Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back
Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back
This timeline is amazing.
Tippy top kek
bannon brings the bantz
top zozzle
globalist cucks btfo
I am so tired that I read this as steve buschemi, kek i need to go to sleep
>“Cuck,” a portmanteau of “cuckold” and “conservative,”
What the fuck. This is retarded. That doesn't even make sense.
They are using "cuck" interchangeably with "cuckservative" even when it makes them say stupid shit like this.
>Kushner was a lifelong liberal
>Bannon said Kushner was essentially a "5th column" (leftist infiltrator)
Trump needs to sideline that conniving Jew. He keeps trying to counter Bannon and Trump's nationalism.
The jews are trying to subvert our influence.
Kushner ain't here to MAGA.
mainstream meteor is really flexing their creative writing "muscles" recently
88 checked
Fucking hell Ivanka could you have married anyone other than a fucking Jew?
I don't trust his face.
Cocky little fuk
We need to meme this jew OUT ASAP
(((Jared Kushner))) is a filthy Jew and Bannon is right on the money. If Trump goes to war in Syria, blame Kushner.
It's going go be an abdolute shitstorm when its revealed years from now what's really been going on with these "anonymous sources" who have never existed. The left have weaponized media to impede the current administration at every opportunity.
His brother or one of Kushner's relatives invested money on a healthcare provider in the New York marketplace.
Read up on it. Apparently, his brother lost money or some shit.
This is one of the reasons for the repeal and probably one of the reasons any Obamacare repeal may have bailouts for people who invested into the system.
so much infighting in an administration just a few months in is hilarious
they won't be able to accomplish shit in the next 3 years, assuming Trump last that long
Based Banon, forever /ourguy/
Not going to happen. Trump would never upset Ivanka. We're fucked. Why couldn't she marry a goy?
Steve was our guy
too bad the neocons and Jews were never going to let Trump do things his way
what doe sit matter, hes getting pushed aside
jared kuckner is winning this battle
Maybe they misheard "kike"
seems like BS, fake news.
Banking on Trump will pick family over Bannon.
Bannon would be dumb to get caught on tape or saying shit about Jared... unless Ivanka was divorcing him or something.
Trump should consider his own nuclear option and just start declassifying all sorts of shit.
It looks like Steve Bannon is losing the power struggle and once he is removed completely from the Trump Administration, it'll be a typical Zionist neocon one.
Bannon is the only decent person in Trump's administration, and if he's gone. You should have voted for Clinton since she wouldn't have got us into a war in Syria for Israel's Likud Party due to Bibi's backstabbing against the Democrats for so long.
Trump is probably testing Jared. He's young and Bannon is old.
You test the young guys new idea and if he fucks up, he eats it.
Jared should have never been apart of his cabinet anyway. It reeks of pure nepotism and he has no credentials besides being a slimy Jew.
Kushner 100% caused the Syria conflict by trying to convince Trump to attack.
It's amazing that a year later people are so dumb they don't realize that Trump encourages all his kids to marry kikes and that Kushner's father was a business associate of Trump's
Trump had to sell her to the Jews. He was operating in occupied territory (Jew York) and it was the least bad option.
anyone else want bannon to fuck their wife?
Is that why you're rage-quitting Bannon?
>Who's the cuck now?
What's your response Sup Forums?
>Obamacare repeal is Trump scratching his friends' backs and not something Republicans have been trying to do for 8 years
Are shills really this obvious?
He should have sold his daughter out to some multinational trust fund kiddie who is involved in real estate in Europe and not to some Jew.
Guess what, you don't have to marry into the Jews. They actually prefer that you don't, and most Jews don't consider Ivanka a Jew since her mom isn't one. It's the most cucked shit I have ever seen and the people that Trump was going to be less of a Zionist warmonger than Clinton were completely delusional.
His chiseled body is very nice
Bannon should have been the president. Trump showed that he doesn't have what it takes.
His wife probably dragged him into it. Ivanka looks like the one who may want to run for office, the one with the charisma.
I think the mainstream media is just stirring the shit.
Are you really a cuck if your father in law has fun with your wife? She was his property to begin with.
