This is what the human race has become. Embrace it, Sup Forums !

This is what the human race has become. Embrace it, Sup Forums !

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pandas > nigs

As much as I hate niggers, animal-loving virtue signallers are the worst


and to add : we have less pandas than niggers , so.....

But nogs ARE animals

>doesn't care about animals
are you chinese?

No no, what I mean is the people who constantly say they're okay with humans being brutalized or starving but can't stand to see an animal endure any level of discomfort.

It's pragmatism, since it's much harder to bring a species back from extinction than to make brown babies. People do the latter all the time, not even trying.

>mah soul

this guy is some next level master shitposter.


if we replace all the leafs with actual chinks from china this board would improve by a lot.

>not enough panda
>too many niggers
It seem correct.

looks like some euro skag left a condom in the panda jar
> tres chic

We are overpopulated.

Niggers do it to themselves, animals don't. Personally I don't care about either, but I guess that's what's going through these peoples heads.

But the people who say it aren't racially motivated, it could be white people suffering and they'd say the same things.

>Embrace it, Sup Forums !
Oh, I am.

I'm sorry, but I myself care more about pandas than about some starving kid in Africa, so I'm OK with other people agreeing with me.

>not taking all those shekels and sending them to SA so the boers can buy some black market weapons

Who cares about niggers and shitskins? There are millions of them. More than enough!

It's a person's moral duty to steward the earth

pretty much a non-country

Pandas are more enjoyable than nigger babies

I don't give a fuck about humans! They are (we are!) a fucking epidemic!

it's the free market
More pandas than nigs and pandas atleast look nice when they do nothing all day.

Let's be real if animal protestors blocked a street and cost me my last chance to see my mom or dad on their deathbed, I'd be pretty fucking pissed off

I wouldn't torture and kill a doggo tho

animals are more important than niggers, I'm glad people still subconsciously realize this

if we apply the reproduction rule (more reproduction = less gibs) to everything, including humans
the world will be fixed instantly

Pandas LITERALLY are worth more than niggers

Pandas are worth more than niggers.

What's the problem here? Wrestling is pretty awesome.

>people who constantly say they're okay with humans being brutalized or starving but can't stand to see an animal endure any level of discomfort
I feel so embarrassed for those edgelords whenever I hear one of them saying that.

>tfw you realize it's been WWE for the last 117 years
>tfw 1995 was 1295bc
where did the time go

It isn't surprising that people are donating to save rare animals instead of the abundant ones.

Everyone in this thread is retarded. WWF doesn't just protect pandas they protect many different endangered species. I would donate to WWF between those 4 options too.

>belgian red cross


Damn man. We're shitposters, but we're not that evil. I guess Sheila Broflovski is a mod on Sup Forums. Pls no bully

Everyone wants to save a panda since they're rare.

Who wants to see another nigger?

More humans = less resources. The Utopia will come when 90% of humans perish

Get rid of animals and make more room for population for white humans.

Have a redpill

>take money from nigger funds
>...put into WWF jar

Me neither, I'd hit and run the "protesters" by pile-diving into the crowd as fast as I possibly can.

>donate to ensure the continuation of endangered species and protect the biological heritage of our planet


>donate to make sure africans shit out useless kids at a higher rate

>caring more about the environment and animals than human life is considered bad

>human life

The World Wrestling Federation is back? Hell, I'd give money.


I unironically would try to save the panda species before the entire African human population.

There's no edginess here, just absolute apathy towards them combined with genuine concern as to what will happen to the world if their population continues to balloon in the unrestrained fashion it does in the modern day. If you fill every livable space in Africa with Africans, all of the continent's beauty and animal/plant life will suffer horrendously. From that perspective, you could say that pandas aren't the only thing being saved here.

Good old days, they even featured Sting on the pic

>not helping niggers
>helping pandas instead
God faith in humanity restored

You're right niggers should be an endangered species close to extinction

I'd save the pandas too if I had to choose.

friendly reminder that animal abuse is literally nigger behaviour and not Sup Forums approved

your fellow citizens will soon need more help than the niglets and pandas put together, chad

t. Hugh Man


them redpilled digits tho

Go home, chink

There are too many humans and not enough endangered animals.
If you were implying this is bad you're an utter retard.

They are the worst

But an animal population>african population

>open jars that still have money in them
Impressive. I wonder if Belgium will let me in.

>no one cares about nigs

I thought being autistic fucks over cute animals only used to be Sup Forums's thing because we were edgy misanthropic high-schoolers.


Half of the money will never reach it's destiny.

By the way, the only really barely decent organisation there is the Red Cross

>wanting more overpopulation
>not wanting to safe an endangered species

who the fuck cares about some african kids? they fuck like rabbits down there because they have high children deathrates anyways so they overpopulate the continent and pour over into other territory.

>Niggers do it to themselves, animals don't
Of course animals do

This is actually me, i've no problem watching a grown man be gutted like a fish, when it comes to animals, i feel horrible.

t. Edgy cucklord

whats wrong with that?

Pandas are way cooler than little aids-ridden niglets

Donating your own money to a philanthropist cause is gay and Pleddit as fuck desu.

>won't fuck unless you make them
should have died out a long time ago

I see no problem there.

I pay WWF in my country the minimum monthly and I get their little subscription presents regularly.
I'm not particularly interested in helping, but they were acting to protect local wildlife in the nearby forests, so I figured, sure, since I actually go to the forests sometimes and would prefer them to be clean and "alive".
I don't think it counts as virtue signalling when nobody that I know knows about this...

no this is a fraction of the guild on the shit wagon that is humanity or existence in the end the degenerates and greedy will always out number the generosity

so should niggers, they're only alive because of gibs. why do you care about nigs so much?

I should have been more specific.

I've no problem watching brazilians being gutted like a fish.

That's the dumbest commercial I've ever seen. Why not have a dog using an Ouija-board talking about how the chinks are murdering his brothers and sisters?

Fuck Red Cross

At least pandas are cute to look at. Niggers not so much

Aren't they the same though?

>OP talks about world issues
>This guy talks about why pandas are more superior than nignogs

>virtue signallers
Apathy isn't a virtue, moron.

Better extinct niggers than pandas.

GOOD looks like the people picked the right animals to donate too

That aint disecting nigga thats vivisecting and its far worse

is wwf a good charity?

i like cute animals!!!!!

Shut up, nigger

Pandas are rare and cool

Niggers are just a pest

Should have just dissected the protester

Overpopulation of the third world is making animals go extinct due to aid.

I hate how pandas don't want to fuck.
It makes me hate them.

It's like fuck off. Die then.

I would still donate to panda sex before I would donate to niggers, though.
Glad to see I'm not alone and infact part of the majority.

wtf i love people now

this is the most racist thing i have ever seen!

This is an amazing red pill right here. It red pilled a few leftists I know. very VERY good.


oh no, people donate more to a cute animal than to ugly animals

how atrocious

It makes more sense to me to support conservatory projects than giving money to human aid.

Biodiversity and preservation of nature is more crucial to the future of all mankind than saving war orphans.

They don't breed in captivity, but they do in nature. They can't do it with a randomly paired female and 1000000 humans watching them.


I get it :don't feel the stray animal/niggers because they breed but the panda has his furry ass covered by the chinks.


I've never once seen a panda carjack someone or leave chicken bones all over the sidewalk by my house.