Europeans discuss how to make Europe great again.
Welcome: EU core members (before 2000), Scots
Not welcome: Treacherous Anglo subhumans, Eastern ""Europeans""
Europeans discuss how to make Europe great again.
Welcome: EU core members (before 2000), Scots
Not welcome: Treacherous Anglo subhumans, Eastern ""Europeans""
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Remove Merkel and nuke Brussels
Relocate banking hub to Ireland, and give us our counties back. Neutral countries should have the banks. Makes sense.
Also, Require people to actually learn about Merkel. She's done a fuck load of good. I mean, yeah rapefugees are running around doing whatever the fuck they want, but they don't bother you much. Unlike the fucking travelers.
Which leads me onto my next point. Any and all travelling communities need to be eradicated. Irish ones, Romanian gypos. Fuck them all.
Am I welcomed in here meister?
>She's done a fuck load of good.
For example?
>joined after 2000
Technically not, but since you're the most civilized out of the Eastern Euro countries, you get a pass.
enforce a border and remove kebab. also convince the Germans never to push for tax harmonisation
Scotsman here. How make Europe great again? Disband the EU and send all shitskins home. Expel all gaijins. Pic related shows what benefits the EU gave us for our £12BN per year:
You mean for once? Start by breaking up the EU and governing yourselves for a change.
To fix Europe, we have to get rid of germany
only removing german nation, language and culture will enforce peace and prosperity to Europe, and to the world
>how to make Europe great again.
dismantle the EU
While for osme reason this board has a strange hatred for helping their fellow man, the minimum wage she pushed for has helped countless people, and actually boosted the economy.
Not to mention, despite Sup Forums thinking otherwise, the Euro remains a super strong force to be reckoned with.
Her push for funding to projects all over Europe have been an amazing leap for mankind. Americans love the ol "boot straps" thing, but the introduction of EU funding for any country willing to offer free third level education is something people dreamed about for years.
And help for the poor is almost unrivaled. The EU as a whole is pretty amazing, considering what it has dealt with.
Afaik, Scotland receives more in funds than it pays.
Then, the EU budget is miniscule anyways and doesn't really matter.
twas never great
Sorry Hans my friend, but only the Irish "Scots" voted to remain. Picts voted leave just like we voted no in indyref.
ps. Annex me England-senpai
>the minimum wage she pushed for
That's actually her coalition partner, the Social Democrats. Merkels party actually opposed that.
>but the introduction of EU funding for any country willing to offer free third level education is something people dreamed about for years
There were programs like that? Never heard about it, nice.
>And help for the poor is almost unrivaled.
Afaik, the poverty rates in Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands all went up.
One day Hans every one of your people will lie dead in the Kerneuropan mud.
By changing the head of the EU. These fucking jews want one country with 1 president. Killing of all the cultures we have.
Making it so that all different perspectives fade away, so they can turn us in the cattle that we have always been.
easy: revert to EEC, send a cold fuck off to Brussels and parasites there, and an even bigger fuck off to Frankfurt and kikes there
looking forward to putting my savings into a mega-powerful new DM
>how to make Europe great again.
Step 1:
Remove the EU
Step 2:
Party hard
get the fuck out
Europe is gonna break within 5 years if it continues the way it goes
I cant wait for tolars again
Western Europe is cucked, only way to save it is to preserve eastern europe
Hello darkness, my old friend.
I'm trying to learn that song on guitar right now, m8
Only 10000 foreign EU inmigrants/refugees allowed each year
No more
That's it
>Not welcome: Treacherous Anglo subhumans, Eastern ""Europeans""
Eat a dick Hans, your shitty imperialism is what ruined this union. If you all burn it will all immediately get better.
It is 100%, entirely, without a doubt YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone.
That you bitch about Eastern Europeans and the English after all you've done just proves how much you've failed.
Top kek it wont last more than 10 years
Remove the EU
Re-establish national pride and sovereignty.
Let the public become warriors again.
Fight for glory.
End goal is return of greatness via conflict.
>10 years
GFC 2:electric boogaloo is coming way before 10 years
it will also spell a definite end to kikeuropa and kalergi plan
There's a reason the irish mongoloid s arent part of the UK anymore.
They're too buttfuck retarded to even survive.
Remove just potatoes and they all starve to death.
What the fuck are you on about? are you saying there are more Irish in Scotland than Scots? are you fucking stupid?
I don't only want France to pull out of the EU.
I want the complete destruction of the EU, I want all of its institutions and politicians burned and killed in the most painful ways.
We all hate you, take your EU and hang yourself with it.
>how to fix the EU
another genocide :^)
yeah, we should erase the eternal kraut this time around
Bring back the EEC
tfw Tatcher was right
The EU needs to be dismantled.
