What. Are these people serious? It's a fucking restroom. Previously it a woman's room but...all gender?
What. Are these people serious? It's a fucking restroom. Previously it a woman's room but...all gender?
>carry around sharpie
>draw little swastikas all over bathroom
>nobody can prove it was you
>laugh while the school shills itself to death with seminars and diversity training, explaining why bathroom swastikas are bad
Based solely on how this is written, I'm not sure I fully understand their point.
Literally what does that mean? Can I shit there or not?
Explain this to an eastern european
We are waiting
Basically, people think they can identify as any gender and its just not male or female.
I "assume" this is directed at men in a restroom that's been designated as open to everyone. So unless you're a woman or some mentally ill person you should use another restroom.
that's what I'm assuming. when i saw it i was like wtf is all gender.
im going to use that restroom because its closer
I support your decision to use it provided it's open to all people. If anyone says something to you just respond, THIS is what you wanted. When they say, no, say, then complain to THEM because this is what THEY wanted.
It's what happens when you take women's ideas seriously.
Don't let this shit infect Romania.
Fuck it man...start shitting in the sink and pissing on the wall...if they can 'choose' their gender, then we can 'choose' our definition of toilet...
How the fuck are you supposed to shit in that metal box? Do you open that little hatch on fhe top or what?
EU bathrooms don't make any common sence at all.
I'm pretty sure that is a soap dispenser
I think its a bit ridiculous considering the technical building here at school only has 2 bathrooms. not going to cross campus because of muh feelings. theres a chick in the program im in whos turning into a dude and she doesnt give a shit
Is women a gender? inclusive with all gender?
Mental illness
Nuke the west 20 times to make sure
too bad such scum exist in our lands as well, get the stakes we have billions to impale
Dude I can be all gender for 5 minutes to take a shit
Someone was arrested in penn station just a few weeks back for doing this very thing...
I just read the ny post article about that incident. The article said the man is a 65yo Columbian Puerto Rican.
>Vargas, who sources say is Colombian and Puerto Rican, then admitted to drawing the graffiti, cops said.
>Cops also suspect that Vargas also wrote “KKK” and “Mexican Go Home” on Penn Station walls. He griped to police that “Mexicans take jobs from Americans.”
exactly how do you get caught vandalizing inside of a locked fucking bathroom stall?
Was it a retarded Jew or something?
So. Basically like he racial segregation in the 50's just instead with cis males and not with niggers?
>Vargas was caught during a surveillance operation — cops saw him leave a previously clean bathroom stall that suddenly had hate graffiti in it, authorities said.
>A black Sharpie, like the kind used in the bias crimes, was later found in his back pack, they said.
>Vargas, who sources say is Colombian and Puerto Rican, then admitted to drawing the graffiti, cops said.
so he graffiti'd a bathroom before, saw they cleaned it, went back in and did it agian?
piss on it.
See, women are insane and irrational, and honestly believe they have a right to have their cake and eat it too, to the point they throw temper tantrums if the cake they just ate isn't magically replenished.
In this case, a women wants trannies to have the right to use whatever bathroom they want to use, but at the same time, wants trannies with Y chromosomes to be banned from using HER bathroom. The sign posted was her illogical and nearly illiterate attempt to justify this.
poop bandit strikes again.
>not putting the sign in the bin
You should raise hygiene and, health and safety concerns for having non-laminated paper in the bathroom and next to heating equipment
Please nuke yourself burgerland.
it's sad that feminism has completely devolved into fat college girls arguing over bathroom rights. pretty much the logical conclusion to such a trash movement but still.
The ny post article didn't fully explain. It did add:
>Cops also suspect that Vargas also wrote “KKK” and “Mexican Go Home” on Penn Station walls. He griped to police that “Mexicans take jobs from Americans.”
I can only imagine they "surveyed" a public bathroom after someone graffiti'd it and then they cleaned it up.
Penis are vaginas
Vaginas are penises
Some women have penises
Some men have vaginas
When will this nonsense end?
I fucking hate Lefties because they butcher language. Language is premised on the law of opposites.
The word table is useful because it defines not just tables, But everything that isn't a table.
So how can the words man and woman mean anything if, you fill in the blanks!
Leftist madlibs
I love it!