>you should have voted for clinton
Kill yourself. Why the fuck are shills so fucking obvious.
Is this real?
Is the chick in the blue Louise Mensch?
I haven't been a fan of Ivanka or Kush for some time now. They both reek of leftist kikes.
Jared is the Shadow President. Trump is too old and distracted so he delegates a ton to his son-in-law.
>anybody who disagrees with me is a shill
LMAO, I'm just telling you the truth that the Republicans have always been the greatest warmongers for Israel. I don't know how delusional you were that you thought that a Republican with a Jewish daughter would reign in these dangerous people.
Enjoy being an Israeli cuck.
Also, taking photo's of yourself in the mirror is beta-faggot tier, not even woman that does it get's a pass, it's a mental disorder to crave that much attention
Yeah, and that's absolutely terrifying. I think we can all agree that Steve Bannon as the shadow president is fine, but Kushner is a dangerous snake. His family has a history of corruption along with his ethnic ties to Israel. And it creates the dangerous situation that we are in.
The coment section below the Bbart article to this change is fantastic.
man i love these "anonymous sources" who somehow know what every member of trump's cabinet has said at every minute of every day
real jooz fake news
Trump is going to draft the globalists and deep state to the war they always wanted. soros, hilary, bush will be at the front lines fighting in alepo
this is parallel universe hydroponics.
>thought Donald would at least avoid stupid wars
Fuck off to your Likud meeting shill.
Well he's right, Ivanka's probably in Ottawa right now.
>Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’
He sort of is
Just call him a kike weasel, Bannon. You know you want to.
why wouldn't they know about big accusations like that? Bannon calling Kushner a cuck would be a thing I'd remember
Why does Bannon look like his face has herpes
we have to meme (((Kushner))) out. I think Trump needs to be reminded who voted for him and why.
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
Help bump and fight off shill threads
yeah, fucking newfags think cuck is a back-formation of cuckservative when it's the opposite. A cuckservative is a conservative cuck.
fake news
it's the Irish blood, he can't really help it. based af though
Put a shirt on you mongrel faggot.
>>Kills Gaddafi
>>Assad must go
Shariablue you have gone full retard
Kushner is not a cuck, he's an alpha Jew, working for the best of his (((people))). If anyone's a cuck between these two it's actually Bannon for not calling a scheming kike a scheming kike.
what is wrong with his proportions?
i agree completely
we can't let this madman get his hands on the nuclear codes
I'd suck his dick :^)
sadly, no it wont
no one will care because the media will tell them they shouldn't care
>Baron is actually the child of Ivanka and Donald
When will Sup Forums accept this red pill?
This. Trump needs to fire Jared and stop listening to ivanka so much
Best timeline, Limbaugh spends 20 minutes talking about cucks.
Just another inbred kike.
daily reminder jared fucking kushner is basically leading our iraqi policy
what a casserole of nonsense
>Trump remembers who voted for him
>Prepares speech denouncing his "flagrant antisemitism"
>Gets back in line
this just looks bizarre
Can't believe this sissy faggot gets blowjobs from ivanka. Fuck this gay earth.
If Trump trusts Jared, you should too.
I'd be so much more impressed Bannon, if Kushner hadn't thoroughly kicked your ass.
Bannon was always /ourguy/
Is this real?
that pretty much nails it.
Female hips. Genuine Born Homosexual.
>Trump literally made a Sup Forums-tier chuuni larper his chief strategist
Classic Jewish physique.
No official confirmation, but it is likely. Bannon is a Nationalist Populist who is well read in Evola. Kushner is a globalist Kike elitist. They were going to clash eventually.
This and the fact your family and its descendants don't get a golden ticket to Greater Israel once it's set up.
This is amazing. Banon really is our guy
Guys, get your old Lazers out and target: is going down!
Bannon is /ourguy/
>Republicans in congress vote for straight Obamacare repeal 6 times while Obama's in office to veto them
>The second there's a president who'll sign their Obamacare repeal, they decide they need to pass Obamacare-lite instead, and somehow can't muster the votes
It's almost like they knew they were playing the rubes all along.