Alright you stupid fucking cunts, since some of you are new, you need to realize that Assad is the good guy
>Gas attack
Fake fucking news
It makes no sense for Assad to use Gas on a bombing routine when he's winning the war.
What makes more sense is that Russian/Syrian jets bombed a target that was an unknown Rebel gas stockpile, or that the Rebels did it themselves as a false flag, or maybe even rouge SAA operatives, but the point is that this attack was not done purposefully by the Syrian Government.
Think about it, Trumo comes out and says he's open to working with/leaving Assad in Power
>Oy Vey.png
Within a week after that statement, Evil Assad Gasses civilians. Trump comes back out and says "Oh no, I can't work with Assad, I may need to remove him"
This whole Gassed civilians Narrative stinks of a false flag to high heaven, what's even worse is that all of you imbeciles are trusting the MSM on this, just like WMD Iraq, kys
Go to /sg/ and try and prove them wrong, I dare you
Assad is the good guy
>All news I don't like is FAKE NEWS
You are fake news, OP.
Your implications have no basis, please, EXCUSE me for not trusting the same (((media))) that has blatantly lied over the last election
This Syria Coverage isn't suspicious to you?
It doesn't make sense isn't an argument though.
If you explode or burn canisters of sarin gas it doesn't work correctly.
Not sure why it's so hard to believe that he gassed some deeply entrenched rebels to root them out and that some civilians happened to get affected. The Iraqis did the same thing in their with Iran.
in their war*
Trump lies all the time, by that logic you shouldn't trust him.
I don't
Fair point, what I mean to say is that seems completely illogical for Assad to do this.
Why gas them here and now?
>Obama's red line on chemical attacks in 2013.
>Obama's administration saying they'll lead the UN secruity council into Syria to remove all chemical weapons and means of production.
>2015, John Kerry announces all traces of chemical weapons have been removed from Syria.
Literally no one who has been paying attention to global events recently is buying this shit.
Then who do you trust? The bombs were dropped from planes and there's only three possibilities. The US, Russia, or Assad.
Just like the last time Assad gassed people.
Top kek newfag
UN found the Rebels responsible
The last gas attack in Syria back in 2013 was blamed on Assad by the western media&governments. When the UN investigated they found that the rebels had done it themselves to try and force US involvement since Obama had declared chemical weapons a redline.
Be thoroughly skeptical about these current claims. If the rebels did it once, they could do it again.
It certainly isn't illogical. The guys been bombing hospitals, schools, civilians, etc. daily. It's perfectly logical to assume he'd do this.
Because no one cares. The West doesn't have the will to get involved because:
1. People are sick of wars in the Middle East due to Iraq,
2. Russia backs him.
Sarin is an effective tool to soften up soldiers in entrenched positions, like say densely built Middle Eastern towns. Assad knows nobody will do shit, so he doesn't care.
Assad was winning.
Rex tillerson said assad is up to Syria
UN and other people we're about to lend support to him
They removed their chemical weapons
NONE OF THIS makes sense, it's a fucking false flag. Rebels last ditch at getting intervention.
If by US you mean their Rebel Proxies then yes, I believe it was them
They've done it before back in 2014
Ah yes the rebels have fighter jets I forgot, oh wait, they don't.
What is Turkey?
Ergodan wants his Ottoman empire back lmao, he has been and will continue playing both sides because he needs instability so he can make a claim on Syrian land.
It's not rocket science Chang.
No one with above room temperature IQ thinks this isn't a false flag
If you read the OP I said a bomb it a rebel gas stockpile or they falseflagged it thenselves
>Implying the Turkroaches didn't do it.
>replying to your own post
Just like the US removed Iran's nuclear infrastructure? Come on, it wouldn't be difficult to hide some of it. Even Iraq had stores hidden.
The UN definitely not about to support him.
Yes, Assad is winning, but that doesn't mean he has this on lockdown yet. The rebels are still fighting fiercely in large swathes of the country. It would take years to complete stamp out opposition.
What does Rex Tillerson saying anyting have to do with this? John Kerry basically implied that the US would invade Syria; that didn't happen. Words don't count for a lot.
>Not sure why it's so hard to believe that he gassed some deeply entrenched rebels to root them out
Because the gas attack happened in Kahn Shaykhoun which is 20km behind the front lines. There is active fighting going on much closer. The SAA is a LONG was from capturing kahn shaykhoun so it would be pointless to "root out entrenched positions". Maybe if they were about to assault the town but they are not.
