Lets say I'm a billionaire, what is there to stop me from buying a huge chunk of land and starting my own white only high iq city?
Whats stopping me from :
- Building a huge wall around it - Starting my own zoo to save wildlife while the world goes to shit - Only allowing people that I personally select into my city - Starting a hospital and other services - Starting my own internet service there just for the city - Buying ammo auyomated torrents
Are the people living there going to be paying rent? if so you have to abide by a bunch of government regulations and register it as a business. And businesses can't discriminate based on religion / race. Having a zoo also means you have to follow a bunch of regulations and the turrets have to be legal.
Christian Brown
Not a lot. Your "city" would be pretty tiny if you knew everyone in it though.
Also that's what all accredited AZA zoos are for in the US. You don't need to do that. You could have a genetic library, though.
Adrian Cox
No, every home built will be assured that it generates its own resources without my intervention, see : earthships
Connor Gray
I just want to create a huge space for white people only, building up and down is in my mind.
Also assume I have 4 billion dollars cash
Aiden Sanchez
so you are going to have a bunch of freeloaders be the solution to humanity? lmao aight
Jack Rodriguez
>Whats stopping me : Not being a billionaire
Logan Morales
bombing ur shitty basement "city"
Noah Morris
>What's stopping me The law and the lack of funds. You might be able to do it in a third world country, but then good luck with having it white, NATO would probably nuke you. Also the local fauna would try to steal / kill you all the time.
Kayden Powell
>NATO would probably nuke you This makes no sense. You live in a fantasy world.
Cooper Morgan
did you see what happened to Serbia?
Tyler Green
No, on the contrary.
I people to face adversity as well, working to pay rent isn't the best one.
To live in this space you have to :
- Be fit, you cant be super fat, not allowed. - Have a generall high iq, some exceptions allowed - Know at least one trade - Know how to aquaponics, hydroponics, farming
That's the first people there, culture is then developped by the first settlers, eg. if a kid.gets fat he isnt kicked out.
Parker Bennett
If you set it up in a country which lets you do all that shit, nothing. But unless you want the inhabitants to sit around on the dole all day, you'll need to create a functioning society and economy from nothing too.
Lucas Peterson
See, if I have walls and its private property and I'm not infringing anything I can theoretically do this.
I just have to folllow the law, I can choose who I allow into my property, I would allow some black people and asians etc, but not to the level that they could be the majority in a few decades obviously.
Also you have to pass a series of tests, have a certain iq in a certain range.
Aiden Wright
Wealth in the billions could not exist in a liquid, cash on hand form. You'd be heavily invested is so many stocks and businesses you'd be at the power of just as many people as that money could buy the labor and productive output of. If someone didn't like what you were doing, unless you were very manipulative, which you probably would be if you were a billionaire, they'd stop you and fuck you up somewhere along the lines.
Christian Smith
yeah, damn billionaire has no resources, no oil, no gas, no nothing. So no reason for NATO to bomb/invade.
Noah Smith
way, way ahead of you broface
way ahead
Michael Morales
What do you need in life?
I want to create a culture of phisically fit, sharp people, Imagine every one there being 10 iq points behind elon musk, thats what I want.
I want to introduce some form of artificial adversity as well, just dont know exactly how you create it artificially.
Samuel Cruz
One thing is stopping you >living in a land with no government You could buy an island somewhere sure, maybe, might work. However inland countries always have governments. That government would not allow this.
Ian Johnson
But mostly I want to save caucasian people, we need an israel for ourselves.
Brandon Cook
first, it would be extremely hard to buy a "huge" chunk of land. You might get a small town size with no problems though. >wall you can do that >start a zoo you cannot do that, animal protective services would take you for animal abuse probably, especially if exotic >passing of people would be doable if there were no services >hospital illegal >ISP i don't know about that one, would probably be doable >automated turrets (?) illegal
Jack Kelly
An island is to small, I need a big space.
Cooper Howard
I would keep it extremelly low key of course.
Julian Baker
realistically it would be better to buy a big island/a group of islands.
>no need for a wall >lots of fish/food >lots of water, you just have to boil it >mermaid sex >makes immigration harder because of ocean borders (just don't buy a island anywhere near africa/middle east) >you only need submarine and helicopters to defend it (nukes would be great too)
Josiah Davis
a more viable solution would be a >military coup of a country >becoming a leader of a country legally most likely a small country, not densely populated which is rare
Parker Cooper
Who needs an hospital when a majority of diseases are preventive ones as long as you're fit.
Also I don't think it is illegal, there are private hospitals.
Benjamin Young
Buy an island Run it how you want
Or more interestingly; invade sealand and make it the mlppol confederacy
James Sanchez
buy a group of islands
Alexander Gray
>I want to introduce some form of artificial adversity as well, just dont know exactly how you create it artificially.
