Jared Kushner

Now that our new enemy has been revealed, how do we take him down?

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Ivanka has to cheat on Kushner with Trudeau.


You know it's going to happen...

I thought you guys were pro Trump

We are but this kike is going to ruin him

Sup Forums isn't pro anything anymore. There's too many shills from both sides to actually have a meaningful political discussion.

He's got (((power))). This is a battle we may not win.


all part of the plan

Someone has to take one for the team and kill Iskanka and Cuckner.

And who's the alt-right-ish crazy energy behind Trump? Bannon. Bannon and Kushner are feuding. Come on, keep up! How many tens of threads have you even read today?

Is Ghost in the Shell out, in Sweden yet? How is it?

Jared is an enemy of the American people. He has to be stopped.

wow surprise

crash the market. All his money is tied up in holdings.

Fuck off shill you don't speak for the board

Fuck off TIDF shill.

FbiAnon leaked this plot like,months ago ago faggot...
We knew (((they))) were coming for the fab 5

"They can't get to TRUMP so they will try to divide his inner circle"
- fbianon kun

Cool pivot,Shariabluebro...finally got the MoveOn memo about russiarussiarussia?

hes right tho

I like this narrative desu

I like Kushner. He's like rich young Chad.

Which is what makes this the perfect place to be being this conversation.

He's family, and therefore nigh-untouchable. He'd have to divorce Ivanka to ever be vulnerable.

If Bannon really thinks he can win a power struggle with Kushner like reported, he's a complete moron and will end up thrown out on his fat ass.

It is always a kike who tries to ruin something good.

Friendly reminder that palace intrigue rumor-mongering about Bannon is fake news.

It makes perfect sense. Trump's sons are not exactly geniuses, and Trump likes to keep things in the family. Also, Trump is old no matter what he says, while Kushner is not only a bright person, he is in the prime of his life.

He could become the de-facto president, much like Cheney was when the retarded Bush was president.

We must use our memes to shine a negative spotlight on that rat Kushner

you will never succeed if this is too much for you.

fucking coward. Sup Forums is on another level that you will never live to see.

Kushner is the one trying to push put members of his inner circle

She probably did already.

I'm not saying some heroic patriot has to sacrifice his own freedom and take him and his feminist wife out, I repeat, I am not encouraging anyone (preferably a man with no friends, family and nothing to lose in life) to act violently towards Jared Kushner or Ivanka. That would be horrible and counter productive.

So, from one brand of sandnigger to another.

You do know Quebecers are literally muslims 1.0, right?

Of course. I hate many Quebecers.

Then why was Bannon removed from the NSC? Why was Preibus's deputy Katie Walsh fired? Why is a New York globalist faction being allowed to emerge with Kushner's support? Why has Trump failed to articulate any sort of coherent vision or set any sort of agenda? The Trump White House is overflowing with power struggles and scuzballs vying for influence.with the Orange King.

Do you not have the ability to see bullshit? Use your brain.

Bannon should be president after Trump. I would vote for him.

Someone needs to release pics of him dressed up as a trap.

Didn't some user claim he was the anti-Christ and get sweet gets?

We must save Bannon first.
Launch a hashtag #SaveBannon or #BanNeocon, call/send mails to your republicans governors/representant to express your strong opposition to an intervention in Syria.

I wish Ron Paul would have ran again so I could have voted for him and not have this sht on my conscience. Fuck. Politicians always let me down.


And yet Sup Forums mocked him.

Finally Sup Forums is working again. I'm gonna start the anti-trump memes. We need a good angle.

I think portraying him as an evil kike snake may be good. Gonna work on a meme that replaces Grima with Jared and Theoden with Trump


We need to use our strongest weapon

Trudeau is 3/4 anglo.
The only thing french in him is his beauty.

Bullshit narrative.
t. Brock's Heart

>Then why was Bannon removed from the NSC?
We don't know that he was.
>Why was Preibus's deputy Katie Walsh fired?
Does it have to be about Bannon?
>Why is a New York globalist faction being allowed to emerge with Kushner's support?
>Why has Trump failed to articulate any sort of coherent vision or set any sort of agenda?
It's over for Drumpf!!!
>The Trump White House is overflowing with power struggles and scuzballs vying for influence.with the Orange King.
Baseless speculation, childish insults

He's half Cuban lol, headcannon is that his dad got cucked by his mother with Castro.

He's a subversive sandnigger quebecois.

I'll agree though, he is very pretty.

(((their))) weakness is that they are compulsive and don't know when to stop. He will eventually self implode by overstepping his authority. (((They))) can't resist line crossing. He's already had problems with Manafort and Bannon. Trump will cut him loose when (((he))) alienates enough people.

