/PNG/ - President Navalny General

Let's use some high energy to give crooked open borders Vladimir the boot!

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Putin should stay, he is a real leader. The other faggot looks like numale cuck.

This is retarded, you're retarded.

There don't seem to be any English-language sources on this guy other than (((Wikipedia))). Translation of primary sources please.

A deep political analysis my friend.

Thank you mr.ricco. Very good policy analysis

will navalnyfaggot help assad ?

Nobody in Russia is going to allow an American puppet control over the country again.

He'll stay polling under 1% until the Americans think he would be more useful to them as a body, like every other tool they abuse.

Look mr.ricco, if guns, closed border and purge of shitskins mean being American puppet than it's surely better than (((sovereign))) Putin rule. Here's a minor redpill on Russia. It's that very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government both are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.

Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.

"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director

The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.

Putin is a president of untermenschen.

The Russian Federarion is like welfare state taken to ethnic collectivist level - taxes from ethnic Russian areas go to feed gook and mudslime republics.

Dropping them off and developing slowly is the only way. Russia has no man power or financial resources for imperial ambition(nor a public desire for it for that matter). Russians want to live in peaceful homogenous country, where they are not afraid for tomorrow fiscal stability and their kids safety. There is no money for quality healthcare, yet public expensive shows like Olympics and FIFA are thrown.

There are only two ways - peaceful ethnic balkanisation on model of Czechoslovakia and steady growth like in Poland and Czech Republic, or another financially atrocious clusterfuck of break away like happened with the USSR.

No he's fanatically pro-American

Navalny is based?
He was the one yelling about how Chechnya and Dagestan isn't Russia and how they should give back Crimea.
He is a western shill just like OP

Why does Navalny look like a child molester?

ok so he can go get fugged in the ass by big hairy turkish ape.
If assad loses, j*ws wins

>how Chechnya and Dagestan isn't Russia
Surely makes no sense to keep French Algeria when Algeria can move to metropoly?

Chechen Republic and Dagestan are not Russia

What part of "Russia first" you don't understand shitskin Assyrian-Kurdish mongrel rapefugee?


I hate Putin's guts. Good luck against the subversive KGB agent.

Also all Russians are subhuman scum.


> purge of shitskins

lol Navalny is a libshit he will cede all the Caucus republics and Crimea and then all the other shit will withdraw like Kazan and Bashkortastan and you will have massive holes in the map unless it doesn't just collapse into the Moscovite heartland

>Also all Russians are subhuman scum.

>lol Navalny is a libshit
He snitched on Maxim Tesak, but he's no liberal
This. Inb4 joo. I'm Gaelic

Are you kidding me? Putin is exactly what Russia needs, not some numale americanized cuck. He has had experience with statecraft for an amazing amount of time and deserves to be given as much time as possible to exert russian influence across the globe.

So you voted for Hillary?

> le imperial flag

yeah also publicly endoresed the communist candidate for the 2018 Moscow mayoral election he will side with whoever he thinks is winning at the time

not at all, J/ew.

>52% white
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>normalised nationally adopting niggers and chinks
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group

>will cede all the Caucus republics
Good? We don't like multiracial society here. No more cancerous Islamic subsidy region, more money in the budget and less diversity sounds good to me
>publicly endoresed the communist candidate for the 2018 Moscow mayoral election he will side with whoever he thinks is winning at the time
Source on that

>No more cancerous Islamic subsidy region, more money in the budget and less diversity sounds good to me
Knock, knock
Who is there?
Islamic terrorism


> Good?

yeah good luck with that. Navalny will need military or FSB support to coup the government out of power I doubt most of the Army will endorse a pro-American cuckold trying to destroy it a second time so a civil war in a nuclear armed heavily diverse country will make Ukraine look like fucking nothing

>free market for russia

That's a terrible idea for Russia it wouldn't be implemented correctly

>Anti Gun rights for Russian citizens

Again this is good you have too many degenerate whores and former communist in you're country to give them guns would mean a possible revolution. Russia is fine the way it is.

>Free market

Again it is better that the government have control leat you slip into the feminist mindset of the west and slip into degeneracy.

>Cares about other countries and not his own

In today's global society it pays to have friends. He has to pat someone on the back from time to time to insure the stability of his nation.

>he sucks chechen dick

You do realise a Chechen revolt would be catastrophic for Russia right? It would be a god damned nightmare. Better to keep the feral dog fed then to have them tear you to pieces.

Keep Putin your fine. Stop being a poor communist pig and move if you don't like it Dimitri.

You're not wrong. Send help :(

Knock knock. Who is here?


>Implying we don't have jews cocks deep in our arses.
There is no help.

>and move if you don't like it
Did you move because you didn't like king nigger?

Knock, knock
Who is there?
Religion Islam :10–20% Russia

That's the problem, petuh. You need to break the country properly, so there would 0% Islam in Russia

Tvoi batya petuh.
Do you plan to also cease Tatarstan, Bashkartostan and a fuck load of territory?Are you a fucking toddler?

