Germany halt
Germany should halt.

They should teach about the crimes against germans.

Such as the Rhine meadows death camps.

Like this pole said, we should not forget it since its part of us. A big diffrence between germany and the US is that we also see our dark part of history and not only the good we accomplished. Its not about being guilty or not but a lesson for our future if its realy worth to give one man all the power. One man should not be ashemd of his past but learn from it.


>But that's not really a better substitute either
It is a better substitute. Have you read that book about Werter or some of Schiller's poems? Germans are too emotional bordering on insane and it's good when they feel shame, because then they can belong among normal people

Hmm. You have a good point there. But could there not be a way for it to be taught in such a way that doesn't seek to invalidate the actual good the German Government did at the time? All I ever seem to hear from my German friends are the evils the Government at the time did, and nothing positive or even neutral.
There is nothing wrong with holding emotions within your heart or soul.
And I'd like to know more about that too.

>Should Germany halt it's Guilt-Based History?


You do not realise a strong connection between Vergangenheitsbewältigung you have perfomed and your contemporary living standards. The 1st economic of EU

Will never happen white people are a bunch of soft spineless cucks.

>There is nothing wrong with holding emotions within your heart or soul
I didn't write that. You should hold certain emotions within you, but only if they're moderate enough not to explode outside

Deutschland, please stop apologizing for the sins of your grandfathers and take back your country.

>Germans still believing in the Holocaust

Protestantism >>> Catholicism >>>>>>>> Orthodoxy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Islam

But that's the thing, unless these emotions do harm to you or to others, I see no reason why they cannot be held within and explored through a creative medium.

Some shame for an obvious crime against humanity is good, but Germany is overplaying it.

>unless these emotions do harm to you or to others
But that condition is not met by the Germans, and that's my point

>implying the fucking holocaust happened.

can't believe i'm the first one to reply with this. What fucking board am I on?

>Should the German Government do what the Americans do - acknowledge the mistakes of the past, but not dwell on it?
That would mean WW3. Imagine what the US, Russia, Uk and France would do. Not to mention Poland and Israel.

>your contemporary living standards
Germans are the poorest people in Europe if all things are equal.

Holocaust also wasnt something really shoved down peoples throats when People rebuild Germany and made it the most powerful country.

>we should not forget it since its part of us
Speak for yourself Sören while your mother gets raped by Somalis (which she deserved cause of the Holocaust)

The bad part is way to big, it would look ridiculous trying to show "good" things the Gonverment did. Of course Hitler united the nation and helped it to get taken seriously again. He also created many new jobs and tried to focus more on the youth but also all this things only look at first good becouse you realize he dont did this to help his population but to prepare them for a big war. In the Hitler youth boys learned how to throw grenates hidden in a game were you throw stones as wide you can. Girls got ready in the BDM how to survive without mans for a long time and how to cure wounds of soldiers. The Autobahn which were build were not for cars but for tanks to get faster at the front. Do you see what I mean? You cant justify or see it as good things. Europe were completly destroyed with a cost of 60-70 million dead people.

I've beat ya Buddy but its ridiculous that we are 10 Posts in and so far this thread resembled a synagogue

>Not to mention Poland
Poland can't do shit m8, it's practically controlled by foreign forces, it's barely a united nation anymore actually. All nations in Europe are crumbling

That's what I'm getting at.
Technically anyone can meet that standard, my neighbor can meet that standard.
You've got a point there, those things can't really be justified if they had an underlying motive behind them. Even if if they were good.

Still. I just think it's pretty damn retarded that the Government is still pulling their hairs out over something that happened nearly seventy years ago. My Great-Grandfather dropped bombs on Soviet Tanks and chewed up infantry with machine guns. Should I feel sad? It was war, that stuff happens. Feel bad it happened, learn from it, then move on.

If you don't think the Americans should do the same thing about the Trail of Tears, Slavery, Segregation, the Tuskegee experiments, fuck off.

>Technically anyone can meet that standard

Most people dont want to feel sad but be aware. You or your Grandfather should not feel sad for what happend since he did his duty, he should be proud. He risked his life and fought in a war which was probaly the biggest in our whole history. But at the end you should ask yourself if it was realy worth it, I dont think your grandfather liked the war. At the time he risked his life and were forced to kill other people he never met he could sit with his family in the garden or could have fun with friends but instead he expierenced that. If he is still alive you should ask him that question.

There is nothing wrong with history education, but it shouldn't be one-sided. German school kids should be taught the good things too, for example that it wasn't just jews in the camps, but also gypsies and commies.

Honestly I see nothing wrong with that.
Sadly, the doctors thought that the growth in his chest wasn't something to worry about.
I would've love to have met him, all we have is his journal and my mom won't let anyone near it.

Your acting like they don't shame the fuck out of America's white children for thing they never did. Its what is making generation z so damn conservative, they're being guilt tripped for no reason and they think its BS!

>Unless they start to profess catholicism, they should be ashamed of themselves

Based Polish wisdom.

You get thrown out of AfD for such ideas lol.

Germany is completely fucked.
I live on an island (see flag), and it's different.
We don't give a fuck what other countries think of us.
It is often perceived as arrogance because it is pure arrogance.

The fuck kind of school did you go to? Never happened in mine.
That's because you guys managed to win most of your wars and controlled half the damn world.

>is it right of the German Government to make the children feel ashamed for something their Grandparents/Great Grandparents did?
of course not

Most of the history regarding Germanys "crimes" are complete lies. Not to mention their education system deliberately goes out of its way to teach how terrible they are as people. Its why none of them wish to say anything against refugees. They think the entire world will hate them again.