Breitbart Joins War on Syria Cause

The only "4dc chess" was us getting played.

Jews and Saudis win like always.

Fuck this world.

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That's the first and last time I ever read a Breitbart article. The suggestive reasoning is garbage.

Why did Sup Forums start trusting kikebart in the first place? Every article I've read on there has about the same level of journalistic integrity as most far left media outlets. Except they shill for the right instead.

rabble rabble rabble

This is the first time a apocalyptic Ron Paul picture seems appropriate. This is bad.

Guys time is running out to repent. Jesus is savior and King. He died for all of our sins. Give yourselves to him before the time runs out.

If Trump attacks, I'm honestly done with supporting him at all. It will be political suicide for him. There is like 10% approval for an attack on Syria. Trump will be killing himself politically with this attack.


MSM and left will just focus on any civilian casualties his response causes. They will turn on his attack immediately.

Right will be pissed

only the 5% of USA that is a neocon will support it.

The media will 100% turn on him the second he attacks and do nothing but negative coverage of it. They are basically goading him to killl himself politically.

Guys... Trump is just the catalyst. America's Napoleon will come from this event. Traitors will all be crucified.

"Hey goy President, wanna prove you're not owned by Putin?"

"Just attack Assad and prove it. Plus we'll all love you"

Trump will probably go to war and troll the media and establishment. it will be against the rebels, not assad. He will also go to war with korea as well and he will be remembered for the next 100 years. Screencap this.

Trump played the US.
Putin played Russia.
GG lads.

Trump is america's Robespierre?

wish I had your optimism. I'm probably older than you and I remember this shit before operation desert storm part 1 (THEY'RE BAYONETING KUWAITI BABIES!) and Gulf War part 2 (THEYVE GOT TEH WMDZ!!).

"hurr durr 3d chess, ya just gotta believe man"

I am in shock. Russian soldiers are located in Syria. This is bad. Growing up I always heard of mad men declaring the end times. My father always taught me never to try and find the day or the hour of his coming, and to not try and make personal interpretations of prophesy and scripture.

That being said, in Revelation, the beginnings of the end times deals with some sort of peace agreement with the king of the west,( backed by the ten nation federation) and Israel. Later the king of the north, allied with persia, and in sync with egypt, will invade palestine and it's exteriors. The king of the west (ten nation federation) wil intervene and eventually expel the king of the north and his compatriots. The prophecy is literally starting to crystallize before our eyes and I am dumbstruck. Fellow believers, read Daniel and Revelation. Time for praying, guys.

yea if he does this 180 on syria i will lose all hope as well
this chemical attack is the most preposterous false flag ive ever seen

thats the thing. this isnt even a good BS story. Like 9/11 was a pro-tier false flag. This was thrown together in 30 seconds. Didn't even bother to include fucking gloves you know?

I hope we can see the destruction of Israel in front of our eyes.

Why bother? There is no organized resistance against them and there hasn't been in almost a century.

Iraq wasn't popular either, but it happened. This will be the same way. r_d Trump fans are thoroughly hypnotized.

Start prayin if that's your thing.

I'm dropping any support for Trump if he does this

Trump will be attacked by all media if he does. They will 180 degree and turn on him right after the attacks. They will pick it apart for any civilian casualties and say how it is botched.

It's a political mistake.

CNN headline will be "Trump starts war in middle east"

MSNBC headline "Trump starts war after breaking promise"

gas is a meme


Does trump believe he will get MSM support?

The headlines will all be negative. Every move will be picked apart and civilian casualties the headline

political suicide

Focus on defeating ISIS.

We will see the destructiton of most the world before our eyes. Going by the prophecies, probably over 2/3rds of the global population will be annihilated.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Syria chemical attack: "There is no doubt" Assad is responsible

Please no fucking war. Just drop McCain from a plane over Syria.

this is fucking scary

Looks another once stable government will be destroyed and ruled by jihadists, more rapefugees will infest Europe, and the US will be that much more weaker and indebted.

but MAGA tho right?


I stopped reading breitbart months ago

Its worse than r/ the doland

Its a useful look inside the Trump WH though.

please donald :(
please dont let the jews win again

And here i was getting my hopes up that there wouldn't be any ww3.

Guess i was wrong, oh well at least i got a use for all that canned food now.

Here's what I hope is going on. This is the most optimistic, but also a realistic scenario.

Trump is going to suggest that he may take the bait and go to war with Syria.
He doesn't make any concrete statements, but he makes ambiguous statements about ''being tough'' on Syria, shit like that, then some rumors leak that Trump is ready to start a war.
MSM, who have been pushing for a war on Syria for a long time, are now tricked into being against war. Now Trump can be soft on Syria without worrying about a backlash.
He can potentially make all the media and politicians do a 180 on Syria.


