Lauren southern appreciation thread
What's her end game?
Lauren southern appreciation thread
What's her end game?
White ethnostate
She's a Richard Spencer fan in secret
I am a Canadian and know her personally. Its pretty clear her end game is a Smaller government and a more free Canada.
No chance, she hates cultures not races shes got tons of darkie and jew friends.
that's not her, right? that's gross as fuck.
Yeah I didn't think she had tits that big, thought she was smaller chested
kid that knows shit
What kind of granny cleavage is that
she's also not as ugly and gross... I thought
Oh look (((who's))) back. Fuck off back Twitter, no one here likes you.
Save up money for a boob job hopefully
Shes at best a high 6 in real life.
It's a bad pic to be fair
>tfw edged the other day cause I wante d to jerk off longer, and now muh dick hurts hard
stop lying about knowing her. nobody believes you.
That's not even her.
There are like 54 white people in Toronto, we all know eachother
>What's her end game?
BBC gang bang
Not her Pedro
You have some 'splaining to do right now
>What's her end game?
i think shes a closeted white nationalist. her endgame some kind of libertarian version of natsoc
No fucking way. Has to he a shopped.
She's a Paki fucker, she'd love Rotherham
wtf is that brianna wu?
That looks nothing like her, plus she has brown eyes
of course its fake you fucking retard
>hand hiding head/torso connection
>tits don't match
post more
>Blue eyes
not (((her)))
She calls poltards beta males.... What can go wrong?
Fuck off leaf
You think its hard to meet these people? In Canada the right wing is very small and very public. I've met her dozens of times for years as have many. Shes not a celebrity shes someone who desperately wants peoples participation shes very accessible.
You are beta males... lol did you not know?
Obvious shop look at her hair near her hand.
kek, when?
worst photoshop ever
have a (you)
I don't imagine it would be hard and I still don't believe you.
Your loss not mine. Enjoy your refugees.
>is 21
>looks mid 30s
>white women in charge of aging
make enough money for a tits op to play as a BLACKED pornstar.
mmmm prolly close to what they look like though
How the fuck is that 'my loss' and are you oblivious to all the so called refugees in Canada? What are you even talking about?
I'm considered a pedo in america because at 26 I am still attracted to 17 - 19 year old girls. Laura is what a "HOT" 21 year old looks like here, and they come with a lot of baggage. Do you see my problem? I need to get out of this country ASAP, find a young wife and then return.
Just bump that 17 up to 18 and youre no longer a pedo.
You can handle one more year.
Their parents still aren't cool with them dating a guy closer to 30 than 20, amerifat "morals". I'm no good because of my age even though I have a decent job, a car, my own place, a future.
Lauren you can stop creating these threads we know you are a useful idiot that's about it
poo in loo?
>What is her endgame?
BIG BLACK DICK, obviously
shes a filthy kike
get a load of these flappies :D :D: DDD
so the consensus is fake and gay?
Whats Luxembourg like? You don't hear much about it on the news and you guys seem to be doing well. Would you recommend it as a tourist destination?
Lauren and her negress lover, Josephine, is going to save the west!.
Pretty hot.
That's not race mixing, that's allowed, right?
To be queen of plebbit.
why would you wear makeup while working out?
degenerate/10 would not procreate with
>ywn spank a girl wearing those yoga pants
>here we see the white female
>social perception is particularly important to the white female
>look how she becomes visibly excited at the opportunity to show the world she has been accepted by a black female
>the wide eyes, the eager smile
>a renewed sense that evidence of her tolerance, which she perceives to hold high social value, will be reinforced by both her proximity and apparent acceptance of the inferior species
>weeb girl
I puked.
A lot of parents do give a fuck. Move on to the next chick.
Prolly best to just keep girls that young as a fuck buddy anyways. Once they hit 20 they start on their liberal feminazi path anyway.
because she isnt working out shes taking teaser pics for her spergfag followers
Her endgame is marrying rich
It's like you think women have different endgames or something
But she always looks like that
WRONG. Her endgame is marrying ME.
>What's her end game?
Money, fame and access to high-status males.
>What's her end game?
make as many babies with black guys as possible
like any other coalburning alt-right whore
>Claims to be nordic
>Shitposts about muh heritage every day
>Make a genetic test
>Get 10% iberian
>Actually only 20% scandinavian
Could this be more pathetic?
Anyone have this picture but her ass is Vin Diesels arm
(((jewish virgin circle jerk thread)))
>saged and reported
go get some pussy you fucking losers. stop shilling jews on pol you fucking losers.
ya. i'm irish and italian and i had more scandinavian in my test than her. LEL. fucking jew bitch. jew thread. jew virgins itt. sage and report jews on pol.
lauren actually makes useful idiots look smart
Why does everyone want to be scandinavian lmao?
they have literally done nothing throughout the entirety of human achievement..
Italians and Anglos have objectively the most achievements and have come the closest to being the perfect peoples
she doesn't know what a beta male is. she doesn't know anything but muh pussy muh bottle blonde hair muh camera muh jews. she literally knows whatever popped up on her twitter feed in the last hour, or whatever script she was given by her jew handler.
i sure as fuck don't. it was one of those "oh shit" moments, but made sense via norse blood all over ireland/scotland. but her? lel. she made her entire persona about being some nordic princess so the weebs would send her money. italians are the master race. i can see lauren trying to prove italian dna in the near future. i mean anything but iberian kike blood is better for her fake career/persona.
Also she is a natural brunette, she dyes her hair (obviously).
So she is brown eyed, brown haired non-aryan. baka
back to r/thedonald
Get money. That's basically it. She's a younger Ann Coulter
> Look again
Because Anglo women are ugly.
Probably to gobble a million Dicks. Idk
News at 11
Shopped as fuck, the color is completely fucked.
Sauce please good sir.
For scientific purposes. Completely benevolent I assure you. Nothing less for a Victorian gentleman.