We have to do it Sup Forums, we have to do it, we have no choice.

REPORT IN!!! Let's discuss how we do to shift public opinion against WW3...

Dump all your ideas, I believe we need to establish the parallelism between this intervention and Obama's red lines, blablabla in 2013.

We can do it, just dump ideas... Let's organize us, let's do what we know how to do! LET'S MEME MAGIC!


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Nice digits ya got there

wew checked

Are we against WW3?

At least we're against buying this cheap false flag to intervine in Syria.

check dem


user, its over. The system is corrupt to the core and cannot be changed. Maybe after WW3 we will be able to rebuild, but we have tried everything. We've sent letters to congress, we've spread the message on social media, we even memed a man into the oval office, and in the end he sided with the enemy. I really do wish we could fix this system, but maybe it is time we start focusing on how to survive and rebuild after it collapses.

fuck the globalists.

Praise kek

praise be his name.

Please kek spare us war.

Your digits 77

Well not voting to give a petulant, ignorant manchild the power to start it was step 1.

> Let's discuss how we do to shift public opinion against WW3...
the public opinion is AGAINST WW3 though.
absolutly against that, were anti fake news afterall

The false flag was related to a Radical group, some of them have chemical weapons

assad would never give somebody an excuse to invade his country

We have to shift public opinion.
C'mon Sup Forums. BELIEVE AGAIN!

Praise the digits and kek

Pic related is a Syrian kid, Assad did this.

Bump this

Steve Bannon said Jared Kushner is a "globalist cuck."

Kek needs to meme magic the death of Kushner, a traitor to this country.

You don't know what you are doing lads!

i think one of us (one of you americunts) is going to have to bite the bullet and assasinate trump, then the focus will shift off the syrian shit


Ok kangaroo fucker no need to go that far

Holy shit. Kek is omnipotent

Kek, I really need some answers. I humbly ask that you give me digits if Trump is a good guy for us. If he is a puppet or turncoat, give me singles.

Kek, is trump a globalist?

How? Social Media has cranked up censorship to 11, the MSM propaganda machine will push this war, the intelligence agencies all want this war, the elites want this war, the government wants this war, and after the propaganda machine does its job the public will want this war.

What about something like EBOLA CHAN only a CHAN about awaking SJW girls to our side. We start some kind of EREGORNE that will mentally augement the fat SJW lesbian into a traditionalist housewife. We could call her good girl chan or something.

fuck you and you're bullshit wars

Maybe put a Jewish people in front of the twin towers?

this is what we get for praise kek for fucks sake

Can we trust Mike pence to represent us though? He's a social conservative but he may very well be a shill when it comes to immigration.


i have no clue



Maybe post memes on Twitter of pepe switching sides to the globalists?

I think this is a good idea. We could mentally attack all the SJWs at once. We could inspire them to exercise, eat right and even re alien their sexuality. Can you imagine what it would do to the world narrative if it started to be popular for lesbians to resist their gayness? If there was a mass movement of fat dyed hair she-queers to desperately embrace healthy life styles and traditional sexuality.

An eregorne that turns Jews Bluecollar and right wing. We could call it Ishmel the Jewish Cowboy/carpenter .

Post memes of pepe with Saudi Arabia so that people think pepe wants us to attack the middle east?

As much as I love him, our best option is trump at the moment. Thank god it isn't that bitch Hillary

>Ww3 will entrench globalism even worse

Why would kek give us such hope to snatch it away

We could make anti trump memes that are anti war that would appeal to normies

Simply: if (((they))) blackmail Donald Trump, we have to do the same. Let's do the same. Action/Reaction. Force/counterforce. Meme Magic should make Trump great again. Praise KeK, brothers.

Post memes claiming pepe wants ww3


Got to have faith. these things are clearly meant to play out over more then the short term.

Please save us form the jew kek

That would have the opposite effect.


Pepe should switch sides

I love that idea

Satanist confirmed faggot. We are using white magic here. Miracles, not abominations your grandfather taught you.

But pepe is a chaos god, people wants chaos

Gotta check those digits



Pepe likes to build up the underdog just to kick the stilts out from under them right as they're about to start winning, just like with trump

>flat earth model

You might be right but point chaos up your ass youll get chaos up your ass. There must be directional logic here otherwise Trump wouldnt have been elected. That is the basis we operate on after all.

Pepe knows what's up.

All we can do is trust in pepe

The answer is obvious, we need to revist the success we had with Ebola Chan. We need to make a cute sexy eregorne we can put our fapping into to alter some massive variable in the world like SJWs or Jews.

