Death to Assad

Bashar al-Assad is a monster, a dictator who has no regard for human rights. The United States must remove this evil from power, if necessary by overwhelming military force, and commit to rebuilding Syria along liberal democratic lines.

It's time to support President Trump in this great and historic mission.

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Remove the only secular middle eastern leader to prevent Islamic extremism. Sound logic mccain

this is too much even for a fucking leaf

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD

desu it's not all about (((their))) interests and great israel, american government wants to install their puppet regime in syria which would give them access and control over syrian oil
basic idea is america turning blind eye to atrocities committed by "moderate rebels" in exchange for oil, similar to what we have now with saudi arabia and jordan

>should intervene in Syria
i hope you get diabetes from maple syrup you fucking cuck

Fuck off

I'm honestly considering filtering the Canadian flag at this point

Syria doesn't have much oil.
What seems more likely is that trump is actually disgusted with this animal's behavior and is willing to attack him to make himself look tough and not like a russian puppet.

I'm not happy about it, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world if done intelligently

'member when trump said toppling foreign leaders was bad? 'member?

so isis can take control?
let them fight each other and hope assad wins. at least he is not an extremist

On behalf of all of the good leafs who know this is all bullshit because of (((them))), I apologize. I would gladly sacrifice myself for the day of the rake just to rid Sup Forums of this garbage.

>liberal democratic lines.
Just like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, right cuck?

shill bait thread

remember to sage

America back in the game of kicking global ass.
Today, Syria.. tomorrow.. those damn Russians!
Trump is more 'my guy' every day.
I hated him so much but he is changing.. and I like it!

But if we kill them they win!

Fucking leaf. Day of the rake can't come soon enough.

Oh yeah, I 'member!

>human rights
Nice try reddit.

shut up you sionist terrorist shill

It's Iraq all over again.
One more false flag and DANGEROUS DICTATOR that needs to be removed so that the kikes and other meddling cunts get their way.

Assad probably is a monster, but in all likelihood he's better than the alternative, just like Saddam was.

We really should just ignore the whole damn region as long as the oil tankers keep getting filled up.

“[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.
She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.
She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.
She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force.” -John Quincy Adams 1821

How did this meme spread so far?

This Jew knows what's up, unlike the other faggot leaf who made this thread. It would destroy Trump's presidency and the Middle East even further if we keep regime changing over there. Just let these Muslims kill each other.

Since the bullshit Iraq war Americans have gotten sick of sending our best to go kill desert people.

>it's not all about (((their))) interests and great israel
that's where you're wrong kiddo

"The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of
Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."