What is the answer to the weeaboo question?

What is the answer to the weeaboo question?

Dad's belt.

>What is the answer to the weeaboo question?

Stop watching bad anime

just don't read moe shit

Stop moeshit and cute girls doing cute things.
Bring back manime with cool guys doing cool things.

opinion discarded

I don't watch haremshit with abusive cunty tsunderes in them.

I'm not a weeb but I just got into One Punch Man. Am I safe?

You're in the normy spectrum of things.

Back the fuck off!


It's true.
Star wars makes you infantile and anime effects you socially with character hyperboles.

Judge me, faggots.


>Rick and Morty

You have to go back


I'm a disgusting, disgusting weeb and I will and have beat a bitch for slapping me like that. The trick is to know you're better than everyone.

This user is a smart guy

Entry level/10
Rikku to Morati is the best thing on that list.
Rikku best girl

>Rick and Morty
>no /m/ stuff to be seen

what's that anime with a wimpy short main character? it had like a game you could move at any time that stopped time

Absolutely normie

Nothing wrong with anime. Week willed will always be affected by something

I don't disagree,

>I read about masculinity..am an anti-feminist and I dedicate my findings to MRA and MGTOW sites

into the trash you go

day of the rope soon, weebs are lower than niggers

>implying anime doesn't narrate that the tsundere never gets the protagonists
The protagonist almost always ends up with the quiet girl who loved him from afar all along.
If she doesn't sacrifice herself for the protagonists that is

What is the answer to people who buy into click bate articles and make other people money as a useful idiot.

Go right to the source.

We need to drop a third nuke.

Stop watching haremshit/lolishit/cutegirlsdoingetc and watch something with an actual plot.

That means I'm good, right? Is the article above talking about it screwing with the masses, or is it only focused on the impact of odd and obscure animes that make already weird men even more crazy?

>33 series
>actually downloading them instead of just streaming in hd and moving on to the next series so you can clear your fuckhuge backlog
1/10, at least you watch something.

white man cartoons

>Programming Men to be weak and submissive

Don't be a weak and submissive man then, not that hard.

Thats an easy one.

Good gateway anime is good.


It honestly looks like you just started watching the biggest stuff. Out of those, the only one I can genuinely say I haven't at least attempted is Sweetness & Lightning, and that's not my kind of shit.

And Cowboy Bebop is shit.

Modern TV is far worse than animoo, be realistic on what we focus on.

There is nothing wrong with liking cute things

cute things are cute. get fucked.

Nah, my dude
We need to drop a third and a fourth.

Bullets and God

That's funny, the anime I watch tells me we need to advance our technology to get into space and build giant robots to destroy our enemies.....and just be decent human beings and not to act like niggers.

are you fucking kidding me?

Fill in the 3 so it becomes theta


Good thing I only liked anime about fighting and killing.

Excel online or some shit. It was suppose to follow SAO or something

I'm also a huge fan of gunbuster

>that bio
This guy never got laid and is about to go full Elliot Rodger

>I dedicate my findings to mra and mgtow sites
The pot calling the kettle a nigger

mostly horrible, its like a reddit anime starter kit


This. Make shounen great again.

Tanya the Evil is redpilled though.

It looks like Return of Kings. So no surprise there.

No it's the plastics leeching chemicals into the water and our food that act like estrogen turning men into weaklings.

It's also causing birth defects that affect genitalia and lower sperm count. The world will be sterile in another 100 years probably.

Stop eating out of plastic.

>complaining about anime
>on Sup Forums
I bet you fucking redditors think we're joking when we tell you we don't want you around.

So stop watching all anime, because it's all faggot shit cartoons

>Modern TV is far worse than animoo, be realistic on what we focus on.


For the hundreds of new shows on TV every year, there are only a hand full that I like and recently, it's been mostly cartoons anyway (Rick and Morty, Samurai Jack revamp etc.)

Travel to Japan and retaliate by impregnating a fertile Japanese girl.

>Stop watching bad anime

So kill all anime then?

shounenshit is literally by definition for children

real men watch girls

Total normie question but how do you get the folders to do that?

use a faggot OS

t Satania poster

>Princess Jellyfish
You should go back to plebbit for about half of your downloaded stuff though.


I sense the trembling fear in your typing

You assign a custom icon to it. I have no windows available, but you'll find it on Google if you put in a minimal amount of effort.

The kikes are here

Watch better anime of course.
Pic related

>anime is programming men to be weak
>90% of plots start as a weak character who is weaker than all others around him
>as the story goes the character is forced to face his old life and the cause of his weakness
>character is forced to change, man up
>character becomes stronger, gets rewarded for it

Do this people even watch anime?

marcille has a hard life

Girl cartoons are for manchildren

if based sakura-chan is with the jews, I will turn against you and join them.

Realize that the only reason the MGTOW movement and Sup Forums, and atheism, and anti-feminism, and other such movements owe their life to anime. Sup Forums is the reason we all exist.

>MRA autist
>doesn't realize waifus are the solution to feminism

>He doesn't spend his time hiking, hunting and traveling while watching an anime at night
>He instead writes a faggoty blog about his stupid opinions

buzzword buzzword lol !!!

go back to the walking soap opera and reddit and memey this is not your website


Not hard enough


I actually cringed.

You just have to watch right anime

>No dragon maid

Hang yourself with a short rope.

>Uses the Reddit buzzword
You love to BTFO yourself, dont you?

Hm. I would imagine anime was pushing people to be right wing traditionalists.

>Watching Anime instead of lifting, reading and finding a pure white woman

Please continue, we don't need your beta-gene's in the pool

THIS. Most anime have strong messages of self-improvement. Even shit harms have this to some extent.

If you watch anime with girls yeah.
But harem anime are top tier iron pill.


>Using SUSE

>shit taste
Checks out.

>Girls und Panzer

>shitposting on Sup Forums instead of lifting, reading and finding a pure white woman
>implying you can even find a pure white woman in your cucked feminist shithole

I can bet in my left testicle that this moron thinks porn is degenerate as well.

I been watching anime for 46 years (Seriously, 46 years. Since "Marine Boy" aired on Brit TV in 1970). I'd smash that Ryan Ashvilles cunt right in and get him to rethink his attitude.

My actual backlog

Rate me /pola/

Except that I'm running Debian.

>ever watching anime

i swear

goddamit these bait threads are getting better...

>46 years
Jesus, has there ever been a time where you thought to yourself that you're wasting your time?