The fact this was a false flag is picking up steam on media, Trump is not an idiot, he's not going to start Iraq war 2.0

Pepe saying "you mad?" With a nice picture of assad so that the normies think Sup Forums supports assad... They'll investigate and see the gas was false flag

look where thats gotten us

We already have chaos up the ass, time to shit it all over the globalists

We have reached what they call singularity, so instead of accepting the game change and leaving their old ways of subversion and opression they'd rather bomb us all back to the stone age. That shouldn't happen. We need to bring them that simple idea that to be gods among gods is way more groovy than being fools among sheep.

if people think Sup Forums supports Assad wont that make leftist hate him more? we arent that well liked you know

Chaos is the only way

Omg... meme magic


Makes no sense at all.

someone make pepe hugging assad saying i support the truth

war is not chaos, it's orders

That would spark so much shit my dude. I love it tho

Yea and normies will look into assad and see the gas attack was a false flag

Fucking enter in the discord!!!

The right answer never does

Start the hashtag #NoGasInMAGA, appeal to Trump's pride and his "America First" narrative.


So then pepe won't cause ww3 by that logic if pepe only wants chaos

Let's all make pro Assad pepe memes to make the left hate Assad even more. They'll notice that it was a false flag and boom we win.

Thats just your own personal problems understanding things man.

At this point pepe is known about, use him for reverse psychology

Exactly, we should use this opportunity while we can

The truth.

The truth has to be easily digestible and hard to refute based on hard evidence. The sprawling image charts and spiderwebs chase people away, but they must be condensed into easily understood, consumable products. Such is the way the enemy has shaped the ignorant masses. The awareness of the masses is what we fight for, everything else is just a tertiary benefit. Do not forget this.

Show the links to the major media, corporations, and political leaders with one image, make it clean, make it professional. Show the links between their agendas and current false flags with another. DO NOT attempt a total "red pill" in one single image. Just as they practice "the slow boil" so too must we. Understand basic human herd mentality. You are all dogs and wolves amongst sheep. Never forget that. Most of the population is happy to follow, and not question.

AVOID: Race relations, Religion, Deliberately inflammatory remarks that will set shit off right away. Wait until you have your masses attention, then begin LOGICAL, reasonable SLOW awareness campaigns.

Muslim slave trade lasting till the 1900s.
Use these things. things that are historical and easily cited.

The endgame: We are all easily controlled, the Global elites take away our right to self determination, and all the concequences that stem from that.

-Adult euthanasia as population control. sure why not. Sorry you are 50 and your back is busted, its for society bro.
-Sterilization? Sure why not. You came from a lower class family that is a burden on society, its good for us all, thanks for the heroic sacrifice yo.
-Information control- hey man dont read that, its fake news.
-Movement control- Hey, live in the city only, the environment needs to be protected.
-Food control- you shouldn't eat food you grow, you have no idea how to grow food. Never mind what is in your food, the FDA knows best and always has.

How will they do this? stay tuned

Section 1287 Global Engagement Center located within the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017 signed into law by Obama in December (sponsored by McCain).

Global Meme Warfare

Charge the sigil with sex magic. I like it!

The conversation is magical

Right, if people switched sides to the globalists then the people would turn against the globalists and we will have trolled kek

Normies probably wouldn't investigate here anyway, most just take everything they hear from the media as fact.

Pepe not people

It's a fantastic idea

Start the hashtag #NoGasInMAGA, appeal to Trump's pride and his "America First" narrative.

And they hate Trump AND pepe the same. It'll be like a mind fuck

you could have stopped this

I'm sorry but we are for ww3 at any cost, using any available excuse.

Pepe with Soros saying "we couldn't have done it without you pepe"

>how we do to shift public opinion against WW3...
And why would we do that, exactly?

I know i posted this before but im going to again. What if we made an egregore that brainwashed SJWs into becoming good hetero-normative housewives interested in physical exercise and cultivating a relationship with a provider male? I believe many of them want this already but are to afraid or mis-educated to pursue that path. This egregore could have the same effects ebola chan and that mlp insanity meme had. Imagine the damage that would do to the narrative if a huge chunk of the SJW army started openly changing sides in such a way. I know it takes some dot connecting but I believe this would drastically effect the potential war outcome.


The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are not ready to be a political activist, either anonymously or in reality.

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. So work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for yourself and your family. Because if you can't make anything of your own, individual life, then how can you think you'll be able to make a difference for the race, for the lives of many? Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.