How did we lose? Where the fuck is Kek? I'm too redpilled to die user.


>people are killed with TNT
>people are killed with gas
>the outrage


crusade time

Are you all calling your representatives?

Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now

Call and email congress

Call them email them


We must stop this

Just read him attempt to defend his 180. He sounds like a special ed kid trying to give a presentation. Why did we vote for this man?

>others gas attacks
Another level of being jewed kek

>read article
>see "paid Russian trolls"

When did it all go wrong?

Kek is a god of chaos. Kek is delivering what Kek is supposed to deliver.

Easier to take pictures of dead children

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD.

Do it, goyim.
They probably aren't going to be influenced, but you should make as big of a noise as possible so at least someone on the Trump team can see the core fans aren't cool with this shit.


Ha! Stupid mortals. Praise Kek!

effective histrionic kikesplaining on tv

>If Trump attacks, I'm honestly done with supporting him at all

All it took was four months.

Not like this... not like this

Several Israeli ministers have demanded that Israel intervene in Syria following this week's chemical attack.

Wrong, media wants to oust assad. Trump will get good press as long as hes a good puppet



Sup Forums BTFO

I hope this is fake news done as revenge, because Trump not wanting to go to war with Syria was one of my main reasons I supported him.

Thats what happens if you worship an ancient chaos god, you get wwIII

Your Satanic Allah is the ultimate chaos deity Turkoroach.

Hold the line fuckers. Tomorrow is Friday. Friday is when media bombs drop. Between tomorrow and next Friday we will see that the gas attack was by the rebels, and everything will swing the other way. CNN will fall. McCain will be politically dead. Everything will fall to pieces. Except Syria. Which will crush the rebels, and then Assad will step down, replaced by a secular democracy, like in Egypt.

Feels. But State Dept is moving into full war propaganda mode. I've seen this song and dance before because I'm an oldfag. this is legit. Sorry.

"Tillerson says coalition forming to target Assad, Trump hearing military options"

Leave comments discouraging this.

Without Assad there is only ISIS. "Secular democracy" in the ME is not possible in the Muslim world. See Egypt. Libya. Iraq. Iran.

whys tillerson saying stuff that would make him look stupid and ridiculous when the so called truth comes out?
I want to believe

And it started with Ukraine, maybe the crazy old crook wasn't so crazy.

Same, maybe at least we can get the wall finished.

My senators are Democrats who are all in for war because Republicans will get blamed. My Congressman is in possibly the safest Republican district in America. I literally have no voice.

Breitbart scrubbed this article from their front page.

What did they mean by this?

"No wall, need the money for military. Also, we can't afford tax reform now"

Stop being so fucking thick. Syria, under Asshead will push Isis out of Syria, with Russian and US support. Once that's done, he will step down, under pressure from an international coalition led by the US and Egypt. Basically, it will just be new elections, and Assad won't run. Then Syria will join a new middle eastern coalition with Egypt and Jordan and some others as a NATO like element, with US and Russian oversight. The oil will flow, and the refugee crisis will end. With this support network in place, Iraq can take back it's secular government. Iran and Saudi Arabia will no longer hold sway over the middle east.

He's not you idiot. And the public has a terrible memory. All it takes is a major revelation. (maybe they'll even go so far as to say it came from that seal team 6 strike a while back) that shows it couldn't have been Assad. Tillerson was acting on the intelligence he was given. The deep state and the media take the fall. They weren't doing their jobs. Russia will say they understand. It's a simple flanking maneuver.


yes he is

I really really really want Trump to do the right thing instead of becoming an amoral neocon.

What would you say the betting odds on this are now?

Engagement in Syria and eventually escalating with Russia was the plan all along when Clinton was supposed to win.
Trump becoming POTUS should've foiled/delayed that shit so I hope it's just him talking shit.

'We Will, In Fact, Be Greeted As Liberators'-Dick Cheney on the occupation of Iraq

That worked out huh? Plans seem to go 180 degrees in the ME. Remove Assad either militarily or politically you get ISIS. No other outcome is possible.

Based on the information. FFS. Every. Single. narrative. Every single one, right now, rests on "deep state" intelligence, fake anonymous sources, and shoddy CNN reporting. The current climate means that Tillerson and Trump have to ride the wave. But before anything goes anywhere, some report will boil up, and the media pressure cooker Trump has been setting up will explode. It will oust all opposition at once. Doesn't hit Trump or Tillerson, because they were acting on the information they were given. This gives them ground to be more independent in the future, and makes them blameless if it's an information flaw set up under Obama.

