NYC Sex Parties

Liberal degeneracy at its finest

>Men pay $1,500 to $1,875 (the discount rate applies when you bring a female partner) to attend each party, or buy an annual VIP membership for $75,000, which includes admission to all parties, access to private rooms, unlimited Cristal Champagne and a sterling silver pendant that shows they’re at the top of the food chain. Carefully vetted, beautiful women — who outnumber the guys by about three to one — pay zilch.

>“We had close to 1,000 applications for this event and we’re letting in about 100,” explains Snctm founder Damon Lawner, a divorced father of two. “It’s a highly curated crowd.”

>Fashion student Katie*, a Mormon raised in Utah, does more than just watch. The 22-year-old came with a 31-year-old Tinder date, but after he fails to rise to the occasion in a foursome, she goes looking for hotter prospects.

>Later in the evening, a similarly masked man leads, on a chain, a woman on all fours around the party. Dressed in a black G-string and cat ears, her breasts exposed under a sheer black cape, she playfully licks the legs of the women in the room.

>“I like to be a pet,” she purrs. “You can pet me.”

>She and four other extroverted performers and “fluffers” were specially flown in by Lawner from LA. Another seven are local to New York. According to the boss, their job is to “set the tone for a night of erotic freedom.”

>Katie certainly lets loose. By 3a.m., she’s had sex with six people, including a threesome with a 50-something sugar daddy who possesses an enviable six-pack and his beautiful Latina “baby.”

>Thanks to the sugar daddy, Katie secures tuition for her third year of college and a round-trip flight to Los Angeles. The sugar daddy wants her to come with him to the next Snctm party in Hollywood, set for the end of April. (Manhattan’s next event is May 13.)

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Keep telling how shitholes like that are "da bestestz" and how first world nations are worth a shit

Weimar will burn.

Women have it so fucking easy

The least they could do is get some more attractive women. Some with bigger titties

Ugly people BTFO!


>“I like to be a pet,” she purrs. “You can pet me.”

she deserves beating.


The Anti-Christ will rise. The prophecy must be fulfilled. Only the blood of Christ will protect you.

This. We've reached the end of this civilization. The only question is how long it takes to fade out. This sort of behavior can only end in destruciton.

Thank god I live in Texas

>degeneracy in america
oh wow who would have thought?

huh, weird

Day of the rope is coming for them.

Absolutely D I S G U S T I N G


Our society needs a reckoning.

>Dealing with pregnancy, bleeding out of your vagina every month, having the mind of an infant for the rest of your life.
I'll take "being a man for the rest of my life" for $2000, Alex.

>>Thanks to the sugar daddy, Katie secures tuition for her third year of college and a round-trip flight to Los Angeles. The sugar daddy wants her to come with him to the next Snctm party in Hollywood, set for the end of April. (Manhattan’s next event is May 13.)

Yeah woman have such a hard life

Surely these things must be hot zones for sex traffickers. Are people investigating these?

This is the guy that runs this shit.

Sup Forums was right again.

I have been to a couple parties like this in LA.


Rev up those Helicopters boys. The day of the rope is looming.

I'd still rather be a man desu


The future looks interesting.

Right, all fat American women get constantly given things by men-folk, it's not just the ultra-rare exotic beauties that get handed things on a silver platter.



Were they as awkward and uncomfortable as they sound?

These people are no better than the pony-fags at mlp. The only difference is the money involved. In the end they are all cringe worthy larping weirdos.

There is nothing mysterious, exciting or interesting with these people or their gatherings, they are not smart or creative and they produce nothing of value.

Some people like to role play lord of the rings, some people likes to role play eyes wide shut. They are both unoriginal nerds.

>ultra-rare exotic beauty
>random mormon from Utah

There are girls all over the place that have this sugar daddy shit going on. As long as you're reasonably attractive you can find some rich degenerate to pay your way.

Sounds like the free market at work.

young women whoring themselves out to rich wrinkly men for money? call me when you find something new

>killing in the name of the eternal Jew
You fags never learn.

Yeah, If ugly means poor! $75,000 for membership. None of this is new they had Studio 54 that did the same thing many years ago. If you were good looking and had the cash to pay you were in.

Is Hedonism the ultimate blue pill? I didn't know the red pills would be bitter.

This reads like a Discovery Channel documentary.

Hot as fuck lol, makes me wish I was a rich NYC socialite. Love all the esoteric costumes. Of course anti-degenerate virgins on Sup Forums hate the idea of people having luxurious erotic orgies

I find it very ironic that Sup Forums defends the `job creator` richfags but despise their degenerate lifestyle

These are the people you want more tax breaks, remember that.

All women prefer bbc. White men are obsolete.

You even understand that picture? The bottom is the inversion of the top. Man is the inversion of christ. If you want to see the anti christ go look in the mirror.

I'd never give up my manhood. You can be a women.

brb strong
brb intelligent
brb spiritual

If you want an easy life than you don't deserve to be a man.

>mfw Satanism got mainstream

This. I must save God the land.

In America, we shifted from "age of commerce" and "age of intellect" to age of shit all in the 1960s. Amazing how (((they))) screwed us over, isn't it? The "drugs are cool" bs was a plot to weaken the White Man, and it worked. So was feminism and insane materialism. None of it would have happened if a few scumbags in academia, big government, and big business didn't push against civilization all at once. There's only one solution, and we all know what that is hehe

>cuck men spending fortunes on sex

Men are the nyggers of gender.

Pass me the Soma, bro.

Yes and no. I had no idea what I was in for and got jumped pretty quick. Around the 3rd time it "normalized" mentally.

Probably as it seems like the obvious place. Never saw obvious children, maybe a 16 or 17 year old but I couldn't tell seeing as I was 19.

