Brain Damage

>tfw you've lost all your cognitive abilities you had a youngster after years and years of stress, social seclusion and depression
>tfw I remember having an amazing memory and ability to predict what people were about to say
>tfw you've lost your ability to spontaneously come up with ideas and vivid imaginary worlds you could easily get lost in
>Now it's all empty

Is there anything that can repair brain damage from stress, or am I just fucked for life?

Other urls found in this thread:

Meditate. Eat Healthy. Work out.

>ability to predict what people were about to say

Literally me OP, scary shit.

Are we legit retards and is there a way to "restore" our mind?

>tfw I remember having an amazing memory

Pray to the kek every day before you go to bed.

Stupid thing. You are bombarding you brain with info 24/7. You are addicted to it.


The mind is more powerful than you skeptics believe. It's never too late for anything.
t. /x/

>the answer is always more meditation


dearest op, you've always been retarded.

Stop bullying

hey your continent has healthcare right? why dont you use it? I hear doctors are slightly less kikey in europe than they are here where the only thing seeking medical attention will get you is a morphine addiction and a bill for 50,000 dollars

Nah, it doesn't come back. It might get better but you won't get to normie mod. I now that feel. It's like o once see the light and never be able to reach it again. Ignorance is a blessing.

expand your brain

>he doesnt take Brain Force and Super Male Vitality every day

It's like you're asking the jews to lobotomize you

The only thing that helped me to overcome depression has been antidepressants. Escitalopram 15mg specifically.

Antidepressants fuck with your mind in the long term, have fun trading one retardation for another.

Brain has amazing healing properties and plasticity.

You need to have a decent diet and lifestyle and then hard work. Just work on issues user.

Dont make a victim out of yourself.


Intelligence generally doesn't change unless you've had a serious traumatic brain injury. You sound like you have typical symptoms of depression.

>tfw found peace in isolation

never been better senpai

I prefer this numbness to pathological anxiety and being unable to feel joy.
It's a soft bluepill, you feel no worries even if you see how shit everything's around you.

Nice meme. They can genuinely help but you need to be actively involved in monitoring symptoms and reporting them to the doctor. If something goes wrong, you should tell them so they can change the dose or the medication.

>Is there anything that can repair brain damage from stress, or am I just fucked for life?
You can run for office as a democrat.

this is the real answer
i enjoy being alone used to be depressed and anxious as fuck but isolation made me better

>tfw I remember having an amazing memory and ability to predict what people were about to say
Go fight a bunch of vampires and aztecs.

try a concussion from highway head on collision. Ya I'm a little retarded but still truckin

Same, I feel absolutely retarded. I eat well, I work out, I meditate. Nothing helps. I doubt I'd be able to get an education now.

Ahmed you never had anything to restore in the first place

>tfw you took the redpill and now get drunk to lose your cognitive abilities
>tfw it's the only times you're somewhat happy

drain bamage can be heeled, trust me

t. eks brain damagerino

Not a stale meme at all, Bravo

Getting fucked by sandy camel cock is a stale meme, yet you're parading its corpse down shitskin lane

Stop yerkin it.

You could be fucked for life or fucked for years, difficult to say.

The brain has the capacity to build new neural pathways that bypass damaged regions, so you can regain lost functions sometimes. The neurons you've lost will never heal, but we have a lot of neurons, so in other words the brain has quite a bit of inbuilt redundancy.

There are only two things that can speed up recovery: therapy and hard work.

What exactly is wrong with you?

Ehhhh I was in a similar position after years of alcohol and drug abuse. I can't say I'm back to normal, but I completely turned my life around and I'm self sufficient and productive member of society, etc....

The main thing that helped me I believe was complete sobriety combined with all but eliminating tasks that didn't require focused concentration. So, Internet has basically been non existent for me in the last years. I also get 7-10 veggie servings a day, exercise (cardio and weights) 2-3 hours a day, meditate for one, yoga for twenty. I make sure that I take two community college classes just to keep my mind active and I try to read a book a week. I feel like an angel after doing all of this, unlimited energy it seems.

I remember being 17 and frequently freaking out my friends by making them believe I had superpowers, just because I found them so predictable I almost always knew what topic or thing they would bring up before saying it. I also used to have this pretty cool episodic memory where an visual, sound or smell would trigger memories where I knew exactly what I was doing at the time, with whom and other irrelevant info.

I also remember being pretty manic, constantly thinking stuff, trying to come up with stuff in my mind. Never worried about solitude, I actually loved going for walks at night listening to music and dreaming up worlds. Somewhere along the way, I just completely went the other way, my mind is completely silent, I can only hear my tinnitus and I have no energy to dream or think about anything anymore.