Perhaps it would be possible to accomplish a European Union, if we first got rid of all the Jews, not until then.
Abolish the parliament, schengen, euro and all that crap.
It should have been only about economical and some liiiiiiiiiiittle political cooperation.
Now its just a whole fucking expansionist country in denial.
There are two "Scotlands", the west is full of Irish-"Scots" who have nothing to do with the east lowlands culture from the borders up towards aberdeen. If you aren't familiar with something please don't call me stupid, thank you.
Some liiiiiiiittle political cooperation won't impress the USA, China, or even Russia.
>Abolish the parliament
A thousand times yes.
No, schengen should be used to our advantage, reworked to protect borders against foreigners and strengthen them.
Too late for that, just push through and make it a single currency, remove cucking where it's rigid and fucking everyone but the rich.
Kick us out please k tnx
we should work together ths time russianbro
Please kick us out, thanks.
>No, schengen should be used to our advantage, reworked to protect borders against foreigners
Naive fantasy.
Greece and Italy feels no obligation to enforce their outer border. They have no loyalty to your country.
>Naive fantasy.
Do you have any idea what Schengen is and how it works?
>Greece and Italy feels no obligation to enforce their outer border. They have no loyalty to your country.
Of course they don't, because they have to use their money to police the border of 28 countries. It is flawed and meant for a situation where pressure at the Greek border is of people wanting to enter Greece.
When you have people wanting to enter Germany at the Italian border, they are, of course, not willing to enforce the border. Therefore Germany would and should provide tech, equipment and money equal to the size of its border compared to other border countries TO the border countries. Ditto for every one of the states.
In addition, Schengen is a brilliant opportunity of preventing shitty situations where one country's retardation does not affect the rest of us.
Current situation is one where we, Belgium, are actively fucking all of you by being incredibly loose with citizenship and immigration to the point where these people (read: terrorists) are free to roam amongst you with "european passports". If Schengen included a system where everyone can have the same strong level of laws for that, it'd work significantly better than separate borders.
>Do you have any idea what Schengen is
A method to flood Europe with islam and googles.
Eastern Europeans are more European than nigger subhumans from the South.
That would be the EU. Read some Jean Monnet and Richard Kalergi papers. Those two crafted the EU. Surprised a Dane is low informed. Usually intelligent well versed people. Kurd or Assyrian subhuman diaspora or something?
If the United Cuckdom removes kebab
We shall join the UK and together we will annex degenerate Ireland
Schengen = No country protects their borders
No Schengen = Every country protects their borders with their life
>how to make Europe great again
destroy the EU and things will get better. then start to kill all germans because germany is the root of all evil and degeneracy in europe.
>tfw incoming schengen referendum because the fucking EU wants our guns
>tfw if all gun owners vote we leave this fucking mess once and for all
Berlin and Brussels deserve to be nuked.
>No Schengen = Every country protects their borders with their life
Yeh, sure, that's how the world works. We're still in medieval times.
Great plan to bad they have a backup in Strasbourg.
There's no agreement between Somalia and Italy, yet Italy fails to do anything to protect its border.
I can tell you are a child who does not remember how life was in 1980's when we had nations with strong borders and the only way the muslims could infiltrate us was by Guest worker programs and family reunions.
i'd vote for sarin gas, nukes are too painless. then shoot everybody how tries to get out of these cesspools.
Vaterland, ewig frei,
Sei unser Feldgeschrei,
Sieg oder Tod!
Frei lebt, wer sterben kann,
Frei, wer die Heldenbahn
Steigt als ein Tell hinan.
Mit uns der Gott!
If any Europeans support the EU, you're a cuck.
>how life was in 1980's
With the risk of invoking a memey saying, we are not 1980 any more.
>the only way the muslims could infiltrate us
Right, right, brilliant argument and all.
So how are you gonna handle border agreements with Germany, where the biggest threat of Muslim infiltration comes from?
If any brits support the UK, you're a cuck
t. nordcuck
Merkel opposed the minimum wage.
First off, burn EU to the grown. Second, get rid of christianity and focus on tearing down churches and find out about our true past. Third, get rid of the (((refugee's))) and kike's.
This is a start.
By getting rid of BRD.
>So how are you gonna handle border agreements with Germany
close the border, we did that a few decades ago and it worked beautifully, remember?
>and find out about our true past
You mean
>we wuz wekangz and sheet
>Afaik, the poverty rates in Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands all went up.
They did. Because surprise surprise, your barely-middle-class income means you make more money than the poor, and to help the poor they'll drain your wealth.
Social spending has always been the shittiest "investment" a state could make, because it's not a fucking investment at all. It doesn't produce any wealth, the money just disappears into the whole and next month you'll have to pay just as much again, without having any payoff.
kike on a stick desert religion lover and traitor of the european people detected.
