Made with 3/5th gold

>made with 3/5th gold

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it's not like the people buying this care about purity. next time they should make it 1/5th gold and call anyone who complains about it a racist.

good. blacks have been marginalized in western societies for to long. its a small step, but one in the right direction.




I still want to know how it went from being unacceptable to say colored person to acceptable saying person of color.

Minorities don't get their way in democracies?

You don't say.


Pay gap joke.

>Minorities don't get their way in democracies?
Throws a spin on MUH POPULAR VOTE now doesn't it?

I want to know why shit brown is more of a "color" than white

Nice to see how uncucked America is after electing Donald Trump.

Today you are the majority. Tomorrow you might be the minority. Tolerance, if not out of good will is also in your self interest.


It's because back in the day niggers were considered 3/5 of a real person

Neat, a $60 coin

>will also feature designs to represent Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Indian Americans

All oxymorons. Those groups collectively were never more than 5% of America till 40 or so years ago.

No it's not you dumb britnigger, it's a joke about the 3/5 compromise. You were close though, I don't know much about Troubles and all that either

I hope your memeing because it's about how they used to count as 3/5th of a person when deciding state electoral votes

I think this is awesome! We really need to start portraying 16% of the country's population as the majority. Only racists have a problem with that.

there was the whole "nigga wut" stop-gap in the 80s-90s

I was talking to a liberal the other day and I believe the educated consensus is this, and pay attention folks

>Saying "colored person" implies that a person is naturally and originally white and was than colored.
>Saying "person of color" denotes that color is a good thing, and that people who aren't POC are lacking in something, color. It's a reversal in every sense.

This is why POC is so popular even though it's the damn same as saying colored

I really starting to see why Sup Forums hate leafs so fucking much.


What kind of retarded, 4th grader poster are you? This isn't a fucking joke, this about a systematic replacement of white people, culture and identity in a fucking country built from the ground up by them.

>hahaha lel gay


It's literally what is happening right now.

This goes along with considering "white" to be an insult. White is something bland, lacking in culture, can't dance, not emotionally or spiritually complete, and in other words less human.

Kids in America do not want to be considered "white" and will adopt other alternative identities including but not limited to nigger culture. The adoption of the term Person of Color is a way for all non-whites to group themselves together in a way that specifically excludes whites, for these reasons.

Honestly with the amount of white guilt bullshit that's rampant in society right now that makes a lot of sense.


Joke flew over your head m8

Should be the only white man coin

Just went looking and fuck me there are people like these that exist

'Don't tread on me' shirts and hats could be officially declared RACIST by the government – even though the symbol is an icon of the American Revolution
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