Heh, I don't see a blue checkmark.
This last week has been one black pill after another. Just kill me, Pete.
This pisses me off so fucking much.
>not taking in rapefugees is against the Constitution, goy ;^)
Our country has the power to execute you without a trial if it declares you a "terrorist", but can't not take in refugees.
I know this is a format used by shills but I actually stopped supporting him over this shit and the Syria thing. Fuck you Trump for falling over neocon bullshit.
>muh high IQ
>8000 in a country of 320 million having any impact at all
Trump is a fucking failure.
He has made the biggest mistake you can do; alienate your supporters, since his enemies already hate him no matter what he does.
I know right, it's like, there is NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL if they are there or not ha ha haa....
I really dislike the faggots that elected this dumbass
Refugees to skyrocket under Trump plan
The U.S. State Department is ramping up refugee admissions back to more normal levels after it had slowed to a trickle over the past month under President Donald Trump... [T]he administration is set to more than double the number of refugees arriving in U.S. cities from the current 400 per week to 900 per week... the cap reverts back to the Obama level of 110,000.
... Halfway through the fiscal year, the U.S. has already taken in 39,082 refugees... If the 900 per week number holds through the remainder of the fiscal year it would mean the Trump administration would bring in 62,482 refugees for fiscal 2017...
While far lower than the 110,000 that Obama had wanted... [It']s not a historically low number... just barely under the per-year average of 64,000 since 2002.
...[T]rump’s new target number of 62,480 refugees for 2017 falls right in line with annual totals brought in by ... Bush and even several years under ... Obama...
[T]he Bush Administration was below the Trump target number in 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Even Obama was below that number in 2011 and 2012
* Edit: The cap will revert because of the recent court rulings; the story seems to slant towards blaming Trump for his plan. In fact, it is a result of the court rulings, and no visible response to the rulings thus far from the Trump administration and State Department
Yeah, and watch them multiply!
The whole world's fucked, mate.
>m-m-muh it doesnt matter haha! muh large population! who cares guys!
Would you Americunts be willing to take all our refugees? It's not like there would be any difference since you are all mutts anyway and Amerikwa must fall sooner or later for the good of the world. Europe on the other hand must be preserved, and you know damn well that this is true.
We've always let in refugees, and always have, and always will. That's a good thing.
However, I bet every single one of those refugees were vetted appropriately and not just accepted by the thousands or millions without proper vetting.
That's what we were fighting for, and that's what we're getting now. Proper vetting and not millions of refugees.
no we're not, we want all of them out
Does she want her harmonica back?
I feel the same way. inb4 paid shills
>letting in refugees is a good thing
Suck nigger dick, faggot
Fuck Trump. There's literally no way to stop this politically. I was a fool and thought we could stop mass immigration legally through the political process but it's becoming ever so clear that doing it legally isn't going to fucking work. (((They))) are too strong, too much indoctrination, too many feelings.
B-b-but... I-it's 4D chess guys.
I've been shilling Trump on the chans and on Twitter since the end of '15 but this is it for me. Fuck Trump and his Jewish family. Fuck all of them cocksuckers.
You do realize it's the anti-trump fags saying that right?
I know brits are fucking retarded, but holy shit calm down and gain some self awareness before sperging out.
Hurr durr muh alt-right white nationalism.
Shut the fuck up. Only an idiot would believe that zero refugees would be let in under President Trump. Don't be fucking stupid.
He's fighting for stricter vetting, and that's what we're getting. What's the fucking issue?
I'm really regretting my vote for him and I know others feel the same
>We've always let in refugees, and always have, and always will. That's a good thing.
muh civic nationalism
Doesn't matter if they are vetted or not. They are not White.
Why is he taking so long to appoint his supreme court judge? It's like he doesn't even want to fight the blocking of his executive orders.
Given the area of the US that is less than 1 Muslim refugee per 200 miles.
I'm ok with this.
How can these shitheads leave their country behind? We should only allow women, children, and people with STEM degrees to leave that sinking ship.
If a single one of these refugees chimps out it's over for literally all of them. This isn't the EU, proud patriots WILL respond to any Muslim faggotry. Clearly Trump is confident that absolutely nothing bad will come of this, and it will play to his favor down the line.
There won't be a single incident with these refugees.
Americans don't get it because they aren't an actual nation like us. Sweden, let them. America has a tight grip on the world, it's good if that grip disappears some day. We as Europeans need to take care to preserve our people, our culture and our traditions. America was never meant to be saved. Trump getting was meant to change the direction of world politics.
They want gibs and they're too big of pussies to fight for their countries
>proper vetting.
Multiple american agencies have admitted vetting does not work, including the FBI.
Vetting is the biggest lie ever, you can not vet people from syria because there are no databases you can access
Drumpf is stumped
>trump blocks them
>faggot democrats overturn it
>omfg guise trump letting in sandniggers!
fuck you, shill faggot.
holy fuck its actually true: the trumpcuck will literally accept anything
You know why this is happening? Because that Hawaiian judge blocked that immigration executive order which limited it to 50k refugees.
Oh, I get it now, this is a "wtf I hate trump now" shill thread.
Sorry guys, my bad. Sage.
>what's the issue
muh 1488
muh Hildler
muh white is might xD
too bad I'm a basement dweller and wouldn't dare look at another race the wrong way on my monthly venture to the outdoors to pick up bulk potato chips
once they get residency they can bring their shitty families with them. How do you think minnesota went from like 5 to 100000000000?
nope, its just not a cocksucker thread
go back to thedonald
there is a dedicated general for those who want to suck Trump cock regardless of reality.
