>"ww3" consists of 1 bombing run over Syria and 1 bombing run over north Korea.
>conflict ends after 1 week.
Press F for assad
>What is Russia?
a shithole that will be glassed
>what is Russia needed USA for back up to dethrone Assad
They tried to fucking invade Syria over the same brand of false flag in 2013, only to back down after massive resistance not only from Americans but people around the world, and a few weeks later the UN of all organizations confirmed the "SAA" chemical attacks were committed by rebel groups.
Only newfags and non-readers believe this attack was committed by Assad.
I had a feeling that Trump was going to be just another neocon
Shoo shoo shill
b-but I thought Hillary was a warmongerer and trump was antiwar?
get ready to shine those boots trumpsters. cheeto man is gonna be shipping you off to russia
It was fucking obvious, maybe next time people shouldn't become emotionally attached to a shitty politician
>dethroning Assad
What am i reading?
Opposing Assad in Syria will be the end of his administration. It will be fully owned by the globalists as soon as he does it.
Then, $10 says if he attacks in Syria, they will then release the information showing it to have been bad intelligence - but only after we've committed to an engagement there. They'll take out two birds with one stone, Trump and Assad.
>sources say
>cnn politics
it's not fake news
>a source says
>trump reportedly told some unidentified people
Finally! When do we get to drop hot sticky loads on disgusting sandniggers?cant wait for us to btfo these sand coons once more
Might be worth it. On June 6th 1944, Young Americans stormed the beaches of Normandy, rifles in hand, ready to defend and die for democracy and the American way.
Now they need safe spaces and have cry-ins when their presidential candidate loses. Americans have become soft, weak... deplorable even in a sense. Everything is an outrage, everything is offensive and we have to stop it. No longer do words bounce of our skin, we take them as harshly as an actual blow to the face.
A war would toughen this generation up.
as far as i would love to some generations to "man up" i know how horrible war can be...
we shouldn't go to war with countries that we shouls cooperate with.
imagine american wit and chink productivity.
we should look beyond the stars not on petty differences...
but nigs and arabs got to go
Drumpf fags btfo
Business as usual
This is a good thing. The reason I vote republican is because they know when to go to war, unlike faggot libshits. This is why we have a military.
Has anyone ever told you that you're useful idiot? Because you are, you Israeli dick loving idiot
lmaoing at your life
Liberals will not go die , get maimed or get PTSD, redneck Trump voters will
If digits straight on to Constantinople
So you're volunteering to go in first?
A reliable source for this OP? Are you a faggot?
We dont have a military to defend Syrians you stupid fuck
If you want to save your precious muslims, hop a flight to Turkey and join the Kurdish defense forces
Oh wait, youre a faggot just like libs and wont lift a finger
>a source says
its all over breitbart
(((A source says)))
This is a trail balloon to potential action in Syria and unless they receive push back the war begins.
russia is going to use a tactical nuke in idlib
>mfw Trump joins Russia to control Syria. Restores stability and Turkey, Saudi and Iraq are BTFO.
>a source
Lterally nothing, sage this crap
This is what american good goys actually believe
its all over breitbart
Even ((McCain)) says he's got the president on board his latest ((humanitarian mission))
Sorry man, its over
>welfare, gun control, coal regulation and EPA are a good thing
bye shill
Magnificent image senpai
>I have to believe it because breitbart said it
>even breitbart said that there was only implications of military action
>t.skinnyfat beta
oh shit.
Europe will get raped to death.
>a source says
is this what journalism has become?
I can only hope. This world has become too corrupted
The source was CNN's very own Dana "Restingbitchface" Bash.
Prepare your boipucci ivan i'm coming for your ass
>amerigoy will not only go to war for Isreal, they will GLADLY do it
Nope. We're not getting involved in this shit.
the war machine demands continual sacrifice for its appeasement no matter which figurehead we select
trump voters have had to face abuse for over a year now, not all of america is cucked
>bye shill
Ya let's stick to using this term when we see actual subversion from trolls. At this point if you use it it's just ad hominem
Won't happen
Doesn't even mention who he'd be fighting.
I guess this will remove the Russia thing off his back.
>muh U S A! U S A! U S A!!!
You moronic goy toy of the (((MERCHANTS)))
You had me going until the cucked environmentalist shit, welfare, and gun control bits.
You're obviously a /leftypol/ false-flagger. Pic related are your marching orders.
The average shill everyone.
Hey but I thought Tumpf was le saviour of le West XDDD MAGA XDDD
Why would he attack based Assad if he isn't a kike semen swallowing puppet?
Sup Forums is always rite, amirite guise?? XDD
I've been here since 2012 but lately I have been migrating to /leftypol/. At the moment the quality of discussion there is multiple times higher. I do hope to contribute to the rise of the alt-left, what does it matter?
Our true ally
/leftypol/ is so uncreative that they are rehashing jdif tactics. Been there weathered that.
What. Else. You. Got.
He didn't reduce gun restrictions on sales to the mentally ill, because the so-called "mentally ill" had not been ADJUDICATED incompetent therefore it would be a deprivation of Rights without a hearing in court.
uhh hes been talking FOR YEARS about how obama and hilary have been AIDING isis in syria
if he bombs syria it will be to FUCKING DESTROY the rebels
>"Considering military actions in Syria"
You do realize how intentionally ambiguous this statement is right?