Jared is working against Trump.

This would work. But I fear we may be trading one anti-Christ for another.

Nah. He's just trying to make Trump a good little servant of his people. I mean, look at this objectively, Jews convinced goy physicians to mutilate their own children's penises.

A war is Syria is nothing.

>jew turns out to be a traitor

Apparently he's been tasked with bringing peace to the middle east and all kinds of crazy shit.

I think trump loaded his plate up way too much on purpose so he can fire him when he doesn't deliver.

dude that kido will be the next president
if trump dosent make it for the next one because of the age this guy will try to run

>4D chess master meme
it's his son-in-law, I think Trump just fucked up

Ivanka (and Jared) seem asexual. I wouldn't be surprised if Jared is a closet homo—he's dainty.

S-suck his dick desu

user, please.
0/10 b8

is this one of those times when the story is that Trump is under preassure from deep state and so he's forced to appoint someone to a position? cus I gotta tell you, I think he got the job either because Donald likes him or Ivanka vouched for him

I myself was wondering when Jared will go too far. I don't see Trump firing him...I think Trump is reliant on his company. Who would Trump trust if he alienates Jared/Ivanka? Literally nobody—it would be torture. Jared and Ivanka know this and exploit him for it.

This. He and Bannon have been battling for power in the inner circle, I guess (((he))) won.


Read between the lines in this article

Trump is setting him up for absolute failure. Possibly?


>Text only

Kushner probably has a sex tape with Trump and Ivanka in it. His clutches around Trump's neck go beyond what a dumb slut does.

They literally just birthed a child.


You think he has all this power with no leverage over that fat faggot

They fuck every Friday night, according to the dossier. He lays on top of her for 2 minutes, and then goes to sleep in his bedroom.

The Trump boys will save their Father they are /our only hope

sup reddit

fake news detected

Hello T R U M P F A G


Stop being faggy

He doesn't have to fire him, he can put him in charge of all avocado exports, keep him busy.

on a more serious note, there's rumors that Kushner's dad went to jail taking a bullet for Trump. That's the kind of favor that someone like Trump would repay for life.

I posted the link for the video, what more proof do you need?

Obvious shill thread is obvious

Well they are orthodox so they would have to do it with a sheet between them and a hole.


Ivanka got her mom's genes, and those two sons are like the three dopes from Mom in Futurama. Barron is the genetic masterpiece we are all watching - for good reason.

We need Barron to kick Kushner in the nuts

In the video he's wearing black vietcong jammies and a yalmulke and she's wearing a Nike ski suit with a zippered crotch, so I don't know if that's kosher or not. I'm just reporting the facts, I'll leave the speculation to Sup Forums.

go back into your basement shariablue and let the big goys do the talking.

That had nothing to do with Trump. At all.

Guy is a straight up criminal, along with his entire family.

>Kushners donate to every campaign for Hillary except last election
>Either way Kushners get someone they want in
>Trump gets in
>Chris Christie on transition team
>Kusher says "no he put my dad in jail!"
>Chris is out

Where do you think this is going? Jared is a jew. Jews have one fucking loyalty... that's to their father and other jews. As long as Kushner is with Ivanka, Trump stands no chance at getting things through, having a good team, and being a great president.

Timeline fucking sucks balls


The guy is pretty hot though

I need to start going to the gym, I'm still young
I just work so many hours, it's torture

chris chirstie was the AG who prosecuted him also, that bad blood got christie and his team booted from the transition real quick, but he's back now??


that image is shoped, right_

Rule 34 on Jared Kushner. There must be one GAY pic or video out there. Somewhere on the internet.

link is fake retard


research his dirty laundry in "you know what trafficking", cheating, money laundry!

Do not forget, Anthony Weiner, lost everything over Breitbart revealing one of his dick picks

Let's do it quickly before they complete their silent (((take over))) of Trump's administration

This. Lets crash the fucking market.

its rel
ripped it from salon.com (fuck those pedos)

I never trusted that snake from the start. Just look at his sick little snake eyes, so creepy, so cold and dead.

He doesn't deserve Ivanka.

That's not exactly true. Trump promised Kushner his daughter in exchange for not implicating Trump. Trump made good on the deal, so they're even. As far as I'm concerned, Trump owes Kushner nothing.

Great pic


Eric, Jr. if you guys read this, listen carefully.
You have to get rid of Jared. If you don't, there will be only one option left. Crashing the Stockmarket. We will crash it. Get rid of him or we have to crash the markets.

Its not our will but he is a rat. Get rid of him.