Is dating a black girl the ultimate redpill, or the blackpill as I'd like to call it?
The white man takes what belongs to him.
Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Is dating a black girl the ultimate redpill, or the blackpill as I'd like to call it?
The white man takes what belongs to him.
Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Downgrading yourself to an ugly ape because you can't get a Caucasian
>Throwing 4,500 years worth of evolution down the toilet
>Cherrypickming ''sweet'' niggers as an excuse
It's the same thing as the men who walk down the road holding hands with their dog eating Asian. They're walking alongside the result of the failure they are.
>>Throwing 4,500 years worth of evolution down the toilet
Are you some kind of young Earth moron?
>Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
you can play streetball on that big fucking forehead
What planet did you come from? Black women are generally more problematic and masculine than any other races
Are you two evoltards?
not op but
>comparing niggers to asians
you're a fucking inbred island monkey
fuck off
....please tell me you are joking. he's speaking about evolution of whites
You posted this same thread yesterday you shill faggot, three billion Zimbabwe dollars have been deposited into your kikebook account
I don't want black kids.
Come home white man
imo if you can get a high achieving, half-white or asianmulatto or skinny oreo black girl, then yes, they will be hard-working, loyal, and will have your back.
White/asian princesses are pretty terrible, major sheboons are undateble.
But I have noticed high-achieving black girls going for ambitious white dudes after college and it working miraculously.
Even when they are not into you they are nice
>Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Lol you're right. I dated one, they're really feminine and then masc af when they're mad. Watch Tommy Sotomayor talk about the BT-9000 and you'll see what I mean.
''Asians'' Aren't Caucasian, dippo. Mixing with them creates kids nearly as bad a half nigs, like your whole country.
I'm talking about Caucasian evolution compared to backwards ''what is a wheel?'' Negroid shit.
I don't fucking care, if I see a female I wanna fuck, I will fuck.
You faggots make a big deal over nothing in terms of fucking. OP never said anything bout raising a family with said ape. Learn the read faggots and better yet suck my fucking maple syrup and die of TrudeauAIDS.
Stop ruining Sup Forums with repeated daily shitposts. You should know how that weighs on your karma.
You'll need pills alright.
Herpes pills, for the rest of your life.
Anglos have become so degenerate that blacks would damage themselves by marrying them.
This is one of the worst shill attempts I have ever seen. Cant even say nice try. Good laugh though.
I wish I could deny that.
t.butthurt nigger using his windows 98 in dominishit republic
Fuck off monkey, no body whant's ya!
Black people are biologically less intelligent though
Dating a tall white girl is the ultimate redpill
fpbp, pol is triggered
You make this exact same thread everyday.
>ultimate redpill
>is dating a loud obnoxous unfeminine gold digging whore with 0 maternal instincts a redpill
You tell me
No. It's race treachery and you should hang for it. Simple as that
A lot of people on Sup Forums probably wouldn't even consider this guy white because he has brown eyes
That guy's a manlet and she's wearing heels
>nigger girl really liked me in high school
>tfw she asked me to prom
>I went with her
>never ended up fucking her because was too autistic
>tfw she definitely wanted it
Fucking A if I wasn't such a sperg in high school I coulda fucked a black chick, now I've been on Sup Forums for too long so I don't even talk to black people. Oh well
I've known people who had a small amount of black mixture and you could never tell. It might take a few generations but it's not the end of the world
I don't really agree but I think we should meme the fuck out of this to piss off darkies
It literally doesn't matter unless you don't up ending up breeding with your own race
If anything WM dating non white women means less non whites breeding in the end