So you blow off all the border agreements with Germany, who just let you do it?
Ok, so what happens to people who want to travel to Switzerland with a German passport? Or skilled workers with a German passport, who want to work for you? All banned? Or a law that determines how brown you can be if you have a German passport and want to enter?
Besides, you, as Switzerland, are quite besides the point. While closing a border effectively might be conceivable for you, it isn't for any of our countries, because we don't have direct democracy.
So tell me about your glorious pre-Christian past, Swizzie.
>get rid of christianity and focus on tearing down churches
you guys are already doing that though, how is it working out?
England is more like Rome in the context of this post
Our state actually reduced welfare with the Agenda 2010, and did so partially because of EU influence (Lissabon treaty).
You really think the Greek would use the hypothetical tech and resources we hand them to enforce their border?
They have zero interest in it. That money would go straight into their own pocket and they'd just keep letting everyone pass through their country because they want to Germany anyway so it's not their problem.
If you want your borders enforced, you have to do it yourself. At your own borders.
We used to feel an obligation to enforce our outer border before the EU fined us for doing it. Gaddafi also helped enforce our outer border, look what happened to him.
Refugees are a business for NGOs and organized criminality (
I used to think the EU was a good thing for Italy, that they might help us sort our shit out with corruption and mafia, turns out they're as rotten as us, if not worse. Fuck the EU.
Exactly my fellow POLack
we fought an empire and won. your turn dönercuck.
>Ok, so what happens to people who want to travel to Switzerland with a German passport?
They apply for a visa if the countries have no agreement.
Not exactly rocket science and it's already common procedure for a lot of countries anyway. Germans need visas to enter the US, yet you still have significant travel to that country.
Yes, start by removing what's in your picture, OP. The (((EU))) is literally the cancer killing Europe.
Child, it works like this: Personal responsibility.
If Germany knows its neighbours close their borders, it would think twice about letting in 2 million muslims.
If Germany knows it can push its muslims to other EU countries, it will forget about personal responsibility.
Take Trump with you. Don't worry we won't mind at all!
Infact please take him. We'll throw in a free pair of ear plugs.
Social spending has been significantly increasing
You wouldn't be giving Greece a lump of money, you'd be giving them them border protection tech and men, who are to be used for that.
This is not a matter of the idea, it's the matter of its execution.
Nobody lets in refugees to Germany because it's not "their problem", that's just typical shit you're fed to further destabilize Europe with your German crap.
Listen, I know we're all stuck in the far past and have a really backwards mentality in Europe, but this is Sup Forums, aren't we supposed to think outside the box? As it is, the physical act of passing the border is not the biggest threat right now. If we all go back to arming the borders, walling them up and closing them off, what are we going to achieve? Fucking nothing because none of the problem happens by the physical act of passing the border. The refugees who come in are nothing without your edicts that force us all to take them in. Hell, the lack of borders filters out idiots because those who pass them without a plan often get sent back/denied.
Our problems originate elsewhere - in the refusal to support the border where shit happens for you and everyone else and the stupidity of absolute freedom of movement. That is all Schengen issues that don't have anything to do with slapping soldiers at every kilometer of border we have.
>EU = Europe
Fuck off you retarded Eurokike
We had quite a lot of time between WW2 and the funding of the EU were everything went fine without problems, the EU is not without alternative.
>You wouldn't be giving Greece a lump of money, you'd be giving them them border protection tech and men, who are to be used for that.
Greece did this for free back in the 1980's.
You tried to fix a clock that worked, and it ended up broken.
You do realize that's not an insult, if you're old and on Sup Forums there's something wrong with you, not with me for being young and on Sup Forums.
>If Germany knows its neighbours close their borders, it would think twice about letting in 2 million muslims.
No, it would not.
>If Germany knows it can push its muslims to other EU countries, it will forget about personal responsibility.
It can and closing the borders will do nothing to change that in any way. German politicians all want the death of Europe and they have significant economic backing to force that inegardless of whether there's men on the borders. Fine, you're Switzerland, you may force your politicians to put their foot down and maybe Germany will relent, because you keep their money and historical reasons. But for the rest of us it doesn't work like that.
t. mahgrebfag
also, your chocolate sucks ass.
>if you're old and on Sup Forums there's something wrong with you
No, there's something wrong with YOU if you seriously believe this retarded line. Because it implies that you clearly see posting Sup Forums as something bad that shouldn't be done, yet here you are.
I'm scottish and want nothing to do with the EU
go eat a sandniggers bratwurst hans
>have no response
>call me names
If you're around your 30s+ I do see something wrong with hanging around a board that is 90% memes, irony and arguing with autists.
If you're 30+ you should have a family.