By scarcity and giving people the incentive to work harder through rewards. But to do this you would need to create some form of economy.
Alexander King
You'd need to heavily militarize it.
Ryan Perez
It depends mah dude, we need guns for protection, a lot.of guns.
Landon Nguyen
There must be other ways besides economic ones.
Evan Watson
>I want to create a culture of phisically fit, sharp people, Imagine every one there being 10 iq points behind elon musk, thats what I want
Pop Sci cringe fucks need to leave. Go to church and be part of society, that's the best that you can do. Don't spout Jules Verne tier shit
Jack Turner
The federal government. People talked about doing this in the Dakotas under Obama/Holder and were targeted as terrorists.
Robert Richardson
I know, how are gun laws in canada vs the us?
Austin Parker
Soros and the Rothschilds will Jew you out of your city. If not, for some reason, the EU or US will.
Josiah Rodriguez
Its not that hard, if you are around healthy people you will be incentivized to be healthy, had a fat friend that used to hang around with my friends, nows hes fit as fuck and banging chicks left and right, also in engineering after 2 years of depression, be the change you want to see in the world.
Liam Ross
Can you link me that story, why did they announce it, should have kept it extremelly lowkey.
Nicholas Taylor
>Its not that hard >it only requires a hypothetical situation in which I'm a billionaire and build an isolated futuristic utopia
Carson Murphy
Its private property, if I keep it lowkey no one will force me to do shit, imagine desplacing 10000 people in 24 hours, something would happen.
Think of it has a gated community.
Ryder Perez
Elon Musk is a giant welfare nigger. Sheboons with an IQ of 70 in Chicago do the same thing.
Cooper Butler
No it requires exactly what my story said.
Justin Thompson
You’re not allowed in.
Charles Bailey
I get your point, which is essentially to surround yourself with intelligent people. You're still promoting utopianism which has never worked
Parker Williams
There aren't, senpai, high IQ people will ask for resources as a return for their contributions. Unless you cuck them, but then you will just be creating Modern Europe v2.
I am going under the assumption that you're under the legislation of the US. as I said, third world countries would be more suitable, you would most likely be able to do that there, however they would not necessarily sell the land to you - a lot of them have laws against foreign land ownership. You can probably find a country that permits foreign land ownership, however if you do an "Israel" the international community will be very adverse to you and military consequences would likely occur.
Connor Collins
I know, eugenis would be.necessary for it to work, and less people.. etc..
Dylan Phillips
Jace Fisher
>what's stopping me Me, let me in or I'll siege you with my 50 nordic children and their navy seal training.
Asher Hill
I won’t create an economy (maybe a crypto currency for basic stuff), they will still play in the economy of the country, see my post on the largest gatted community.
Brody Peterson
M8, my point is that this has all been tried before and it isn't sustainable. This has been tried in western society since Plato, and almost surely before. There were so many of these during the 19th century in the US, that you have plenty of cases to study
Matthew Morris
>98% White
What did they mean by this?
Aiden Clark
Look up the largest gated community in the us, building in 3D, a 100.000 gated community is feasable, should remain 90% white.
Michael Edwards
>if so you have to abide by a bunch of government regulations and register it as a business. And businesses can't discriminate based on religion / race. Whose government regulations? Who does it answer and why should it?
Jace Stewart
So you're not living there. What's the point?
Caleb Brown
Carson Ward
>What is there to stop me from buying a huge chunk of land and starting my own white only high iq city?
With you being portugese the white only part has already failed, or are you building it for others?
Nolan Rogers
stopped reading there...
Christopher Bell
Atleast our white skin will be the majority in 50 years.
Alexander Walker
The Anglo-Zionist world order. What are you, fucking twelve?
Nathan Lewis
The ground you stand on doesn' t belong to you and never will.
And the same thing will stop you as all the high and mighty rich fucks: your blood.
Bentley Gomez
You can't find autonomous land to buy. I don't know any country where there are 100% property rights for land.
If you're talking about doing it in a country it's impossible. The state owns the citizens and are obliged to get in there with police and what not if they're suspicious.
David Sanchez
>hand-picked, selected people >need certain qualifications >pass tests >huge budget in the billions >own chunk of land >housing, facilities, etc. >walls around it >people on the inside develop their own community
so basically you want to start a private university? that's exactly what you talk about and that already exists.
Hudson Martin
Google orania
Colton Ross
4 bil isn't much
Camden Davis
First i want ask, where?
And i think you can't do it legally, discrimination laws and shit, in USA for example would be impossible and the goverment would be sending brown people trough afirmative action.