Wow. Trump lied. Who would have guess.

Assad needs to make a Youtube video, in English, directed to the American people. Explain that it's just another false flag attack. He needs to do it and do it fast. This shit is getting scary.

Wish i had your optimism. This is way too similar to the lead ups for afghanistan, libya, and gulf war 1 and 2 for me, which I saw with my own eyes because oldfag.

This. Even now i imagine things would have been even worse under Hillary.

Can you fucking read? We won't have to send any troops. Assad removes ISIS. Then Assad steps down. A new ME coalition is raised up out of Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. This coalition will have US and Russian oversight, and will be favorable to our interests, but more independent than the puppet states we tried to create in Afghanistan and Iraq. ISIS and religious extremism will be quelled, because SA and Iran will no longer have the dominant power in the region. The greatest threat to this plan will be Turkey. Which is in real shit shape with Britain leaving the EU.

It isn't remotely similar to the buildup to afghanistan or libya. It's been less than a fucking week. It's meant to fit the form, so all the hawks like McCain get their machines in motion. You push their momentum so hard, that when you cut back, they can't keep up. It's a basic feint.

Can you think? "Assad removes ISIS"? Like, with a fucking wave of his hand? They've been trying for years. ISIS will not be defeated (especially with Saudi Arabia, Israel, the US deep state, and Qatar backing them), and in fact only strengthened by any attacks on Assad.

Binary choice user. Assad or ISIS. Thats it.

>We won't have to send any troops. Assad removes ISIS

Then a miracle happens.

>Then Assad steps down

Why? Because you say so?

>Can you fucking read?

I read your post. I wasn't impressed.

its VERY similar. I saw this on TV in real time.

The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. "The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H.W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In her emotional testimony, Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die."

this, wars and rumors of war. Check out Isaiah 17. We're on the home stretch.

and the media and govt response was similar
histrionics with zero dissenting opinions


>America's Napoleon will come from this event.
So... we'll fight the other world powers for 15 years, then get completely defeated and occupied?

Digits confirm North Korea falls soon

>Why did Sup Forums start trusting kikebart in the first place?
we didnt, only kike redditors did.

There are no binary choices. That's why you fail in life. Assad has been battling ISIS for years because the US was arming them, and not putting any pressure on their second front. Seriously, how many armies have won two front wars? Russia and the US. And they were both greatly helped by the fact that they were each fighting the same two enemies. You think ISIS was surviving because of their military strategy? No, it's was because of their political strategy. Assad has been crushing ISIS since Aleppo was taken, and Obama left office.

I've searched a bit online regarding this email, and there seems to be no consensus about who actually wrote it. Does anyone know?
Also, I find the theory (in the email) that overthrowing Assad would ease Israel's fears about a potential Iran nuke program to be rather strange. Why would Assad's demise make it any harder for Iran to build nukes?

>Trump planning some kind of action
>some kind of action
>unspecified thing
Wow, it's nothing.

Remember when the worst case scenario was assassination?
Fucking unbelievable how they managed to rally all the right leaning sane conservatives behind one figure just to shit on all of them in one go.
The kike overlords of America are really top-sadists.

I bet they also like to do it with the pizza kids they kidnap: let them slip away to make them think they have escaped just to catch them and fuck up even harder.

Syria is Irans only real Arab ally. Lebanon too, but they're fractured and weak.

Not a miracle. Already happening. And with US support, basically immediate.

Assad steps down because of political pressure, and he'll be granted asylum, giving him the actual opportunity. Much of his regime might remain.

This is where all the incentives point to. The only ppl who don't want this don't have any real power, and they're about to invest all their political power in a mobilization that's going to fail.

Big difference--China and Russia will stop the UN at the security council. This is inevitable. Any act would have to be done without the UN. It's meant to look similar. That's what a head fake is. Get people to spend political capital on it. Then change the game. Typical Trump strategy.


"If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region,"


“Five minutes after [such a strike], contrary to what the skeptics say, I think a feeling of relief would spread across the region,” he told the paper in comments excerpted on Tuesday


"The horrible images in Syria should shock any human," Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

"Israel calls on the international community to complete its commitment from 2013 and remove the chemical weapons from Syria. The cruel war there highlights our great commandment – forever to protect ourselves against any enemy and against any threat."

>The only "4dc chess" was us getting played.
That's why it looked so complicated. We could only see what was in front of us. In the end, we weren't playing the game.

We were the game.