Celt/pol/ - Ooh Ah Up The Ra edition

Welcome to Celt/pol/!
Discuss your Celtic background and how disgusting Anglo Saxon immigrants have destroyed our land!

A little history: Anglo Saxon is almost a redundant phrase, as Anglo means "people coming from Angle's (a town)" but the meaning of the word Saxon is where the Town is located, or was: the state of Saxony, which is in Germany.
So it is amount to saying "Queens New-Yorker".

As you may have imagined, we do not all hold Anglo Saxon genes, in fact almost nobody does, but Anglo's love to claim everyone is Anglo so that they can "share the blame" amongst white people of all their barbarism.

If you live in a white country, and you weren't born into a rich family, there is a 90% chance you are actually Celtic, or considering how careful Saxons are to keep their Lin-ages clean just like the Jew.
You may also note something about Anglo Saxons, that Pure blooded Anglos have invented NOTHING.

The Celt's, the Slavs, the Greeks, the Romans (so the Greeks again basically) and the ancient Arabian's before Pedohammed basically invented everything we use and all the previous prototypes.

Check the queens ancestry, She is NOT Celtic on her Male line, father to father, she is a filthy Saxon.

Our land and country has been robbed from us by Saxons that where supported by homosexual pedophile Romans at the turn of the century, who are now in the middle of re-creating their old country on a global scale.

Remember who you are, and who your people are, and how many of us died for no reason because of mentally retarded fatass genetic neckbeards that come from a faggoty Town in Germany.

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You're all retarded roleplayers.

Oi fuckin' Anglos be our oppressors oi begorrah 'tis like anudder potater famine. Fookin' Brits tink dey can take Nort Irelan' frum us. Dey tink dey can take our wyteness away but we be whoiter than tem. All me problums cum frum dose limey fooks. Muh An Gerta Mor raycis Britush

>t. wyte, human Irshman

get out angloniggers

Please don't lump me in with the gaels in the west, England. Annex me instead senpai.
t. A jock

Don't include Wales in your "ooohh we're celtic fuck england long live socialism!" bullshit.

We be smharter den all yu Brit limey non-wyte fuks. Muh celts were inventurss an dey had feudalis' society befure Brits cayme here and ruin'd it all. We be true wyte ppl and Saxuns arr nuttin' but a bunch o'fookin' oppressurs

ireland looks nicer than england

>A little history: Anglo Saxon is almost a redundant phrase, as Anglo means "people coming from Angle's (a town)" but the meaning of the word Saxon is where the Town is located, or was: the state of Saxony, which is in Germany.
They were different tribes, you half-wit. The Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes.

>Celtic background
Celtic ancestry is an absolute meme.
You're all Anglos now.

>but Anglo's love to claim everyone is Anglo so that they can "share the blame" amongst white people of all their barbarism

This is true. White "privilege" = WASP privilege.

>Anglos fucked Rhodesia
>Anglos destroyed Boers
>Anglos fought Nazis

I as a full blooded Celt accept no responsibility for the actions of the beady Germanics.

look the British empire may have been best husbando until amiri-kun but ireland will always be best waifu

>Check the queens ancestry
Why is this relevant?

>glorious celts
>Cymru am byth
>English colonies (no I'm not joking)
>filthy subhuman degenerates unworthy of the Celt title

The eternal anglo won't silence us.

Is the the hourly pretend-to-get-oppressed-by-the-big-british-cock thread?

Fuck Junker and fuck the SNP

Can somebody explain to me what a celt is? Didn't they all die out a long time ago? Britain is just england or not?

Oi we be duh true wyte saviur. While Britush fooks be sukkin Muslim dikk we be leavin' ye for the EU, becuz we arr independent and don't need yer help. Ooh wait Anglo man, can ye support me an me family for the millienth time now? Oi begorrah, yu don't want to help us no moah? Fookin' raycis oppressur Anglos take bak Northun Irun tis anudder potato famine

Are Galicians welcome?


oh man anglos are so mad, get your own thread you filthy boat niggers.

Oh wait, I know why they are mad, for the same reason the mexican's get mad about trump, because they don't want to go back to mexico, and germany, because they're in such a bad state.


>implying ''anglos'' aren't just celts

Fuck off you Celtic mutt bastard.

It's not our fault the anglo-kikes at MI6 sabotaged Siol nan Gaidheal

British != Anglo. There are Celts and Anglos in Britain.
Ireland is mostly Celtic, although some will disagree.

Celts and Anglo Saxons were the two major broad ethnic groups on the islands of GB and Ireland. People usually identify as one, although now we nearly all speak English. You really can't tell the difference between the two. There are still some small communities speaking Gaeilge or Welsh.

Just joined the SNP lads

Yes brothers

You are lying or misinformed. Celts were hugely important in the British Empire, especially Scots

well according to the Romans they all were Celts anglos are just the shit older brother that picks on its younger more cool siblings cuz he didnt get enough attention

Celts are just the natives to the british isles. Contrary to what you might think, genocide isn't part-and-parcel with being invaded by a foreign power.