The UN was*
>Being so retarded to look at only a colour scheme instead of post ID.
>Tillersons words
What's suspicious about it is that the Trump admin sounded like they were willing to either cooperate or leave Assad alone and then a Gas attack happens (what a coincidence that it would happen now!) and they immediately change their minds
Suck Assad's cock more, Kremlin bot
Leafs are all the same Justin
>It doesn't make sense isn't an argument though.
indeed goy all these weird (((coincidences))) should be ignored
suck some more Arab and Jewish cock, CIA bot
What is coincidental about this?
20km isn't that far from a front line. There's lots of reasons to bomb shit, there could also be a rebel facility around there or something. Who knows?
The fuck do you mean "what's coincidental about this"? Are you blind?!
>lots of reasons to bomb, like a rebel facility
Yea like a rebel weapons stockpile that also contains stolen Sarin gas
>civil war is going on for 5 or 6 years
>never use any poisonous gas
>start winning the war
>pushing back ISIS
>pushing back all the other islamist shitheads
>all of the sudden poisonous gas attack is some remote area far away from the actual front
>Arabs and Jews start pointing fingers to Assad in large numbers and almost instantly
>backroom politics in Washington are being conducted to push Trump to a military intervention
literally the exact same pattern as what happened to Saddam and Khadaffi
Take a look at this you utter faggot
The real question is, who cares?
I could not give a fuck if Assad did use gas on his own people or if he didn't.
Why is it only governments of white countries who seem so concerned about this while every other government sits back and wonders what all the whiteys are gonna do?
It's whitey's job to protect all people from around the world. We can't let those bad things happen to other people. Remember the 6 million.
>Assad is the good guy
>implying those against him are the bad guys
kys shill
Woops I typed million.
Meant trillion
because gas attacks give our politicians a democratic platform to wage war. all the liberals and hippies will now support a war because of "muh ebil warcrimes". it gives them the perfect excuse to kill Assad for their Jewish and Arab creditors
>white Governments
You mean (((white))) governments. We're all under control of the Globalist agenda, they want to take out Assad and by proxy Russia as well because those two countries go against that agenda
>who cares
Of course people like us don't care but everyday folks do
It is all very easy, if the (((media))) tells you it's Assad, then it's 100% NOT him. Anything the (((Media))) tells you is the opposite of the truth, so simple it's redicc
>implying those against Assad are the good guys
Right yea ISIS and the """""moderate""""" rebels who behead people and suicide bomb European cities are good guys, I forgot
>The guys been bombing hospitals, schools, civilians, etc. daily.
So has the US.
They are there because the US govt. wanted them there to weaken syria.
>Good guy
Choose one Mohammed
So they're the good guys because the US gave them weapons and funding?
You do realize we did the same with Al-Quadea right?
Assad is the one fighting against the muslims
haal die stront uit je ogen Kees
Well maybe he is aligned with the western (US) interests he is not a good guy.
If european documentaries are not wrong or biased he tortured, mamed and killed children for exercicing normal democratic rights and when the parents (mothers, father, brother and sisters) asked were they children was the Assad regime told the they were dead and they should make new children.
At this point the uprising started and got serious. But then of-course the damn ISIS hijacked the Syrian revolution making it impoosible for the west or the east (russians) to not side with Assad.
Personally i think Assad is a beast at the same level as the ISIS and should recieve the same treatment. I think its time to wipe Syria clean, install a democratic government and make sure Syria does well and is a close friend and trade to Europe and the all the other countries it wants to have relations with.
Okay than this one.
>Good guy
>Event that happens to support US interest
>Russian shills come out of the woodwork to spread disinformation and call it a false flag.
Anyone ever notice how you guys never catch Russians doing false flags? Even when it's pretty fucking obvious and Putin literally was the head of FSB who took power on the back of a wave of suspicious bombings?
Were people trying to debunk the Bombing last week in russia?
Obvious shills and useful idiots.
Trump will initiate a war to please the zionist masters. Americans suck the jew cock when in comes to foreign politics
>So they're the good guys because the US gave them weapons and funding?
I didn't say anybody was the good guy, faggot. You're trying to put words in my mouth.
Geopolitical events happen because they serve countries' interests. Not because of good guys and bad guys.
>Wipe Syria Clean and install a democratic govt.
Because that worked so well with Iraq. Democracy doesn't work for all people.
