Thanks, Sup Forums

Thanks, Sup Forums.

You just destroyed 200+ years of tradition to push your unqualified criminal fake judge.

Other urls found in this thread:

Actually the 60 upvote is only like 20yrs old. For the previous 180yrs it was simple majority.

Liberal retards..

Um no

>and the new, post Nunes intel commitee ledership is not bipartisan and has Gowdy on it, a man who is himself an object of the investigation into possible ties with Russia
a fucking disgrace the lot of them
you backed these people by backing Trump

Liberals have no problem with changing 200 year old rules every time they implement gun control, I'm not sure why this rule is so important to them.

Oh wait yes I am it's because they're petty hypocrites.


You think anybody on here gives a shit about congressional procedures? Go away Shareblue.

Dude's Colombian, he's probably not jewish

>any shill implying trey gowdy anything but incorruptible
This is getting sad

But didn't the Democrats also change the rules when they were in power for lesser judges?

>gets all his research information from twitter posts

Christ, you people are stupid. Gorsuch is one of the most highly-respected judges in the country, with an impeccable record. The ONLY reason his confirmation is dragging on is because of bi-partisan butthurt. The Dems are doing everything they can to impede and inconvenience Trump for purely ideological reasons; the left are like religious zealots, at this point.

The rule has only been in place for 17 years though.


>trey gowdy
what makes you believe this

One of the last few things I believe

>call a judge a plagiarist


>chimping out because the new supreme court addition isn't from your party

Oh shit political groove nos the rulz

Muh dik

Iz ne1 elz sleepy i so sleepy lets all get rest

petty hypocrites

go away share blue.....if they can't vote for this guy they will never vote for anyone.....they voted for him when they made him federal judge twice already....don't blame the republicans when the democrats are not conducting themselves with any honor

>Suddenly liberals care about tradition
>After supporting a woman candidate soley to break the tradition of electing men

Why do liberals seem incapable of being consistent? Because their views change with the weather?

Shit th fuck up you rambling liberal buacrap

Take it up with Harry Reid.

>diversity and tradition don't. Mix
Stupid liberal


and? this is 2017, not fuckin 1817. times change.

>99% of his rulings upheld
>97% of those were unanimous

Cry more, shitlibs.

>implying liberals care about tradition

Hahaha no

It was a straight majority vote until like 1995 or something

Then Reid removed it for cabinet nominations and everyone predicted this would happen with supreme courts too

>that McConnel tweet


I guess democrats shouldnt have created the nuclear option in the first place.

Oh well, its like liberals always say, why are you so afraid of change?

What is the argument against Gorsuch?

Where is this 200 year rule vs 17 year rule coming from? Any backdrop on this rule please?

But it's okay to change the Constitution.

He was nominated by a Republican

He doesn't interpret the Constitution in a way that Democrats like and they don't like that.

Because their ideology is female (read childlike). In its very nature, short sighted, emotional, selfish and fickle

Liberals are the people that never grow up, it's why so many fags are liberal their life revolves around where they stick their dick

It's why young people are liberal

It's why women are liberal

Anyone who doesn't remain perpetually adolescent eventually grows out of liberalism that happens to be slightly more than half of all men

>someone the left doesn't like is about to be affirmed

Because unlike your joke non nation of a failed state gowdy actually has principles

Actually it's because the Democrat base is screaming "RESIST ALL THE THINGS NO MATTER WHAT" and demanding complete obstructionism on the part of their representatives.

Dems know it's suicide, but they'd rather take political suicide than be torn apart by their rabid base.

I hate this meme but it's a means to actually get answers sometimes.


they hold whatever views will get them the most power, they have no actual views that they stick too.

Their plan backfired.

November 21, 2013

Senate Democrats took the dramatic step Thursday of eliminating filibusters for most nominations by presidents, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further.



He wants a literal interpretation of the constitution. Which is bad and scary!

Literally none most of these same democrats voted for him for the court of appeals like 7 years ago

Nominations, like everything, have gone partisan. The confirmation is just to determine if he is a good candidate which he is unquestionably

Weather you agree with him politically is not the point of confirmations

Where'd you hear that? Fox news?

Get fucked retard.

>libtards do it first
>every republican warns them what could happen if a Republican President wins next
>libtards caw and mock Republicans
>Trump wins

they were warned. multiple times. if libtards want to blame someone, blame Harry Reid.

as I understand it the thing is that they had the mandate make this SCOTUS appointment under Obama but agreed not to because there was no candidate with bipartisan support. Now the GOP scrap bipartisan support as a condition completely. basically: the dems lost because they were too honorable.


Holy shit, these people are too much.

I remember once I shot a man in the back in a mudhole village in Afghanistan. He was running away with a rifle in his hand and I shot him. Hit him right in the small of his back. I went over an hour later and do you know what I found in his shirt? A copy of the Communist Manifesto. No sh*t. It was ancient and written in Cyrillic, probably Russian. It had notes in it in their gay arab script. He had been reading it probably for years.

