RIP Amtrak

>My town is in this list

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good. amtrak is a juden scam that should be replaced with a socialized train service in every city > 50k

But amtrak is the gov...

What the literal fuck did he mean by this?

>what did he mean by this

>>My town is in this list
Sucks for the 5 people in your town that ride Amtrak.

>The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, doing business as Amtrak, is a passenger railroad service that provides medium- and long-distance intercity service in the contiguous United States.

>paying $100 to travel 2 hours

>faint sound of hands rubbing together

I work at a factory where we make switches for Amtrak tracks......

About fucking time. Trains should only be for cargo. Poor people take Greyhound. Everyone else drives or flies. That's the American way.

AMTRAK is subsidized. I live in NJ, our state transit service NJTRANSIT is a million times worse than AMTRAK. What exactly the fuck is your strategy to improve transit?

do you feel the #MAGA yet

dismantle jewtrak completely and allocate significant federal funds toward comprehensive state transit networks. there's plenty of money to come from the military, and it would be a good first step toward retiring legacy technologies like autos

Amtrak/trains are a 19th and 20th century caveman way of transportation that have no bussiness in a 21st century world

Hyperloop is the future

hyperloop is a retarded idea
a vacuum chamber that big and at that low of a pressure causes more problems than it solves
high speed maglev is much better

If anything state government is more corrupt than the Feds, especially here

>Implying you wouldn't cross the United States from east to west in a panoramic train cabin

You're a retarded idea

looks like there's work to do! my state's transit authority is managed by a french (!!!!!) company using chink (!!!!!!!!!!!!) trains.

so take a company from somewhere known for shit train service and strikes + source materiar flom countly known for cheap chink shit = why do the fares keep going up???

this is one of the few areas where I actually think we need ruthless, undiluted isolationism. americans know how to build and run a fucking train service. it's literally not rocket science

not fucking frogs and chinks

Amtrack is shit.

America fucked up good.

>Amtrack only owns a small percentage of the track they use
>This means they rent most of their track
>Their trains have to yield to freight trains
>delays are inevitable and happen often

Sorry, but I don't see a free market way of getting a good high speed train in America. Most places are too far apart, usage rates would be low due to cheap air travel and everyone having cars and loving road trips, also you would have to buy massive amounts of land in order to lay new rail, something practically impossible to do.

>advocating socialism
this is not #MAGA at all

>a fucking deutsche bahn pasenger
>a fucking schoenes wochenende karte

I actually love to sleep in a train cabin something about the movement and the repeating sound makes me feel incredibly comfy

I wouldn't. I own a car. Enjoy being trapped on public transportation with muslims.

I never did anything of the such.

It is too late for America to have a high speed rail system without resorting to socialism, eminent domain, etc. All of which are unconstitutional.

Amtrak (gov) owns the trains but not the rails.
FAA (gov) owns the routes but not the planes.

You would need a gov owned train on gov owned tracks.

Trump lies again. He promised to invest in infrastructure.
How so nigger

>Falling for the automobile jew
enjoy those gas prices, faggot.

>makes room for another private company to step up
>Amtrak has a shit track record anyway

We would need to lay new rail, as we can't use existing rail for a multitude of reasons. Just some of those reasons are that the existing rail is just good enough to handle high speed rail, high speed trains would have to yield to slower freight trains, tracks have too many turns and are not direct, and the list goes on.

So we would need to lay new rail. This means new construction. But since all of the land is already owned by someone, it means we would have to buy the land. But what if they don't want to sell? We would have to steal it from them through eminent domain, which is unconstitutional. This process would repeat over and over and over for thousands of plots of land. The total cost for the rail system would be somewhere around a million dollars per foot. Insane.

Admitting rail transport is a terrible concept in the US. My local passenger train boondoggle loses $50 for every passenger it transports AND it is more than a plane flight to get across the state.

>Going slower than you would in a car
>With the lack of comfort of a plane flight
>For more money than flying or driving

>Trump cutting back on infrastructure spending in direct contradiction to his campaign
Fuck this cunt.

fucking retarded.png

The key to saving Amtrak is to privatize intercity freeways. This has worked wonders for both the road quality on these intercity highways, as well as alternate modes of transport, in places such as France, Spain, and Italy, all places where most intercity freeways are tolled (and very heavily at times).

