R/The_Donald hate thread

They posted this image (pic related):

They literally don't even realize they're in society.

>browsing reddit
Pls go


Holy rare





They're retarded. They expect to say and do whatever they want about others identity. But anyone who says anything about their self identity is a 'cultural marxist'.

They get triggered by a gay guy 100 miles away being allowed to use the mens toilets.
>they really are retareded

SJW are on the right wing too. Their brand of 'justice' is just different.

>still hasnt rid the world of that traitor maskerading as a pope
what do you have to say for yourself

Fuck off divide and conquer faggot shill
They are retard faggots but they are OUR retarded faggots

Praise KeK

It's pronounced Masquerading you literal baboon!

Hey big words are hard for Alberto

>reddit link

It Sr.Joao you feetlicker


In what sense are they right wing?

>a romani daring to call anyone a baboon
now aint that something

>society is a social construct. In nature there is no social contract.

Are alt-righters really that retarded?

tfw no vatican vpn

The post has 19 upvotes and no comments, no one is ever going to read it.

And what the fuck is your argument here, are you trying to say that forced equality is good because we're "in society"?

I kind of agree with that user's opinion
I met some girls for example, and they're victorian-tier prudes, anything remotely sexual is immediately villified. Oddly enough quite a many Sup Forumstards would love wifing that kind of frigid bitch

They're actually enormous whores, your sexual advances are just vilified because you're unattractive

And here we see the newly arrived redditors, about to be called out

How is prudeness inherently right wing, in any sense of the word? And I can't agree with even that fact, from what I've seen.


Christ the influx of you bastards is becoming obnoxious. You useful idiots have no idea what you're doing. If this concern trolling shill trash keeps getting worse I'll just go full fucking stormfront. Jesus it's not like you can infect every site.

pls teach me your ways sempai

Projection : the post
Prudeness is right-wing because modesty and sexual repression are associated with a conservative mindset
Canuck moron who replied to me would tell you they're whores because he hasn't met actual SJWs but left-wing students. I met girls working in NGOs and newspapers and they're neurotic and anal retentive sexless freaks

I want /mlpol/ back.

Thy will be done fuck plebbit

>All those shills ITT
wow, things are really getting desperate eh?

Let me explain the picture for you:
>Leftist claim things like family, capitalism, hierarchies etc. are social constructs and should be abolished
>Plebbitor says that equality is also a social construct, so by the same logic it should be abolished

This would have made for a good shill thread if some shills at least pretended to get it. Sup Forums ain't that autistic to be confused by one picture.

That being said, fuck reddit

If you go by the old standard right wing is hierarchy and left wing is egalitarianism. If you go by the American standard left wing is big government and right wing is small government. I really don't think not fucking makes you right wing, and even if it did in the conservative sense the SJWs doesn't want to conserve anything else. In that sense Andrea Dworkin is the model for the modern right-wing, which is just laughable.

D...Don't remind me. T_D free for one day.

Hello, Italian tourist.