when did you realize America was a joke? Sup Forums
When did you realize America was a joke? Sup Forums
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How can someone even become this fat? And then not commit suicide?
The world won't be laughing much longer.
Thanks Americans, good thing we aren't speaking German now and bowing to our Jewish overlords.
Since Vietnam
Since Vietnam
enablers, some stupid motherfucker is feeding it.
Since Vietnam
shouldn't have declared a war you were too weak to win, faggot
True story, the reason the guy is holding the burger like it was a gun is because it WAS a gun, its just that the number of gun deaths looked miniscule compared to the other death numbers so the original artist changed it to obesity
>tfw have hated america since I was like 12.
This country shouldn't be allowed to exist.
fixed that shit for you senpai
Bet the million+ dead gooks and birth defects still occuring to this day wish it was a joke.
you can choose not to smoke, drink, or eat burgers. consuming them in moderation wont kill you. you get some ebola blood in you and then you get ebola and will be shitting out your lungs. its the same reason shark attacks are more scary than car crashes.
fuck it was supposed to be the less than sign
oh well i tried
that family is cool.
>when did you realize America was a joke? Sup Forums
since I realized the how the Jews repaid us for our WW2 victory.
You hAte USA? Leave. Ebola? We sent 1000 troops and all they did was put tents up because niggers can't tent. Any excuse to keep diseased people out of my country is fine with me. Don't forget Obama changed the law allowing hub fags into USA where communicable diseases foreigners were kept the fuck out. How many died due to king nigger?
I hate the USA because every last politician wants more refugees and ends up being a kike shill like trump. I can't wait to leave once Poland or Hungary leaves the EU
We have Jesus and we poo in loo
Thats a Canadian.
>t. european intellectual
They might look like 1st world, but they are a shithole in their hearts.
Like all westerens
Should have just abandoned the Japs.
You can tell. He's quite slim for american.
Just kill him. So worthless.
it's hard to keep track
>Too weak to win
Germany would have won if they thought each country one on one. You're a fucking retard.
>he is wearing a blue jays hat, he is canadian, see haha we aren't fat haha, right guys?
What makes you think he is canadian other than his hat?
>can't wash itself
>let it order its own delivery food
i hate this world
I wouldn't live in any other country.
USA is the best.
>t. Fatfuck
I like it but the sign is backwards
I've known it for quite some time now
Self hating Americans suck.
>1v1 me fag
kek'd irl desu fampai
I'd destroy you fatty
yeah i know I fucked up
16 yo kids
i'm 6'1" and 165lbs (just weighed myself a couple hours ago)
that's a BMI of 21.8. i'm not fully done cutting for summer but i'm pretty close. i will literally fuck you up in a fight
your turn, fat faggot
I knew someone who got insanely fat. It was depression mixed with people around him who could never fucking admit to his face that he was gross. He was depressed for so long because of his shitty childhood and he just ate like a disgusting pig to make himself feel better.
I'm proud to say I was one of the people who made him fix himself and lose weight. I bullied him for a long time and he finally broke down and said he was going to start eating better and running.
nice virtual dick fatty, how about you post some pics
I realized America was a joke when 9/11 happened. Either our country was so fucking weak we let some literal shitskin sandniggers blow up our criminally shoddy buildings, or the whole thing was a false flag of unimaginable proportions. Either way, the government is still being lead around by kikes.
>compares a disease with drugs
I have a choice whether I consume drugs or not.
I don't have a choice whether I get ebola or not.
The only joke is your thread.
>tfw you only listen to other people when you are twelve and fully believe it
>tfw you still can't think for yourself
>tfw you should reconsider your pathetic life
>you mirin' muh gainz?
> Slowly killing oneself via noncontagious lifestyle choices
> therfore should not worry about contagious diseases of unclear lethality
>be 18 y/o person in the United States of Fuckin America
>Be able to own guns, get loans, pay taxes, go to war, etc
>Can't drink
This. Shouldn't have tried to take Britain either.
Says the burger diaspora true Germans hate burgers.
america was the greatest idea in human history, THE beacon of freedom for rest of the world. we adopted many of the ideas of the american constitution and it's one of the reasons we're the last (more or less) free country in eurocuckistan. americans fought the commie bastards like no other country and every eurocuck should be grateful for that.
unfortunately, america, because of their constitution, was and still is the main target for the commie bastards, marxists and all other degenerates. they were pretty successful, american intelligenzia became full commie and these subhumans are wrecking the greatest nation.
as always, when you're rich, you get lazy and let your guards down. america was also taken over by the corporate bastards who now fuck we the people big time.
america, if you fall, western civilization is done for. don't let this happen, we can't do very much, we're fighting the degeneracy but our countries are cucked almost beyond repair, we have to rely on you, don't let the west down.
godspeed white america.
lel nah
but you might like this place
I am a turk :)
t. shitskin
Best post I've seen in a while. Thanks bro. We will keep that beacon burning bright. This country will not fall unless those who made it fall want to go against the guns and passion of white America.