A good little leftist in a mudhole village in Afghanistan. The only person I shot in my entire tour, pretty sure. He was running away, and when he died he sh*t himself. He had foam on his face, so he probably took a while to die. It was striking to me that he kept a book written by people who tried to conquer his country and murder him, and

That's what Leftists are. Cowards and weaklings who worship an ideology that would murder them in an instant if it could. They run away as soon as they are met with force and they die in agony. AGONY. For nothing. For no reason except that they thought, like you, that GOOD LITTLE LEFTISTS can defeat Right Wing Men.

And good lord, were they wrong. Because Right Wing Men are the only kind of men--there are no Left Wing Men. They don't exist. A Leftist is a craven weakling addicted to victimhood by definition and they are not men, they're animals


>using current year argument against liberals
i like this


So unqualified that he was endorsed and introduced by Obama's solicitor-general.

Shit, can you imagine the rage that would come from the Left if during his acceptance speech, Gorsuch said "I'd like to thank Senator Harry Reid for pioneering the Simple Majority Nuclear Option that got me this seat today. Without him, I wouldn't be here."

Fucking based af-pack vet

I salute you sir

"Lol stupid republicans and their chauvinistic tradition"
>GOP goes against traditional senate procedure to get their nominee through


Watch him in hearings. He's a fearless bulldog that stands for the truth 100% of the time.

But they did. That's a fact.


Admittedly, Garland was eminently qualified as well.

>It was a straight majority vote until like 1995 or something

It's always (including this time) been a straight majority vote as far as actually deciding whether the nominee is confirmed or not.

What the Dems were filibustering wasn't the actual confirmation vote, they were voting on whether or not to move the proceedings forward and actual start the final vote.

It's a really stupid concept really. Dems knew that Gorsuch would be confirmed, so they basically threw a temper tantrum and continuously voted against starting the final vote.

Fuck that pussy, even the author herself stated it wasn't plagiarism.

holy shit tell me this isnt pasta cos this is breddy gud

Liberals actually believe this is true without doing any research. SAD!

I think you mean hypocritical.

The same Dems that overwhelmingly voted to confirm Gorsuch as a federal judge (appointed by Obama) are now opposing him as unethical and unqualified.

They're either hypocrites or liars. Maybe both.

^ this

(((Garland))) was not a constitutionalist whose record was consistently anti-2A & pro federal regulations

No obama suggested an appointment and the republicans told him to fuck himself because the dumbass picked a Vice President that created the rule where a president should not be allowed to appoint scotus nominees in his last year of office

Garland is Jewish
Gorsuch is Catholic.

Sup Forums hates Garland because they're antisemites.

Ok, who gave them the Potara Earrings?

>Being this retarded

You have to go back, but not even plebbit will take you. So, kys.

>the dems lost because they were too honorable.
Lol no, it had nothing to do with honor, it was just politics. The dems didn't have the votes to get their guy approved, and they knew if they invoked the nuclear option during an election cycle they would get there anus eviscerated in the election. Plus they where so confident Hillary would win they saw no reason to shed political blood to do it pre election when they would be able to do it post election without protest.

They lost, this is just a consequence of that loss, and their overconfidence and inability to envision a world where Hillary wasn't president.

>Trey "rowdy" Gowdy
>Corruptible person

Pick one faggot

I'm against any president being allowed to appoint more than 2 justices. By WWII, FDR had appointed all justices except one.

he seems sure of himself to the extreme. a kind of pride that can lead a man into trouble

Since when do leftist filth care about tradition?

We hate Garland because he was an anti-gun fuckwit and 2012 made it completely fucking impalatable to confirm a jackass like that whose job is to interpret the US constitution (and other laws).

when it favors them.

Are they trying to get slavery reinstated?


>At the urging of Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrats had just voted along strict party lines to change the rules of the Senate. Under the new rules, presidential nominees for all executive-branch position—including the Cabinet—and judicial vacancies below the Supreme Court could advance with a simple majority of 51 votes. The rules for legislation were untouched, but the 60-vote threshold for overcoming a filibuster on nearly all nominations was dead.

>has never seen Gowdys hearings
Oh poor swede got BTFO here

Fuck the democrats.

Someone save this.

Good job, democrats

solid reply, thanks burgerbro
sometimes I write shit I don't really know about in the hopes that someone like you is out there


BS, the dems were the ones that put in the 60 vote rule, to suit their own needs.
dems lost, now they pay

>tfw your candidate can't stand up

don't joke about that some negroes will take it seriously and beat up some random white people dumb enough to walk through a black neighborhood

Oh, NOW liberals care about tradition.

shariablue, you are not from sweden

shills ignore this because they know it's true.

Came here to say this.

I'll just go ahead and check those digits.

When did liberals start caring about 200 year old rules? Aren't they oppressive and outdated?

>Sup Forums hates Garland because they're antisemites.
I didn't realize Garland was a jew.
Now that you mention it, I do hate him simply because we, as a society, are afraid to criticize Jewish ideas or Jewish culture and influence.

tfw no answer to defend the lies, busy fluffing brock back to life?

U guys seein these 7's?