1: That's how it starts
2: They NEVER integrate
fuck you cuck. We have zero responsibility to Sudan or Somalia.
I can smell Trump's dick on your breath from here.
Just THINK for a second rather than spouting the "vetting" meme. How do you go about vetting? They arrive with no papers, maybe just a passport if you are lucky.
hardmode/realitymode: you can't do anything racist
There is NO way to vet. Its just a lie to comfort the civic nationalist kekolds
Americans don't get it, but we know the reality in Europe.
seriously, I fucking hate americans.
>but we will j-just accept few thousands of them every year with this bill, it won't upset our ethnic make up
>it's j-just few thousands more guys, n-no big deal, g-god emperor amirite
Im not sure I regret my vote. I do regret my hope and optimism.
If I didnt have hope, I wouldnt have voted. Ive toyed with the notion that it might be better for liberals to wreck the nation so we can start over. America 21st century may be finished. That doest mean we cant begin something better.
If the election was today, knowing how weak the Republican response has been to the lefts continued anarchist aggression, I cant possibly see where I would find the enthusiasm, care, or confidence to keep participating in US elections. Im tired of propping up a broken system just to further the careers of traitors.
We tried boys... we thought we could turn the tides and prevent the west from falling
I guess the only thing left is God and a satisfied grin when the west do fall
Can't wait for the /r/the_donald thread about how this is actually a 8293D Apples to Apples move to stop refugees from coming in
>It's the president's fault that the democrats are a bunch of obstructionist meddlers
You really ought to just read drudgereport 2-3 times a day.
Ted Kennedy, is that you?
Mind handing me a link to these mein Kamerade?
Can someone explain to me the Syria thing?
Can't import Syrian Christians when they've already been genocided.
They can still gather intel.
Trump is trying to restrict the amount of refugees but it is being blocked by activist judges. He literally cannot do anything about it. If he attacks the judiciary (more than he has), he'll be labeled a tyrant (more so). You do realize the president isn't a dictator, right?
At the root, it is about a bipolar (GOOD) world order. The US government wants to keep it an American world order (VERY FUCKING SHITTY BAD). Syria is a proxy battlefield for that.
Trump possibly fell for the gas false flag and muh childrun memes. We might have another war for Israel I hope canada wont join at least
And what exactly will that accomplish?
what is there to be preserved in Europe? you faggots are an order of magnitude more soulless and decadent than we are at this point, even if you're slightly whiter for the time being
Healthcare Reform...NO
Infrastructure Spending... NO
Middle Class TAX Cuts... NO
They can send it to their friends overseas?
Look at all those women and children.
I'm on the verge of taking my Trump stuff down, this shit is pissing me off.
>All talk, no action
My ass, that travel ban was pathetic, what about his top notch negotiating skills? Fuck....
Filename, m8. Sakura Quest
Wars build economies. Do you even military industrial complex?
ITT: Shills blame Trump for letting (((refugees))) in even though democrats are the ones actively blocking his attempts to prevent this
Please kill yourselves. The two cents per post cannot be worth actively making yourselves look like idiots
>muh muh muh muh doubts
You never liked trump anyway, so fuck off. S.
If 8000 will have no impact, why bother letting them in?
>what is there to be preserved in Europe?
kill yourself you coclsucking ape
America is an abomination. The sooner it disappears the better for the world. American culture is cancer, it ruins every nation it touches. Keep your McDonald's culture inside your leaky border amerifat.
proofs? no? then shut up faggot.
shit is fucked breh
You bring that fleet of yours into the mediterranean and cut the ships from Africa, we will block the kebabs crawling through Turkey
Let them, America won't be so easily defeated, we're a much stronger nation than pretty much any other. We will not be conquered or subverted.
who are you calling an ape, Abdul? we're superior to you animals in every way conceivable. I'd tell you to kill yourself as well, but life in germanistan is a far worse punishment
>I regret my vote
Shut the FUCK up. My god how much of a spineless worm could you be, people don't even know who you voted for until you mention it. Idk if this is a meme or not, but stop it, because when shit hits the fan and I find out you voted for this faggot I won't show mercy just because you wanted to fit in and post shitty MAGA memes.
it's really pathetic. Shills will avoid the fact that activist judges, establishment republicans, liberal bureaucrats, and democrats are all doing everything they can to block anything Trump does on immigration.
The only way Trump can achieve the things shills want is to become a dictator . . . which is exactly what the left wants, so they can claim they were right all along and engage in a coup.
>8000 refugees too many
I don't want Christian refugees either. Fucking Crucifuckers will blacken their land because someone prays to Jesus.
yea germany saying that when you are having so many muslim happenings. wew lad
He isn't trying hard enough.
We already are subverted.
Uh huh, even though the whole reason we have this sense of security is because of the intel we're jeopardizing by letting muds in.
sorry my autism is sky high today
wow the shills are going hard with concern trolling these days, remember that there are organizations that were paid millions to shill here
you are mutt people. Europeans are homogeneous for thousands of years, look it up Jamal. Europe brought fourth the pinnacle of human achievement. Western civilization started IN Europe. Now go suck some Jewish cock.
Get your boots on trumptards, you're off to Syria!
You stupid nigger. It is BECAUSE we have first hand experience that we can say that. Ameridumb.
He's literally doing everything within his powers as the President.
Please tell me, random internet user, what would you do? I'm really curious because he has already exercised his executive authority to block all immigration and that was overturned by Obama's butt-buddies in the courts.