Donald Trump’s two closest aides are fighting “nonstop” and often “face-to-face,” officials say — and it’s even uglier in private.
>this timeline
Donald Trump’s two closest aides are fighting “nonstop” and often “face-to-face,” officials say — and it’s even uglier in private.
>this timeline
simple solution is don't be a globalist cuck
Cuckoldry is inherent to the Jewish character.
>calling anyone cuck in real life
Based Bannon.
If Trump decides to go against Assad, and Bannon is taken down for some reason, i lose all hope for the west.
It'll come out that Jared is a closet homo who had a boyfriend at Harvard.
>(((Daily Beast)))
More slide threads by Spencer and ShariaBlue?
Bannon knows that Jared is a literal cuck
Kusher brought in Goldman's Roy Cohn, Dina Powell into admin. Both on NSC.
Bannon got Trump elected opposing Goldman globalists (he was at Goldman before it went 100% Globalist. Was very different in the 90s).
(((Globalist))) vs. /ourguy/
We need to bring Christie to DP Ivanka with Bannon, while (((Cuckner))) sits in the corner and films.
Fuck, my dick is diamonds just thinking about this.
according to his ex-wife, Bannon has a micropenis. So small that it couldn't be circumcised. True story.
Damn... Whose side to be on? Tough.
link you fucking internet novice.
>thinking you're superior and not cringe
Should have known having a beady eyed little kike son in law was going to be a problem. Time to meme this jew out of the WH boys...
If Bannon goes, it's time.
>True story.
wait, you may be on to something
*cringes in your direction*
If you unironically use memes irl, you are cringe.
This isn't up for debate
so he's really lucky for an american then
Kushner and Ivanka are to blame for us not having Chris Christie jailing communists and muslims. They also pushed Pence, who brought in Nikki Haley and who also took out Flynn.
Trump is a fucking pussy ass bitch. Im done. Fuck politics, fuck Israel.
The only hope for world peace is revolution. I hope Flynn leads us.
Bannon has always been /ourguy/ and he won't stop until the globalists are done. They killed his one true friend.
dumb larping gossip artist
>a cuck
>The Daily Beast