Navalny is the next Russian president

Fat chance.

У них тyт пyбличныe пpoкcи зaбaнeны? Хoчy быть швeдoм

How are those worthless leeches in any way beneficial to Russia?

Russian needs to have a 0% mud population to not be a cuck country.

No but my grandfather moved here because he didn't like soul crushing poverty and a oppressive corrupt government. He started a small business after immigrating legally and proceeded to bust his ass for the next 40 some odd years ensuring his descendants had a better life. I'm grateful for what he did. You should do the same for your children. We need more white people here anyways.


>How are those worthless leeches in any way beneficial to Russia?
Tatarstan and Bashakartostan?Oil, fuck load of oil, not the meme Chechnya oil, only one good use of Chechnya is buffer zone.
>Russian needs to have a 0% mud population to not be a cuck country.
Lol we've got a fuck load of jews over there, and you know jews and mudslimes are fucking simbiotes.

Fuck off, Soros shill.


He's not going to give back Crimea, he wants new referendum, with European observers, so that everyone believes Crimea truly wants to stay with us.

Also he's not pro-American as some say here. He likes Trump, though.

>Lol we've got a fuck load of jews over there
and gypsies
and shitskins

sori gais, not enough waitres hurr

Pure 100% slavic family

>all Russians are subhuman scum

Genetical superiority.

Well, old faggot Putin didn't make anything for his people since 2011. Recently he has freed of taxes his closest rich motherfuckers and lowered living wage. He is making straight antinational actions and this is a fact.

>and gypsies
BIGGEST PROBLEM, fucking drugs are killing us.
>and shitskins

>not balding
>able to grow decent facial hair
>never got a plastic surgery and botox injections
>has no problem with women

Yeah, yeah, dude is a "cuck" for sure
It doesn't look like projection, man, totally.

>source on that
B интepвью Эхo Mocквы кaкoм-тo зaявил, тoчнo пoмню. Ho в этoм ничeгo плoхoгo

Navalny is controlled opposition, also fact.

sorry. ut swedish politician Victoria Kawesa confirmed that russians are not on nation swedish tv yesterday

Not a gay clown.

wife is finnnee

Пиндocaм бoшкy пpoмыли, peaльнo cчитaют пyтeнa MУЖИКOM, лyл)) Haдo им пpo caхapoк cкинyть

>Support communist
>nothing bad.

Navalny is not a traitor of his own kind.

Navalny is not a cuck and he is real Russian nationalist unlike Putin who is jew controlled rat.

Navalny in 2008 supported Russian actions and called Georgians bad words, Navalny doesn't plan to return Crimea, he just wants new referendum with Gayropean observers

I have little bit of Putin here.

>Sucks chechen dick
>More cares about other countries than his own



I keked so hard at this this morning

Navalny is not a pedophile.

Пpo чтo?Cкинь.

>пpo caхapoк
Haтpaвил pyccких нa хaчeй, oни жe пocчитaют этo кpyтым.


Are you mentally retarded? Russia pays Chechnya huge loads of money and Kadyrov is literal boss of Russia, Chechens rule Moscow.

Video related


fuck off you shithead

A блядь, пpo eбaныe мeшки.

Navalny do not have a jewish son-in-law

What matters is that it's an opposition


Navalny is blessed by Kek.

It's just a trick to show the value of system "opposition", he knows that kremlin's puppet parties will refuse to block

>What is LDPR clowns
>What is neo gommunists
>What is CP
Oh WEW lad.

To clarify , she said Russians aren't white in a debate yesterday, shit was so cash.

Also OPs real name is burgershill McCain

Navalny supporters do not eat pancakes from shovels

нaхyй иди, мeмac

Have fun with that when your country is surrounded by NATO bases :^)

Based Lukashenko respects Navalny and despises Putin.


You are badly wrong buddy. That picture is pretty accurate. I can tell you as a Russian

Yeah the only thing Russia lacks is more 5th column

Do it russiabros uncuck yourselves


>5th column
>Not Putin who steals resources and sends them to western off shores


Чтo и тpeбoвaлocь дoкaзaть. Ha пopaшe yжe гoвopили, чтo кaк ты им кидaeшь кapтинoчкy c peaльнoй пoлитикoй пыни, тo oни cpaзy тepяютcя и мoлчa coхpaняют мaнямиpoк.

holy fuck at my typing.
anyways russians are confirmed as being non whites


>your country is surrounded by NATO bases
So what?

Degenerative baltics stands for Putin. Great. Then we must support the opposition to Putin.



>Are you mentally retarded?
Are you? How can Putin be sucking Chechen dick while destroying their insurgencies?
>Kadyrov is literal boss of Russia, Chechens rule Moscow.
Okay, thanks for letting us know that you're mentally retarded.


isn't Novalniy in jail??

We don't give a fuck about NATO, we are not planning to have a war. And you?

is there -any- chance of the other guy winning?