Steve Bannon is most certainly /ourguy/
Kushner is truly the evil Kike that's controlling trump guys.
Steve Bannon is most certainly /ourguy/
Kushner is truly the evil Kike that's controlling trump guys.
So the jews won in the end.
Jews always win.
>believing The Daily Beast
They're Buzzfeed without all the fun quizzes.
The jews were slaves for thousands of years. They do not always win. That's delusional, they've been in control 350 years vrs thousands of white control.
>as in cuckservative
They still can't figure it out.
Jews were never slaves
Egypt story is a myth disproven by modern anthropology
kikes sneak into a society, subvert and corrupt it and keep pushing until everyone gets sick of it and purges them. then the kikes write down a story in their little book about how they dindu nuffin wrong while they run off and sneak in somewhere else. this is literally their entire history.
Kushner is going to crash and burn so hard. I don't know what Trump is thinking, but he's put Kushner in charge of the simple tasks of building lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, restructuring the entire government to be more efficient, and be the point man between Trump and the Chinese.
All while 450 key government positions are unfilled because Trump can't be assed to nominate anyone for them.
He said kike, they quoted him wrong.
>Kushner is going to crash and burn so hard. I don't know what Trump is thinking, but he's put Kushner in charge of the simple tasks of building lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, restructuring the entire government to be more efficient, and be the point man between Trump and the Chinese.
they said the same thing about Trump. say it with me: President Kushner
>Kushner is going to burn
They all are my friend.
fake clickbait
People like Bannon don't have emotional outbursts like that at work they know the long game otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today
I want to believe.
Maybe his alcoholism is getting the best of him.
fake news
Daily Beast has Chelsea Clinton as a board member and was the first declare Scalia died from natural causes hours before he arrived at the coroners.