So the globalists now get russian and syrian banks under their control?, not to mention that big oil pipeline running through Syria....
Trump's saudi masters must be calling for him.
Seriously, why else would we be fucking around with this? because of a couple of dead people? there are all kinds of atrocities all over, but why make a big deal out of this one? think about it folks...
So you're growing up and losing your edgelord personality?
Good for you! Welcome to /leftypol/!
Just as he kicks Bannon out and instates Kushner, a literal globalist jew, instead of him.
The mind wonders.
You were supposed to drain the swamp, not become part of it.
>A war would toughen this generation up.
Vet here and wars don't toughen "generations" you idiot non-vet piece of retarded grabasstic amphibian shit. GENERATIONS do not go to war, just a very, very narrow part of society who serve in combat arms. "Generations" didn't go to Desert Shield/Storm, Viet Nam or Korea either. Take my word for nothing, the stats are on the internet.
YOU won't be going yet you are eager to send others. You are a globalist in dire need of the rope like your Jew masters who want the war to protect Israel.
How is he a shill? Why are there so many people so fiercely charging people with being shills with the near same assertion, that somehow defending Assad and using neocon as an insult is being a lefty-pol shill? /leftypol/ if anything would support the overthrow of the fascist Assad. You are the shill because variants of this post are everywhere.
pretty sure national humanism is edgier than generic conservative "nationalism"
Welp, I'd rather it at least start then to keep putting it off. Russia & China vs USA will be interesting.
McCain needs to be put on trial for his treason and warmongering.
if We scared King nigger Hussein away from war for 3 years only to be stabbed in the back by (((Trump))) within 3 months... I'm going to REEEEEE myself into a coma
The majority of internet communists are more edgy than far-rightists on Sup Forums.
it's 8D chess by the grandmaster flash
10d chess when?
i agree
however there are varying degrees to which a country can engage in warfare.
im all for USA droning the entire middle east indiscriminately, especially israel.
thats different from sending our young men to go ride over IEDs
there's a reason it hasn't happened yet, if it does prepare for global catastrophe and ruin.
The claim that Trump is some grand tactician or master of 4D chess is, at this point, clearly absurd. He reacts to things and occasionally plots countermoves, but isn't particularly subtle or cunning. He's also verbally inept to a degree that is stunning. His Twitter feed has lost all steam and is now impotent. Trump sincerely pushed the healthcare bill and failed to use its collapse against Ryan. Despite Ryan not being a friend to Trump or Trump's agenda, he continues to suck up to him. Trump actually conceded that his victory was due in part to Russian interference -- this is perhaps the most damning indictment against this stupid claim. To concede something for which there's no firm evidence (the DNC wasn't hacked and Podesta's password was password) amounts to delegitimatizing oneself. To what end was this done? Trump blathered about Taiwan and then folded. He absolutely folded and failed to use the Taiwan squabble constructively -- it wasn't leveraged at all. Trump isn't perspicacious. His understanding of things is superficial at best and, it would seem, he's intellectually lazy.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet against major US intervention in Syria. I do not discount an escalation of airstrikes and possible targeting of Assad's forces, however.
I'm talking about becoming a regular Democrat like Hillary.
I honestly doubt that. The kids, sure, they are. Majority of them are peaceful people calling for solutions to end economic problems across this globe.
haha.. morons of Sup Forums voted for a true globalist. Even when they win, they lose.
>Trump blathered about Taiwan and then folded. He absolutely folded and failed to use the Taiwan squabble constructively -- it wasn't leveraged at all.
Wrong. Trump used it to get the Chinese to approve his trademarks and give him better business deals.
all our options were losing options so we opted for the wild card
Assad isn't going anywhere and Russia is not going to help anyone dethrone him. the comments about their support not being unconditional are PR. there's no resolution to this other than assad where Russia gets to keep their naval and air bases
yes it is
>implying hilary would not have already lost 10 000 young american men in syria by now
kill yourself cuckold
>End economic problems
Pick one.
What a coup for the nation. Could he not have registered trademarks without questioning the One China Policy?
>some members of congress
>sources say
This entire thing is very vaguely written. It hasn't even come out who the members of congress were or how they came about this, why's everyone going nuts?
"'I have a dream.' That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A land of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America ''great again!'' ...In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"
Hillary belongs on a rope for Libya. I'm economically socialist and socially third-position, society needs to be purged of apathy, selfishness, postmodern identity (identity as in something you share with a group, while personality is individual. specifically, race is the most important identity to leave behind), and physically unhealthy habits. Democrats are crony capitalists who profit off of human suffering.
Goys- how many times do we have to keep doubting Trump? After time and time again, we still haven't learned to have faith in him. Also- stop falling for these fake sources by the fake news
Please Mr. Trump. This is not what anyone who voted for you wanted. This is diametrically opposite of that.
You will be seen as an absolute traitor if you start toppling regimes in the Middle East and escalating with Russia. You know what's at stake here so by God, please do not fuck this up.