What's the point of living like this?

Is this a canadian's take on "banter"? How embarrassing

>What exactly is wrong with you?
It's says so in the OP: stress, social seclusion and depression.

Or at least, that's what's wrong with me

Depression can cause decreased cognitive performance but have you considered that this might be partially aging, OP? How old are you?

After a certain point in your early twenties when it peaks it's just downhill for brain function from then on. You should be doing some form of mental exercise to keep sharp along with whatever your doing about your depression.

>brain damage from stress

Hold on, I thought OP had a serious accident. OP, stress doesn't normally cause brain damage, you sound like you're just depressed. Try to form a routine which involves eating healthy, working out regularly, and talk to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist).

The only thing that I've found that gets me back it's taking 20mg of Dexamphetamine. I do it like once or twice every 2 months just to feel bit like in the past without building tolerance or fucking me up.

I guess the issue is dopamine here...

You didn't get dumber. You just got higher standards and never came to the realization that you aren't as clever as you thought you were. you thought you were a genius in the same way that when you are in middle school, high school kids look like adults, but when you are graduated from college they all look like infants.

Fast. Supposedly auto-phagy kicks in, your body preferentially eats old cells, and generates new ones.

How long?

I always thought I was a bit retarded, to be honest. IQ test used to scare me because I didn't want a shitty result. But it's not that, I just want to feel manic again like I used to be, back to when listening to music in the dark and dreaming meant something to me.

Maybe the real issue is that I never learned how to grow up and I just can't deal with the harshness, blandness of reality. I don't know, I remember things being different..

stress, social seclusion and depression don't fuck your brain up that bad.

drugs do though.

No kidding, I actually tried Keto and fasting for a wek and I do feel a bit better memory wise, but I have no energy. I am trying to get back on it soon. I've also considered ordering Deprenyl (selegiline) from an Indian pharmacy, it's supposed to be a nootropic that is both neuroprotective and increases dopamine in the brain.

Maybe I'll help...?


For real though this shit cannot be understated

Shit. Is this half of Sup Forums. Creepy reading these.

What was it? I missed it.


adv is a fucking normie board

google dr amen ra and watch the first thing that comes out.

Are you still experiencing stress and depression now?

Sounds like autism.

Sort of, yes. I live with my parents and that causes me a lot of distress. I've also failed to achieve my dreams that I set up for myself when I was 16 and that hurts the most. I am thinking of joining the army just to escape this place (I live in a very isolated area without jobs). I am waiting on my doc to see if my sinus infection will be an issue.

Smoke weed and listed to the eponymous song

Say thanks Mr. Freud

>Smoke weed

I tried, it makes depersonalization and anxiety worse for me.

did you take any medicines(regularly)?
>ywn have all of yours neurons
why live?

Change your life: have goals, work on them step by step, work out, gain confidence. Things will improve. Trust me.

>did you take any medicines(regularly)?

Only after all my issues had set in, I tried serveral prescription drugs including: Strattera, Sertraline, Ritalin, Bupropion, Vyvanse and finally Dexmaphetamine. I don't smoke or drink. Also had a very bad trip on Salvia once.

I've been experiment with self-prescribed testosterone injections too, they work great for depression, it completely removes my denationalization, but the thought of having to inject for life and not being able to join the army is depressing by itself.

Is forcing oneself to just do things the key, German Bro?

This one completely ruined my short-term memory but it's slowly getting better.

If it's necessary to get things started, perhaps. In the long run, not so much.

Though I'm not in the position to give you good counsel. You're in the middle of nowhere, I'm in Berlin with completely different opportunities.

Leaving your place will make things better.

>I'm in Berlin

You're sayint this like it's a gppd thing

I heard that if you push screwdriver into your ear, as much as you can, you can experience out-of-body experience.

meditate with eyes closed

That fucking picture gave me a heartfelt laughing fit.

brb trying this

There are more opportunities than in the middle of nowhere. And I'm not living in the shitty areas.

That said, I hate Berlin.

I thought about taking Ritalin, I've read they have very good effects on patients with depression if used with other therapies.

your next post is gonna be a shitpost

It's hard to imagine stress alone causing permanent crippling damage to your brain. If you were taking any psychiatric meds, those are probably what did it.

>Is there anything that can repair brain damage from stress, or am I just fucked for life?
Yes. Cardio or resistance training. Watch this video

Then read spark by John Ratey (I borrowed it from my library, its great).