Dosent New York Post publish somethinng like this every year?

either way, these degenerates need to be gassed.

looks pretty ashkenazi to me

Breivik manifest?

I'm sure there's some kind of similar degenerate shit going down in Dallas. Maybe at somebody's house in Southlake.

>Man is the inversion of Christ

Then why did Christ become a man?

They seem weird. How do you initiate sex with strangers standing around naked. I would feel awkward

I agree with this. I knew a guy in college that was having semi regular threesomes. He wasn't wealthy, and was a little retarded. He was pretty fine though

>men paying to have sex with beautiful women
>they actually enjoy it
>men who don have the money are jealous
Wow, this is clearly the end of days, I'll better start building my bunker

when you've spent your entire life slutting it up with semi-randoms via tindr I imagine the inhibition fades away

Our future is bright. We must seize it now.

i often have fantasies about being woman and getting gangbanged at parties like these

Classic britbong heing a cuck... you won't invited anyway Muhammed.

WTF?? Gas yourself degenerate!!!

>Thanks to the sugar daddy, Katie secures tuition for her third year of college and a round-trip flight to Los Angeles


you are right but i would not marry such woman, but sandly you cant know how much of a slut woman is so they will end up with some provider.

Selling your last shred of radical freedom is not a good life, it os what eventually destroyes aperson. Still I'll give you that it's socially acceptable todayfor women to act retarded an co-dependent and still refer to themselves as feminists or decent human beings.

>Implying there were no sex clubs in DR

When society collapses (it will at the current rate), women won't be getting their free ride from white men and then the White Man will take back his women and put them in line.

You do realize these type of events have been going on forever, dude.

It's my understanding, that man is an abhorrent, instinct-driven monster and the only thing holding us back is God's restraining grace. Christ became man to live a perfect live and bear our sins at the cross, so that there is hope for mankind to enter God's kingdom despite our flaws.
Of course, there is very little hope for the animals that reject grace and decide to indulge in nothing but their basest desires. People that go against God's every commandment and live a hedonistic life.

Are they even religious?

If I could end all life on earth right now I would. This is disgusting. The left has gone too far.

Complete indifference, more like animals. I'm not self conscious about myself. Think of it like porn desensitization X5. No one cares at all.

Napalm them all. They are nothing but a horde of godless degenerates.

Yes yes, OP, well done... HOWEVER

>Whoring yourself out is liberation
where did feminism go wrong...
it was supposed to make women strong...

britain fell in 1950?

How can I be a virgin when I'm banging you're mum?

>Right, all fat American women get constantly given things by men-folk
yes they do

Is Greece communism?

My friend from Macedonia claims that Greece are pretty fucked economically, and that Tsipras and his party in Greece are now temporarily trying out a form of Communism to see if that fixes their economy. My friend doesn't think it will work though.

Plus, we also have Nigel Farage who's recently claimed that he wants to run as Leader of Greece. Not to mention that there is Fascism on the rise, with Golden Dawn

>highly vaunted opinions

The ponyfags surprised the shit out of most of us regulars. They hate jews, kikes, niggers, the alphabet soup agencies, and more. In fact, they're more red-pilled than you.

>spend $75,000 yearly on membership
>stand in the corner awkwardly
>10/10 comes up to you
>"Want to have some fun user?"
>"N-no I'm cool"
>party finishes
>go home
>REE on pol about degenerates

Guys... all of this stuff is about softening the landing for when the Epstein story finally breaks wide open. They're trying to normalize elite sex parties/ritualistic sex, so when the Epstein stuff is finally completely out in the open, normies won't think twice to look deeper. They'll just conflate the Epstein stuff with all other sex parties they've already read about.

You only have to completely give up any sense of dignity by being brought to sex parties, dressed as a cat, walk on all fours, lick people's legs while telling them you like being pet, and purring.

this is exactly what I was thinking

kubrick knew everything

you are a trans masochist degenerate.
worst of them all

Rich people do NOT think like you or I. This is a real redpill. They have been fuled by money their entire life, they do not know "can't". Almost all of them are monsters at heart. They'll vocally support whatever liberal bullshit but behind closed doors they are more disgusting than any animal.

According to this, no one is obliged to have sex with you? So you have to pay almost $2000 to not have sex.

You think women give a shit about freedom? lmao

All women care about is

1. Live comfortably
2. Live more comfortably

Sure, but have they been publicized, celebrated, and turned into the 'exclusive', 'cool', 'underground' events that this article makes them out to be? It's only been within the last 6-8 years that they've been treated this way.

I remember back in the early 2000s when the Matrix movies had these orgiastic S&M parties in them and everyone thought that shit was weird. I've lived in the center of poz for the last decade, and aside from the gay bathhouses, there's been nothing like this publicized or promoted.

People will do what people do. But culturally, we've shifted from a mindset of tolerance to embracement. That's the fucking difference.

I wonder how many heart attacks in the back of his head he got, if you catch my drift


> Implying that the levels of degeneracy have reached levels so high (over 9,000) that dominicans would be willing to pay thousands of dollars to asist pagan sodomy clubs..

It is

>spends $75,000 to catch stds instead of giving $100 to a homeless person or hire 2 college grads for a year

Men are the nyggers of gender.

Madame president.

>Fashion student Katie*, a Mormon raised in Utah, does more than just watch.
The asterisk denotes that Katie isn't really her name, right? Then why isn't there an asterisk next to Mormon, because Katie* ain't a fucking Mormon.


yep, just go suck stranger cock with no shred of dignity for some dollars, . being a disgusting whore with no soul is just something you envy?
why not just KYS?

The purge is necessary.

Why mass shooters choose schools or churches instead of this kind of parties?