>Implyibg there's a chance that European docos are unbiased
>I never said anyone was the good guy
Yes you did faggot
>implying that those who are fighting against Assad are the bad guys
That statement means you believe those fighting against Assad are the good guys
Meant for
>shitskin who kills other shitskins
>shitskin who triggers Israel and the Gulf States
>bad guy
yeah, Iraq and Lybia are utopian western democracies
Democracy is such a cancer on the world, you never get a decision on anything until some invisible sovereign pours money into the pockets of the corrupt in exchange for a political position disguised as the flavour of the month humanitarian cause
Ok you cunt, what was the desired outcome of Putins false flag in Syria? How does that benefit him to have the US, the UN, and every western Country demonized Russia and Assad for his false flag chemical attack? Kys
Fucking this
Thank you for fighting the good fight brother!
Yea, they dindu nuffin
Dictator who kill his own people can't be good guy.
Why Russians are so victorious
You're the one assuming every event in the world is a false flag by the US. I'm not claiming this is a false flag by anybody. I'm saying people are obviously biased about what they call false flags, because they NEVER CAUSE RUSSIANS OF FALSE FLAG ATTACKS EVEN WHEN IT'S OBVIOUS. Retard.
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
Help bump and fight off shill threads
yeah I don't buy this bullshit either
why would he suddenly out of the fucking blue decide to use chemical weapons is beyond me.
Wouldn't be surprised if our own government did it.
Trump says he's a baddie tho
Sorry Assadhats, your days are numbered! MAGA!
>all this mad russian shills
>That statement means you believe those fighting against Assad are the good guys
It means I believe the people who are fighting against assad (namely the US) are not the bad guys.
Yea you're just proving my point, your pic shows Tillerson's about face on Syria
You dumb fucking nigger. I'm claiming that this particular event was some sort of false flag, I don't think the Russians did it because it doesn't benefit them like say, the Metro bombing in St Petersburg earlier this week, there's you're Russian false flag you stupid fucking cunt
Because it wasn't sudden. Reports of chemical attacks have been on going. You just aren't watching al jazeera enough.
Same desu
So the US can do nothing wrong? Besides it's our """moderate"""" proxies that are fighting him, and I don't view them as good guys
>watching Al Jazeera
Yes, let's get our info on Syria from Gulf state controlled media
OP is right.
Assad is the good guy.
Keep watching Infowars/RT bro. These chemical attacks have been going on for years, you're just a retard who never heard about it because of your information bubble.
Thanks real Sup Forums. The children need to know
>chemical attacks in the past
You mean the ones the Rebels have been proven to have committed by the UN?
you forgot the fact that 200 people were kidnapped in that region 1 week before the "gas attack " WOW what a coincidence
>So the US can do nothing wrong?
Is the US a badguy? Hmm?
Really? Haven't heard about that tell me more
Yes the UN is coming with its black helicopters, to gas your children and turn them gay. It's all george soros. First he brings democracy to the Ukraine, then he makes your kids gay. BUT I'M NOT A USEFUL IDIOT. INFOWARS RT!!!
>You just aren't watching al jazeera enough
>al jazeera
dear God man, what's next CNN told the truth about WMDs in Iraq?
>US has funded
Communists in Mexico
Communists in Russia
Communists in Spain
Destabilized the Middle East and Africa (Saddam, Quadaffi)
Ruby ridge
Every nation has its sins kiddo, its best e try not to sin in the future
Are you fucking retarded? I said the UN has found that the Rebels committed these gas attacks
Neck yourself
seriously he must go
>he bombs his people
>the survivors are zombies
>zombies flee to europe
>rape agress .......
>Europe gets reckt
>The Brits Exit
Assad: hahahahahaha
Putin: see i told you Russia is better than Europe.
You from /sg/? Familiar flag
Nice shitpost m8
So you view the US as the badguy then?
Why don't you go move to Syria then you fucking faggot traitor. Go be with the "good guy" (who apparently dindo nuffin) and leave us bad guys here.
Holy shit, can we make that go viral?
look what euronews deleted from this article
Finally people realize that Trump is a neocon kike shill
The guys doing actual fighting most likely arent, they are just dumb. The ones doing decisions though...
Still, that gas attack is obvious false flag. Mossad probably served it to Trump on plate so he can make "good" decision and 180 degree turn on his reasonable opinion on foreign interventions.
As for me, feel free to glass Syria and pretend you are saving children or whatever, but only thing you get will be another worthless war costing trillions and started on lie.
Not that I believe it will actually happen, most likely it is just art of the deal negotiation.
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