Then do it. There are studies that resistence trainng is just as effective as cardio so I do it because I fucking hate cardio plus I get the benefit of getting swole on top of not being depressed and anxious.

What is this? Or do you mean depersonalization?

>all those digits in my ID
thanks KeK

Try getting a cat like the one in your pic brah. Someone or something that will give you true love and affection. Have you tried the world of 2D yet?

Sounds like something Merkel would make mandatory.

"Stop drinking alcohol"

in addition to what I've already said, try earthing, user. Pls no bully but its given me great dreams that I remember.


DiY video because fuck paying 120 for a mat:

A study that has nothing to do with dreams but sleep and stress and stuff:

And it also sounds something that higher test would really help fix

Hey /x/, how's chemo? Hope you feel better.

>the answer is always more meditation
In combination with sunbathing, sungazing, and earthing...r-right?

Turn off the Internet.

It suppresses your human brain, making you just another node in Itself.

What are the good areas of Berlin?

>tfw you've lost all your cognitive abilities you had a youngster after years and years of stress, social seclusion and depression

Hint: You never had any to begin with.

You don't have cognitive abilities?
Wew, that explains the state of Sup Forums

>The brain has the capacity to build new neural pathways that bypass damaged regions, so you can regain lost functions sometimes. The neurons you've lost will never hea
Not true Damaged areas can regrow with BDNF which is produced during cardio or resistance training especially if it has complex movements like dancing or calisthenics.

I never had much success with it, I actually despise the drug. The comedown was horrible. But if you read about Ritalin vs Dexamphetamine, you'll see that people who do well on one, don't usually do well on the other. I am one of the guys who does well on the later, I really like dex.

I took it for just 3 days, because it made me have visual hallucinations once I started to get tired, really weird stuff. I saw geometric patterns and felt a bit out of it. Did it help you at all?

I think so too, but getting enough money to leave is going to be difficult. I'll find a way, sooner or later..

Yes, depersonalization. Two days after the injection (when it peaks) I am another person in terms of mood. The first time I did it, I was absolutely shock that I now had the capacity to just lay in my bed, listen to music and actually feel relaxed without a bunch of anxiety in my stomach. Really awesome hormone.

Generally speaking:

Eastern City (Mitte, parts of Pankow)
Western City (Southern Charlottenburg)
Southwest (Steglitz-Zehlendorf)
Southeast perhaps (not much going on, but safe)

you are probably addicted to several bad behaviours

stop porn and masturbation
get off Sup Forums
get off your meds and any psychoactive substance you use

then look for a gym, a religion (you can see paying the tithe as buying yourself a network), a good job and a wife.

That's for starters. You may not like it very much but that's what it takes to be happy.

There's your problem idiot. Antidepressents reprogram your brain and make you lose cognitive function, memory, and imagination. Did you really think chemically reprogramming your brain would have no side effects?

The (((pharmaceuticals industry))) is trying to subjugate first world populations by turning them into mindless apathetic zombies.

Melancholy is a normal condition that all of us deal with, don't be tricked by (((psychiatrists))) into destroying your mind to cope with it. Take the iron pill, do some squats, and fuck honeys. If you really need a reality distortion to help you cope, smoke a little grass from time to time... but never succumb to the pharmaceutical jew.

Sup Forums is not your blog retard.

>le happy drug merchant
Gas yourself fucking kike

You don't have brain damage, or if you do, it's nothing severe.
Brain damage involves symptoms. Double vision, memory loss, degeneration of motor function. One of the big scares with Clinton was that after she hit her head, she didn't say anything about how severe her injuries were, but reporters noted that she was wearing prism glasses, which are used to correct double vision in people with brain damage.

You just have a different creative outlet right now. It's shitposting on Sup Forums. Go draw or something, if you're hating yourself for it.

my creativity went away when I got into puberty. it's just how it went. I'm 34 now and almost brain-dead.

gay. you don't go to Friedrichshain or prenzlauer Berg? how about köpenick?

Not an argument.

dunno about you OP, but something kinda similar happened to me, but i had to recover for like 2 years because i could barely even walk or answer simple questions

It took about two months and upping the dose before the sertraline really kicked in and I felt much better. But I quit anyway.
I think your cognitive abilities will return to normal when you're not depressed and anxious all the time.

this, its like all of my creative juices have coagulated and I've been left as an isolated hallow shell of my former self.

I think a big part of the problem is I hardly have anyone left I can relate to or talk to on any kind of meaningful level so my senses are becoming bull

required listening:

The ancients were not wrong, masturbation greatly diminishes creativity.