Fuck you celts, you are all literal subhumans and I've never been more ashamed of the fact that I'm 10% mick. Disgusting race and I wish I were white.

Fuck you micks

let me explain:

Celt: "hello, I am cornish, from cornwall"

Anglonigger: "WE (referring to the celt and himself) are from England and therefor english"

so you see, the anglonigger lies. He abuses the language to make false truths.

This is why there are "orange" and "green" irish, and why they hate each other, because the green irish are actual REAL irish, and the orange are the filthy english, who are the saxons, who are immigrant masquerading as irish, and they don't even try and hide it, because they want Ireland NOT to be independent.


>genocide isn't part-and-parcel with being invaded by a foreign power.

Thank you for fucks sake. You get it.

Look what the British Empire did to a 1/3 of the world. Did we wipe out every native that existed in these places? No. They worked for us.

The same can be said for the Britons in England. The Saxons/Danes/Normans came in, took over, and made them the peasant class.

You don't conquer a foreign land across a treacherous sea to become a farmer afterward. You want power.

There's only so much oil and tourist dollars to support a nation like Scotland

>Mr. 56% thinks his opinion is taken seriously
go take some spinach up your arse Mexicano

absolute truth and nothing but!

When our friendless standards were first unfurled, who were the strangers who first mustered around our staff? And when it reeled in the light, who more brilliantly sustained it than Erin’s generous sons? Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country’s most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation."

-George Washington


Britain was colonized by the Anglo-Saxons. The warriors invaded and then invited their families over. Some bred with the natives. This "Anglo-Saxon" aristocracy theory is nothing but that. A theory.

I was just shitposting, you autists...

her male linage is entirely saxon and not on father is celtic, she isn't our rightful queen, nor do any of her descendants even have a far off relation to any of our royalty or clans.

ESPECIALLY bodicia and Prasutagus, the last rulers of the Iceni

George was a fucking stupid mick who needed to be replaced with someone better; Benjamin

Fuck Cromwell and Fuck Sassenachs

Canada was a mistake

Anudder gorta mor oi begorrah

Daily reminder that the average Irishman has an IQ of 92 also.

Don't you have a nap to take you worthless spicolino?

look at all of those fucknig immigrants, not a scot amongst them

fucking LEECHES begging to drink more scottish blood.


cringy af

spot the Anglo


>she isn't our rightful queen
She is, though. Your feels don't determine succession law.
>nor do any of her descendants even have a far off relation to any of our royalty or clans.
They actually do. Like, all the way back to before the Saxon kings, if anyone can trace that far.
>ESPECIALLY bodicia and Prasutagus, the last rulers of the Iceni
The Iceni were just one tribe. Not even a real big one like the Dumnonii.

>wahh Celtic pride is cringeyyyyy
>/ptg/ and /brit/pol/ are not
get out of Eire kike

>mfw there are Mexicans who share your blood
Does this embarrass you?

Look, if you want to identify with an ancient race of invaders you go ahead. Don't try and pass it off as historical fact though.

Schiffels et al. 2016 would imply you're wrong. As would the mention of "Wealhas" in the Tribal Hideage. As does Gildas De Excidio or Bede's Ecclesiastical history.

This is a matter for actual historical discussion, not diatribe.


You have ever been friendly to the rights of mankind and we acknowledge with pleasure and gratitude that your nation has produced patriots who have nobly distinguished themselves in the cause of humanity and America.

- Ben Franklin [on Ireland]


oh so if I fucking invade you, I take your house and call it mine, that makes it right?

That makes it "law"?

are you fucking anglos even capable of understanding irony?

Also, "theory" and "hypothesis" are different things.

A theory is an approach to understanding a fact, a hypothesis a hypothetical scientific estimation.

It's a theory, and a damn good theory.

Celts are drunk cucks. Germanics are the true bosses

I do identify with the Anglo-Saxons though. As do many others, hence the name "Anglo". You'll never get me to identify with a people I have nothing in common with or look nothing like in comparison to a people who I am genetically similar to and who's culture I identify with.

Your history consists of nothing than being conquered, first by italians, then many times by germans till you had enough foreign blood in your venes to actually be able to defend yourself

>oh so if I fucking invade you, I take your house and call it mine, that makes it right?
Yes, actually. If no one else can stop you.
>are you fucking anglos even capable of understanding irony?
I'm mostly Brythonnic (Cornish, Welsh and Devonian), with very little Anglian, but what was supposed to be ironic there, Alanis Morisette?

It's a good thing Cromwell is dead and Anglo-Saxons haven't invaded for a good 1,500 years then.

Stupid Finnish cunt getting involved in stuff he doesn't even understand.

The reason why most Anglo-Americans seem rather quiet about their 'heritage' is because they view themselves as American, rather than Anglo or British.

This could be because their families were the first to live in American land, or it could be because America has a rather tense relationship with Britain.

