Was this man a socialist?
Was this man a socialist?
yes but not in marxist terms
A national socialist
>National Socialist German Workers Party
Yes you fucking dense twat.
this topic's been discussed to death at this point. pic related.
Socialism was a word co-opted by the marxists.
Hitler's socialism was a much different kind that focused on the well-being of everyone in society, instead of redistribution of wealth and TOTAL EQUALITY other stupidity Marxists espouse.
>durr it is cus i said so
Really makes you think
No, just no. Socialism is not 'redistribution of wealth', socialism means that workers own the means of production. Hitler's socialism is still capitalism you dumb fucking goose. Fascists are notorious for co-opting leftist terms.
nazi germany was the best white nation to have ever existed. churchill said it. patton said it. roosevelt thought it. not only that, but frankly, it was the only time in history that socialism actually worked for the people and the nation. they never even wanted the war, the war was brought to them because they were becoming too strong. if this pozzed site would let me post them, I would have webms for you. hitler didn't do anything wrong and anyone that says he did predicates it on the holocaust, which never happened. they actually had an agreement to put the jews in their own country. hitler was going to create israel. but the jews saw that white people were happy, prosperous, and growing in strength so they shut it down.
He was a National Socialist, which has nothing to do with marxism. Also, it actually works
>Fascists and Nazis call out the big capitalists to crush them
>Communists call out the capitalists to crush them
Why do you only have the left wing retards being the ones not realizing the common enemy?
>you'd think I'd be so crazy to oppose the ones that will be supporting my purging of socialists and will build the tools of the war I'll start?
Yes, many of the current benefits for the working class are product of his doing. He was trying to proof that Natsoc would give bennefist to the working class without being Marxist in nature.
>without giving up his individuality
kek, the man was a pathological liar, see pic related ("you are nothing, your people are everything")
He invaded Poland and annexed Czechoslovakia.
Capitalists are not my enemy, their class is.
>Implying corporatism is not capitalism
It is, in every sense of the word, still capitalism but with a nationalist face.
A weird one but yes.
> the man was a pathological liar
Don't tell the cargo cultists.
Imagine if unions were nationalized and banks were actually owned by the people living in the country. Thats national socialism
Capitalists have their own class now?
>Private property still exists
>Hurr durr socialism
How do you even reach this conclusion?
Yeah, they own the means of production.
socialism only works if you have a homogeneous WHITE culture.
Read the sentence after the one painted in red. Doling out government property to your cronies isn't exactly privatization.
Actually owning something you have earned through your own work is one major reason for society to function along with the familiy, i.e. the desire to create a better future for your children.
I don't get how someone can be so retarded as to abolish private property ownership.
NATIONAL socialist
That is welfare benefits, free healthcare and overall state sponsored high quality of living, but only for german nationals, aka volkdeutsche. not immigrants, minorities or state undesirables like communists
So how does a government make sure individual effort and excellence consonances with the interests of the community?
Yep, brown or slavs shitholes have proofed socialism doesn't work.
For the Nazis, socialism was just a populist rhetoric to drive the masses. However nsdap was left wing, which later underwent repression
Yes it is. And if you're going to privatize stuff then it's far better to do it with companies that support you and won't start ideological problems.
A Prussian Socialist but not a Marxist one. Economically he was where most modern European countries are.
look at the social prorgrams of the third reich, for his time he was definitely a socialist.
Capitalists amass wealth through taking what isn't theirs. If man earned a dollar he didn't work for, an another man worked for a dollar he didn't get. This is essentially what marxists call theft. The landlords and bankers thrive on absurd renting, strangling the workers of their livelihood. By abolishing private property (not the same as personal property mind you), workers can reap the whole fruits of their labour. There are different ideologies on how to achieve this however.
I'm going to stop writing here because I have shit to do, take care.
>NationalSOZIALISTISCHE Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
You give it to people who can do the service the cheapest, at least if you aren't a commie.
Commies don't give it to anybody, snakeboy.
So... no.
Did this man do anything wrong?
he lost
You mean yes? Marx wasn't a socialist, he was a communist. Hitler was a socilaist
Europe is ultra-far right right now so no
>government pays for roads, military, schools, youth programs
>hurr durp durp hurr it's not scoialism!