Trump talked about how overthrowing Assad was stupid and shillary supported it

>trump talked about how overthrowing Assad was stupid and shillary supported it
>Spent his campaign talking against Hawks and interventionalism
>Become president and shit over everything you said
>People still think Trump isn't a kike shill and typical neocon

Tried to warn you all. Should've nominated Paul.

Other urls found in this thread:

I will never understand why you guys shill these leftist talking points so hard.

They are Trump's talking points you /r/the_donald cunt

>implying he would have any say

They are Noam Chomsky's talking points faggot. And you and Trump fell for them.

its the cia's fault
usa should protest to close that satanist kike organization
they control and interfere in every shit any american politician does, til then you willkeep doing israel's bidding ad infinitum

So he should revert from everything he said during the campaign?

You support neo con interventionism? People like Mccain, Graham etc. Their views?

They are a hell of a lot more realistic and intelligent than you people. They were the ones saying we should have done something when this started, 6 years later and now the public is demanding action. Weird how that works.

If Trump said he didn't want to intervene, all leftist cunts would say "How could he do nothing at a time like this?"
But now he says he may want military action and he's crucified.


It just validates my theory that much more.

Trump never EVER had a clue about foreign policy...ever. Sure he knew a thing or two about trade deals etc, but never understood a single thing about IR theories.

He always had (((someone else))) do that for him

Holy shit you're honestly defending Graham and McCain. Please kill yourself you rat faced kike.

Go take up arms and go yourself. Oh wait you won't you coward you'd rather send the united States sons to go die for you.

No shit he's crucified you dumb fuck the Donald faggot because he's doing the opposite of what he said during the campaign you fucking nigger

Shut up kike, go suck some neocons dick
people who defend middle east kikery should take a bullet in the head

Did he even say anything it about yet? Why are you guys buzzing like someone kicked your nest?


Neocons axed Flynn and basically threatened Trump's entire administration if he didn't adopt a hawkish policy, cucks like John McCain & Lindsey Graham have been out to sabotage Trump's foreign policy since he started running.

And people like YOU would have us unlearn every fucking lesson of the Cold War. Take Chomsky's dick out of your mouth and start learning about foreign policy.

He's a moron. Just shows he was blowing hot air this whole time.

>It's never Trump's fault!

When the hell will you all wake up and smell the shit?

The Neo-Cons won.

Yes interventionism has worked so fucking well for the united States so far.

Fuck off you fuckup leaf.

Leftist talking points? Non-interventionist foreign policy was one of the fucking talking points we used to get Trump elected.

Trump is just getting pushed around by John McCain right now.

It has. It has worked great, that's how the United States achieved global hegemony. Iraq fell apart because Obama abandoned the Iraq project. You are all leftists and you don't even realize it.

Yes I'm a leftist for wanting what trump promised during the campaign.

I'm a leftist for not wanting an engorged bloated federal government, and I'm a leftist for wanting liberty and less government.

Fucking idiot

>Non-interventionist foreign policy was one of the fucking talking points we used to get Trump elected.

And where did he get it from? He got it from the anti-war left. The public swallowed hook line and sinker anti war propaganda from the left for over a decade and nobody has taken a second to rethink it. And holdovers like Mccain from a previous era understand the dangers of this mode of thought.

You can't trick us into fighting your NWO jewish wars, faggot.

Trump is a single man, facing not only the Democrats and the media, but also the entrenched interests of the neocons that currently own the establishment Republicans.

Can't really expect him to flip the corruption off like a light switch.

Yeah, i'm sure syria invasion is going to be a lot better for israel
keep being jewed faggot
>m-muh cold war we are the good guys
Of course we are in the fucking cold war 2.0 retarded, NATO did this to us when they decided to fuck everything during the urss disintegration

The entrenched interest of people like Graham and McCain? Trump's personally nominated sec of state is saying this.

What do you think they're going to do if Trump doesn't do it? You think McCain has more power than Trump?

Please don't delude yourself.

Fuck off, piece of shit shariablue.

BREAKING: Trump has talked to several world leaders about setting up a safe zone in Syria: White House

Kill yourself dumb Reddit frog posting /r/the_donald fuck

>Conflict news Twitter link somehow invalidates everything tillerson just said on fucking camera

This whole thread seems a bit jewish. Is it just me?


note everyone: shills are going to call people criticizing Trump today shareblue to turn this place into a clusterfuck

So nothing has changed? Hillary and trump, just two sides of the same coin
so much memes
and now this

The entire board is swarmed with shills in maximum overdrive

Wow, it's almost like he re-evaluated his position in light of events. That's way too reasonable to be tolerated.

Events that had apparently happened multiple times during and before his campaign where he still supported non interventionalism you kike fuck?