In America, the closest we're getting to that right now is in Florida, where a private corporation is using the Japanese model of train operation (i.e; combining transit with real estate to earn money) in a project that will link Miami to Orlando.

don't forget the manufacturing jobs that will be perpetually lost

but hey, you need the money for the wall, right.

no, mexico's going to pay for it, remember? that's what trump said so it must be true


America is too spaced out. This makes all forms of transport more expensive, as you are going further than is most countries, even with local journeys.

Its sad for me. Im older and remember when it was nice to ride the train. Honestly.

The trains were on time, the cars were clean, they had nice little meals and it was a pleasant experience to step on, have a seat and just let the cities and countryside comfortably whiz by as you relaxed.

I guess I dont have to tell you what happened that changed this. The same basic government actions that have been toxic enough to reverse human instinct to flee cities rather than aspire to live in them. It infests everything, and trains themselves have been weaponized to bust up demographic areas liberals dont like. When it isnt trains, its buses.

So standards on everything have been reduced. Even flying isnt what it used to be. I like to think someday people will realize that you cant use things meant for humans to be simultaneously used for animals and expect humans will still want to use them.

I'm from Pennsylvania, train country, so it's been a miserable loss of something we once quite admired in our heritage.

>enjoy those gas prices

I do. $2 per gallon. Thank you fracking. It's good to be American.

Train tracks literally outside of window. Watch empty Amtrack go to/from Chicago twice per day.

It's not even a F40PH

Isn't the majority of US railways for frieght with passenger trains a secondary consideration?

Why is America so incompetent it can't do high-speed rail? It's embarrassing as fuck.

1st world nation, my ass.

>countless gullible faggots are shitting their collective pants thinking Trump's budget cuts will mean the end of long distance Amtrak service
>mfw none of these dumb suckers realize that long distance Amtrak service is the only form of inter-city rail for for at least 23 rural states, most of them Republican, and that they're even less likely to vote in favor of this than Trumpcare and will raise all Hell until he's forced to amend it

The Bright Line, I think it is called. Its quite an undertaking. Dade-Broward already have an incredible mass transit and train system. It has had setbacks from corruption and incompetence in Miami government, but when you get past that, its still quite a feat. I dont remember the one that runs all the way up the coast, but its impressive.

yes, thank you fracking for guaranteeing that america's resplendent beauty turns into a chink-tier hellhole within the decade

you rike rive with surgicar mask???

>this stupid nigger doesn't know America was built on railways

Because it high-speeds the inner city to the rural areas without the cost or commitment of a car, therefore no one wants it coming to their little town.

The liberals know this which is why they are always pushing for it. They actively look for areas that are 'too white' (republican) and seek to destroy those areas.

Hyperloop is a pipedream

Musk is a con artist

This. >90% of all tracks are owned by freight companies.

Make Passenger Rail Privatized and ICC-mandated again

In other words, you're in favor of backwoods shit-holes staying backwoods shit-holes, lol.

I thought only damn HIppies were against progress, and high-speed rail is progress.

Con artist that currently sends payloads to orbit and owns one of the most successful electric car brands.
Pretty damn good con artist if you ask me.


I took this trip and it was sweet

started in San Diego and then started this in LA. Got to Chicago late so Amtrak put everyone up in a 4 star downtown high-rise hotel for the night.

then went on to Boston.

I can tell you understand what I'm saying. So you are just ignoring the reality I explained in favor of your own idealized if utterly unrealistic visions.

You have wishes that do not conform to reality. If you aren't a liberal, you're on your way there. And if you are there, there is no point in discussing this with you. I cannot deliver reason to people who have no use for it.

My back-woods shit hole is just fine without your urban paradise showing up in the streets, tyvm

>chink-tier hellhole within the decade

Great. You're one of those delusional eco "warriors" that hates industry. What do you think powers your precious trains? Unicorn farts? Go blow your arm off, faggot.

Thanks for the history lesson, mister Rip Van Winkle. Here's a history lesson for you. Highways made passenger trains completely obsolete. Don't expect my tax money to subsidize your trains or your horse and buggies.

>compromise is bad
That doesn't make any sense. Trump voters don't want socialism. Trump is reducing socialism in the red states while working on an infrastructure plan for the blue states. He's going to make both Trump voters and Hillary voters happy with this compromise. Why are you being so divisive?

Are people supposed to be able to read these?

leddit posters are used to low quality images. Remember, R6 is there for a reason. You know what to do.

amtrak might make sense from boston to ny and from ny to washington.

I'm not even sure about that.

otherwise, it's just trainfags who ride this worthless shit. normal people drive or fly.

what the everloving fuck is R6