How do we stop /r/the_donald from coming here?

How do we stop /r/the_donald from coming here?

autoban anyone trying to post with reddit cookies

autoban anyone trying to post with reddit cookies

Hi :D

This botposting shows we shouldnt stop communicating with T_D. Reddit sucks but you're retarded if you ignore the obvious positive (yes, even for us) influence it had on the past election.

Mainly quasi-redpilling normies, but it has been worthwhile.

You don't. Reddit is a good facade to manipulate normies

autoban anyone trying to post with reddit cookies

autoban anyone trying to post with reddit cookies

Let the donald be.. Its like the last bastion on plebbit.

They have like 7 million followers, which only helps us.

reddit is our scapegoat.

Horse pussy.

Let them come, we need to redpill them on the kikes.

death to fascism

Based 'Pedes Report In! *hold back the night plays in the background* You seem to have a misconception about us at /r/t_d, well let me tell you something you antisocial-asshole-jerk-possible-shill. We produce the sickest original content, we book Ask Me Anything Sessions with the most elite of the pro-Trump personalities (think Bill Mitchell, yeah that's right *airhorn sound effect*), we have half of the Reddit community (and ALL of the Reddit leadership ;o;!) trembling in fear at our digital might, and essentially we were the deciding factor in memeing the "God Emperor" into the White House.

And the best part? The part that drives you misguided skinheads insane just like it drives the loony SJW Tumblr crowd insane? Is that we do all of this WITHOUT the hate that you guys (two sides of the same coin, really) deal in. THAT is why we are WINNING, THAT is why we are the new Counter Culture, because it really, truly doesn't matter if you're a Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Mexican, White, Heck, even a Papua New Guinean. As long as you understand the need for true conservative principles, free market economics, civil rights, and an honest desire to Make America Great Again then I'm proud to call you my brother (or sister!) of arms!

Yeah, it's a good place to redpill normies. There's just one thing--WE AREN'T NORMIES YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, THEY CONTRIBUTE NOTHING HERE


>More gore threads
>Animated equine pornography
>Sage all shill threads
>Ignore all Trump generals

get out nigger

>look at this based black man!
>look at this based arab man!
what's the difference?

Talk about race and niggers more. The normies get scared hearing about differences between people. Because we are all gods people lel

Cartoon ponies apparently.

> not even using a proxy

Fuck off JIDF
> oy vey destabilize the Middle East think of the children

It wasn't a false flag but if you're not from the_Donald you really shouldn't be crying over dead ragheads and know that Assad is protecting the christians in the middle east.

I just came here from /r/the_donald after seeing that post, and this is the welcome I receive.

that's impossible without installing malware on the user's computer

That's exactly the goddamned problem! Such posts are made by them!

>Goes to reddit
>Screenshots reddit after browsing around
>posts to Sup Forums
>L-look guys, look how stupid reddit is
>Goes back to favourite videogame subreddit
You're just as bad

>not wanting to install malware on Redditor computers

i only use a proxy when i'm entering your mom

We need the help of /mlp/.

>implying we wouldnt

we could simply use the fact that most Reddit accounts have personal info and use that to our advantage

I hope Achmed suicide bombs your apartment complex you fucking kike.

that proxy sure isnt your foreskin


if you say so, death to israel!

Don't like reddit, but the_donald had an ask me anything with trump himself which is pretty cool imo

Smh desu senpai

>muh redpillin normies

Fuck off, fags. Just leave.

Fucking newfags are just as bad, you assholes should get out too.


Save us /mlp/

GR15 prevents that from happening. Also /mlpol/ has been deleted.

You can't, you must embrace /r/the_donald.

Pretty much.
Sup Forums isn't even supposed to be NEETSOC it was literally one of the major bastions of the Ron Paul campaign.



you fucking Sup Forumsacks created the monster of T_D with your stupid memes

I just want my Ron Paul desu.


It still is quite libertarian.

There is literally nothing wrong with browsing reddit. I spent most of my internet time on /r/the_donald during the election. That's where I learned about this place.

I spend time here too now, but it's not as good as reddit. There's alot of really negative stuff here that seems like blind hatred. Like you guys reddit bashing seems to me like you just hate it because it's more popular and a better place for redpilling normies.

I predict this post will get hate from you guys too cause I'm a "newfag" or whatever, but to be honest I don't give a heck. I'm gonna stay here and enjoy the memes, and keep fighting the normie war on reddit. You guys honestly need all the help you can get and it would benefit you to be more accepting of other websites

Have your (You) and get the fuck out

Leave faggot, no cares about your civic nationalism shit here fucking Reddit fag


I love reddit and I spend a lot of time on it. I am going to get everyone from /r/funny, /r/gaming and /r/The_Donald to come here to hang out with you witty fourchanners and there's nothing you can do about it unless you downvote me.

You're the reason why Sup Forums is shit in the first place because you obsess 24/7 over niggers.
Fuck off to Reddit with him.

Found the ledditor


Sup Forums has been a nigger hating board ever since its inception you stupid fucking faggot

more autistic than reddit itself

T_D is the Sup Forums to pol really.