However, Anglos aren't more quiet than their Celtic counterparts - normally as their celtic counterparts are in fact the same race, and of similar culture - they just not always with friends as most English peoples prefer solitude at times.

And yours is any different?

>getting buttblasted by memes
i expected more.

>calls us drunk
why do you come here just to insult us Turkroach?

what is wrong with anglos?

I think this conversation sums it up perfectly.

He tells me I'm wrong because I don't agree that someone is right BECAUSE "they won".

Anglo logic is literally cuckoldry.
If you beat them, you are right.

No wonder germany is like it is.



>I do identify with the Anglo-Saxons though. As do many others

People do and say ridiculous shit all the time. Fallacy of appealing to popularity.

>You'll never get me to identify with a people I have nothing in common with or look nothing like

You a skull-measurer? You some sort of old-timey racist?

>implying that pointing to cringier generals makes this one any better

Okay yeah fair enough I fell for it.

Washington was English.

His family came from Washington, England.


we were beaten, yes, but we were never conquered

>what is wrong with anglos?
Probably more Brythonnic than you, old boy. Thanks to Cornish and Welsh gentry keeping close.
>He tells me I'm wrong because I don't agree that someone is right BECAUSE "they won".
Why are you talking in second person? That's just weird.
But yea, you're wrong. Might makes right / history written by the victor. Deal with it, bitch-boy. See how your whining will defend you against an actual foe.

I hope you reply because I really want to pick your brain.

So you feel as an Englishman, you have more culturally in common with German speaking peoples than the English speaking peoples of Wales/Scotland etc?

Perhaps you want to break up the union and unite with Scandinavia?

Are you some sort of teutonist?

>People do and say ridiculous shit all the time
Not exactly ridiculous though is it? Nobody today other than you "muh Celtic heritage" folks identify with Celtic culture. It's dead. This is an Anglo-Saxon country, hence the name of the people living here known as the English, hence the name of the country they live in: England, hence the name of their language: English.
>You a skull-measurer?
No, but I'm certainly not a swarthy Brythonic Celt that's for sure.

Fuck off.

Anglo-Saxons and Celts are natural allies in this world.
It was the Anglo-Celtic race that built the modern world and vanquished all continental and other-wordly evils.
Besides, you base your hate on primordial history; a history not based entirely in reality. For all we know, the Anglo Saxons could have been invited by the Britons, and the two bred and lived together in relative peace.
No one knows what happened those centuries ago.

>that's right kids, we used to be Ard Ris n sheeit.
>We used the power of Boru to go round the world spreading ginger pubes, drunkenness and spousal abuse. I ain't kidding yous
>well what the feck happened mammy - why you be out all day blowing up pubs in England?
>cuz dem motherfucking anglos came an stole our special minds and potatoes. Now get your ginger arses to bed...

The "Muh Celtic heritage" people are just as ridiculous as you in my mind, so that's a moot point.

>Swarthy Brythonic Celt.

You know Tom Jones isn't every Welshman you racist fuck?

roleplaying as brit again pajeet?

Difference is that Irish people were actually oppressed world-wide and still worked their asses off while nogs just sat there asking for hand outs. Never forget that it was the Celts that built your shitty empire and Anglos who threw it away

No, Mexico is a good country brought down by it's neighbours to the north appetite for drugs whilst making them illegal.

They look inbred

I'm Scottish and live in South Lanarkshire, try again roach

>Be Scottish
>Vote against independence twice


The typical Brythonic Celtic appearance is swarthy. Mediterranean looking. The Welsh are certainly swarthier than the English. Of course not every Welshman is swarthy, but a lot of the Welsh are of mixed blood today. The average Welshman has at least 30% Anglo blood in him.

Can guarantee you're a filthy traitorous Scot.

Around Gaelics always watch your back.

Britons are the best Celts.


>The Celt cries in pain as he robs you

Gas the Micks potato war now

No, I'm English. Not Scottish. Lowland Scots are English though.


answer truthfully now

What are you on, faggot?

Have you ever met a Welsh person?

On average, the Welsh are as light skinned as the English - if not, more - and on rare occasions, like the English, one can be swarthy.

Go fuck with your retarded supremacy.

They're Gaelic-Pictish. Picts are the Highlanders, so they're alright.

Lowland Scots are something else entirely. They need to be gassed.


...I don't even know how to reply to this.

You've gone back in time to Roman Britain and concluded they are swarthy?

I'm attaching a reconstructed Neolithic Briton from his skeletal remains, his pigment is genuine.


Not particularly swarthy.

Please don't let Sup Forums affect your view of the world likle this.

Just to add, I look quite a lot like this, and I've a Scottish father and English mother. I know a lot of modern English and Scots who look like this fella. Maybe not so 'proto', but no shit we look less savage now than then.

>t. never seen a welsh person in his life

may be a 1000 years ago.

this is a gaelic room for gaelic people
tinychat com/fruitl0op