Shia Mindbroked

apologize now Sup Forums you did this to him

what do you have to say for yourself

Other urls found in this thread:

Now you have my permission to die.


Does this guy have clones?

he seems to be all over the place.

All we did was call him on his virtue signaling. He did this to himself.

He should of embraced us. Jihadi jesus, jackie4chan, and that naruto fag would of became shias bros. They proved he's very hypocritical.

here the link faggots

Should have you illiterate fuck.

Is this all an act or what?

I always kinda thought The Beef was in on our games and just being silly

He was hit on the head with a bottle by the bartender

look at #7 on this list:

he sounds kinda black

I love him now, he's such a bizarre human being. He's crazy enough that his next stunt could be of him joining ISIS. Damn, wacko

Shia LaMemes needs to hurry tf up with season 5

The funniest part is how absolutely no one in that room felt threatened, and instead just laughed as Shia tried his hardest hood impression.

What a wiener.

Shia "Shit-fit" Lebouf is going to kill himself by 2018.

Check those fucking digits

Hello newfag

Shia LeBluff

What if this is all a movie he's doing?
I mean all these last two years like what Phoenix did?

looks like shia has fully embraced the leftist ideology

its terminal

I legit love this guy. Probably the only lib I can say that about. How boring would life be without him.

Shia is a fucking meme. He's trying to be angry and his voice is almost cracking and he sounds close to tears.

Shouting about french fries and accusing some blackie of being a racist. Was it all worth it? I thought you said he would not divide us?

Come to Finland already I'm gonna go visit your shed.


Any american could tell me what is he saying about french fries?



Shia Labeouf confirmed for Islam.

Why was he calling him a racist? Was he trying to get the local negroids all fired up?

They divided him.

White man of wealth and privileged becomes such a leftist feminist racially and sexually tolerant person that he kills himself to save mankind from his privileged white straight maleness.

you should follow in Shia's footsteps
How I imagine Shia's gotta be Feeling right about now.

Shia probably rolled a 7-10 split and went into a full-blown PTSD meltdown from the division of the pins.

Is Shia a manlet?


Americans really do lose their shit over burgers and fries.

He's radicalizing, isn't he?
> Sooner or later he will literally explode



There probably isn't a more obvious example of post-traumatic assimilation. He was a nerdy little white boy, probably wanted to hang out with the cool kids all his life, mainly black gangsters in school. No one wanted him. Now as an adult he seeks situations like this and politics to gain fame in the black community.

The Aids Skrillex phenomenon.

You're kind've mad, aren't you?

Why so tsun, Shia?

So he yelled when he was drunk and mad, hardly a meltdown.

Truly fucked in the head.

Quick rundown incomming

Why did Shia run up on my man?

I give Shia the poof 3 more months until total breakdown.

nice list


I fear someday that headline will be literal.


"Exploded at bowling alley"


So he divided us

>Be Labeouf
>Shave your face, looking good
>Feeling extra French on this day, want to go hang with randos you met on the street of your super cool art project, and introduce them to the cuisine of your people, "French Fries"
>Go to this bowling alley you think might be good
>You really want to impress your friends, so you walk up to the counter and ask for, Français Fries in a thick accent
>Look over your shoulder at your new bros, hoping to see a glimmer of being impressed at how you pronounced dat shit
>Waiter/Bartender is baffled, doesn't know what you're talking about, repeats back, "Français fries?"
>Thinks you might be a little confused, suggests you go to a French restaurant.
>You realize he's basically telling you, "Frenchie go home"
>Blood hits boiling temperature as you think about what Napoleon would do
>Time to pump it up and win points for your people, yourself, and your new potential friends
>Front page of TMZ

Shia LeCuck drunken rampage, business as usual.


>they regularly appear to him to mock his art
lost it
Could you imagine Shia being visited by two heavenly angels. He expects to be rewarded for his virtue signaling, but instead they tear him a new one



>He should of embraced us.

Tbh senpai, 5 years down the road I wouldn't be surprised if we make him go full Ben Garrison.

Just meme him into the ground hard enough and we shall remake him in our image.

I commit these digits to Shiah's Molyneaux-style racial awakening in a viral 2017 video.

Praise Kek.




Is Shia the new Jeb?

He seems divided

tiny kek


Shia thinks about race more than we do

i don't get the french fries meme with Shia

We finally broke him, boys! A toast to this monumental achievement.

Do you think we could pull a full Ben Garrison on Shia. Mindbreak and reprogram him to think like us.

top kek

>Shia left but came back when he realized he was still wearing his bowling shoes.

Shia ledouche has undoubtedly spent a nice in Megan's foxhole, if you catch my drift

Now this right here is cute. Congrats baguette. You're one of the good ones.

life would be a lot better without him

>the pins.

He threw the black ball and not all the white pins fell... then and there, he knew that bowling is racist!


I'm fuckin dead

Kek, Garrison 2.0. His meltdown will be glorious




Someone tweet this to him

I kinda need this to be real pham

It is bruh

What did we do to him?


what a faggot. for fucks sake. go away already.

We am become the Jews

Screencap or Archive, user.

I'm not clicking on a Huffington Post link, archive it

Yfw hwndu was not a protest against trump but a desperate attempt to gather all the lost shia clones that were made to keep starring in the transformers movies indefinitely, they scattered to the four corners of the earth once Michael found out cloning defects would always lead to psychotic breakdowns and shut the program down.


all i saw was "explodes in bowling alley" and assumed shia went full mooslim

Good one