We will win. It's in the American spirit
>i'm 6'1" and 165lbs
Hello hungry skeleton
Since Iraq
t. literal closet faggot
i'm pretty ripped m8
That isn't too bad at all user he could gain 5-10 more pounds though
The day I drove through Detroit in the 90s.
>closet faggot
>for asking proof
yeah im pretty sure the guy bragging about his body weight isnt the closet faggot here
>asking a male stranger for pictures
>calling others gay
sorry you're struggling so much with your inner identity
When they invaded Iraq.
if you have to call someone else a closet faggot then you know you're one yourself, self-projecting cunt
I was 6'1" 170 pounds in high school and was a scrawny faggot, unless you just have a super narrow/no shoulders physique you're skinny as fuck.
Although being a goofy skeleton is still far better than being a fatass, I will grant you that.
from your lips to God's ears ameribro.
>How can someone even become this fat? And then not commit suicide?
That guy can't even walk, much less commit suicide withoun't it's caretaker and enabler preventing it.
The person feeding this guy should be arrested and this guy should be put on a special hospital for fat people, in which there would be NO FOOD TROLLEYS OR ANY WAY FOR THEM TO GET OUTSIDE FOOD. Im sure after an extremely restricted hipocaloric diet of nothing but healthy food and an exercise program these people would be re-abilitated into society.
Whoever told the fucking enablers that it is better to be soft and accept this unhealthy insanity then to be hard on them and make them clean up their act? Whoever did that deserves to be in jail for life for ruining countless lives!
How can he smoke while eating a burger and fries and drinking two drinks?
I don't think I could manage that, but then again I'm not a fat heaving American. Hahaha!
maybe for you yuroshits, sure. not a chance against uncle Sam.
>not a chance against uncle Sam.
>Americans are this deluded
>listening to other people
You are projecting, Chaim.
>this chimpout
>this insecurity
thanks for the (You)s now go find some arab cock to suck, jurgen.
lol 6'1" at 170lbs isn't scrawny at all
see pic related. it's carlos condit, UFC fighter. he's 6' 2" and weighs 170
>Obesity, tobacco, alcohol deaths
Literally all of these can be avoided with a healthy diet and don't require any government intervention.
If Ebola comes to the US, the only way to survive from it is to basically walk around in a hazmat suit.
Around "nucular" being said by a POTUS
This election just reaffirmed it. Didn't really give two shits about the Obama period. Other than realizing all the libs are cocksuckers for war, if only you butter up the language.
you got me, I am actually gay :/
at this point, isnt america a great living meme?
Probably when a first lady had the power to burn its citizens alive and have zero repurcussions.
When Trump was elected.
Though it did remind me why the average red state is basically insolvent and why yankee states & the west coast tend to carry the rest of the country on the backs of their taxpayers.
Anyone save the most devout of libtards would agree this person just needs to die.
Jesus fuck, what a waste of resources.
im 6'1 280 pounds. I would crush your tiny head Jack Skellington
care to elaborate?
if you could get out of bed first
UFC fighters are all very skinny/lean because they have to be. I guess if you want to be a fighter go for it.
If you aren't a UFC fighter, then leave humanity behind with me
You realize 90% of men are between 4 inches and 6.3 inches right? Average is also around 5.2
I'm 5.8 and I've had girls tell me I'm bigger than other guys they had. 6.5 is a large dick size and definitely not average lmao
Fucking fat loser
that's the average when we ignore micropenises.
>not being insecure to the point of buying a bathmate and making your dick gain an inch and a half
it's b8. also, women can't into math/measurements
ottermode >>>>>> your faggot gainz
>things that you can quit and take a long time to kill you are just as bad as the disease that makes you barf your guts out in a week
Really gets the old noggin joggin.
Ottermode is the most beta of all
It's "I'm lifting for women and not myself: the physique"
It's right up there with going down on women
Just jelq if you want to kek. Also jelqing is a meme and will only temporarily make your dick look bigger
>comics always portray obese people as white
>most obese people are negroes
explain this
This stuff is fake lmao. Women do not like penises around 8 inches that will legit hurt them