and suddenly Sup Forums hates trump

Get fucked Assad. That's what you get for following Hitler's footsteps. You can't just gas your own people. He will be brought to justice to face the consequences of his actions.

>shItaly siding with KGB mafia

Not even surprised.
Germany, you should've genocide the shitalians instead of yids.

it was inevitable swiss bro.
it was always going to happen.
trump was gonna do some shit that made Sup Forums turn against him and it appears that this Syria stuff is it.

The deep state won. Trump has been assimilated. Too bad, but it was worth a shot. He's a globalist puppet now. The media is allready lightening up on him in my country... the deal has been made.

Fuck Trump.


We will kill so many of your little muslims. So many.

>and suddenly Sup Forums hates trump
Trump broke his key promise, he betrayed his voter base for Kushner.

Fuck you nigger.

Assad is a sandnigger, the rebels are sandniggers, and ISIS is sandniggers.
There is no good party in the civil war.

Always a leaf. Notice, ShariaBlue stopped attacking Trump and is now defending him since he's doing what the globalists want.

>electing the biggest kike lover so far
>get mad when he starts to suck israel's cut dick

Assad and his cronies are Muslim. I don't see why killing them matters.

God bless.
>ameritard education

better nigger than canadian

hello Schlomo


MSM ready to stab Trump in back if he does what they are begging for in military action

will be wall to wall coverage "Trump starts war in middle east, civilians dead, botched military action"

He will lose all support. The neocons are going to stab him in the back the second he does what they want. They will get military intervention and they will ruin Trump's presidency in one moment.

Look at approval ratings for military action, it's sub 15%. Trump will commit the worst mistake possible.

Wtf WW3 anyway?

I'm starting to think that the presidential race was a fucking circus orchestrated by them. We were all fooled by our own emotions like little kids. Remember that we shouldn't worship politicians for what they are but for what they do.


Assad is killing terrorists while you slaves of the kikes arm them

if trump invades Syria then most likely yes...
i seriously doubt Putin is gonna back down and make himself look like a little bitch.
it would ruin him.

Just because a lightly less pungent shit is killing more shit, doesn't make them less shit.

Let Muslims kill Muslims, and let the West help with the process.

The sandniggers who adhere to more secular values and don't want their country to become a Sunni hotbed of terrorism are the ones you should be behind. We're helping sandniggers make their shitty sand dunes a little more tolerable by supporting the secularist regimes.

i have to admit that such a thought crossed my mind too, yes.

Remember that the elites are in the possession of advanced quantum D-wave computers that are simulation the entire world, right now. They calculate all possible outcomes at the same time.

It wouldnt surprise me if we were had.

>and let the West help with the process.
yeah like when you killed Gaddafi
fuck off amerishit

Nah, concern trolling.

Lots and lots of it. Sage and report. this is not really different than the last week before the election. I guess Brock got an injection of cash to slide Susan rice

It was a false flag. How honestly can't you see that. You're believing the mainstream media lies.

>How honestly can't you see that
simple, canadians are the most cucked people in the world

Gadaffi and Saddam were retards though. How the fuck did they expect the US and NATO not to do anything after they fucked with the petrodollar? I'm not justifying the Iraq war or the US arming of Libyan rebels but it was to be expected. Saddam would probably still be in power and Iraq would be relatively decent today if he hadn't tried to go back to the gold standard to spite the US. Neither of them had the allies Syria has, thus they were fighting tactical kikery by themselves.

These guys are shills for the most part. You're just going to have to ignore them.