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what the FUCK. why is trump such a cuck

Deep state got him dude.

No one can escape.

And here we go.

Well I figured there would be a war, but man this one happened quick. GG no re drumfkins.

Trump is a fucking pussy. I hope he gets impeached. Fuck him.


>Sup Forums loves Trump
>But also supports FUCKING THUGS like Putin & Assad
This will be fun to watch

Um no, sweetie. We don't support assad, we also dont support fighting kike wars for kikes, you dumb fucker.

KEEP THE FAITH SENPAI, something something 3d chess

fuck off i love Assad

And Sup Forums said Hillary was the neocon.

Fuck it. I'm out. We supported a useless sellout cuck.

All Trump supporters who thought he wouldn't be the run-of-the-mill Republicuck just got cucked.

She was and still is. The problem is Trump wasn't supposed to be. More blood and more money down the drain.


Reddit fag/libshit/shill detected.

Victory in the US elections has defeated us. Now we're flooded by libshit fuckstains.

You don't supported anybody fucking leaf, maybe cruz cuz is a another leaf

Better source??

And it's all over. This is the last straw. Revolution now. Election failed, silent revolution is not a possibility. Waves of reclamation are now abound. May God have mercy on us in these coming years.

Trump, this is not what we voted for! Please reconsider! Don't be so easily manipulated by warmongers!

Funny. I warned you guys Trump was a conman. His entire business career showed it.

I warned you over and over. But you didn't listen, you screamed Shill and all the rest.

I was right.

You were wrong

Suck it, faggots.

What dirt do they have on trump that'd make him go along with this?

> doesnt know aobut the sweetie meme

stfu fagot, gtfo back to plebit


I can't fucking believe this is happening.


I was a Trump supporter but this is going too far. First the failure to build a wall, and now this?



Hill was definitely a warmonger, with Trump there was a chance.

Wow i can't believe this..... what the fuck????????

Fucking KIKES

We were wrong Sup Forums and I hate it. I hate admitting this.

I thought he could be /ourguy/ but after the ISP shit I knew things would be different.

The plan to remove Assad has been in the works for many years and the election of Trump will not stop them from completing the mission.

Fuck Trump.
I never agreed with him anyways.
t_d fags can fuck off now.

Honestly as long as we don't take in refugees I don't really care.

Trump is a neocon puppet, surprise! Unable to read /var/lib/chanbot/postlib/4chpol/trump.xml

Straight up brother, finally some sense on Sup Forums. Don't forget his collusion with Russia and how he couldn't even ban fucking Muslims. We should meme his impeachment.

And what's he gonna do? Declare a war on Russia?

Not even a Salon link? This bait is sad

So can R_TD GTFO of this board and let it be as what is was before the election ?

Tried telling you niggers Trump was a Jewish shill. But no, you were all muh god empror based Jews praise kek


>another "Trump hasn't done anything but lets pretend he did" episode
Must be a marathon, looking at the catalog.

RIP America First
Well played CIA.

The only good thing about this is that society will collapse much sooner than later.

Russia will make a deal with the US and allow the invasion without issue.

Russian hackers hacked the election super mainframe so Trump would start WW3 with Russia, didn't know know?

Will Syria be another forever occupation like Iraq and Afghanistan?


Assad passed the gas.

Tillerson is best buds with Putin. The past 2 days have been nothing but a media shitshow to distract from Trump's ties to Russia.

I'm gonna need some more verification on this. I don't trust anyone anymore. Without at least 3 verified sources, it's all fake news.

Tillerson has confirmed they are forming a coalition to regime change Assad. Trump says he has changed his mind. It's confirmed dude.

Posting in a shariablue thread.

BREAKING: Trump has talked to several world leaders about setting up a safe zone in Syria: White House

Say it with me

Nigger we have ids we see its you replying to yourself fucking share blue never learns

>remember who owns you goyim
>we don't go away until you kill us

Goodnight sweet Drumpfkins.







Unfortunately US has nothing to offer. Ofc Trump can threaten Putin, but that's just not gonna work.

>Trump said one vague sentence at a presser with the king of Jordan but hasn't actually done anything
Oh fuck it's confirmed my dudes.

The one thing Trump can do to alienate Sup Forums - Fight Assad - is exactly what he does.

Is this that feel when all hope is lost?

Holy shit, actually watch what T-Rex said. He said he wants to remove him through an international coalition through political means.


if we get involved in another pointless fucking arab dictatorship war thats going to just fuck up the region again, kill a flawed but necessary ruler and cost billions of dollars and thousands of american lives then im buring that fucking maga hat, im sick of this horse shit. we go all in during the election about isis being wiped out within a month and here we are with this neocon warhawk bullshit over a chemical attack that was probably faked like the last one, remember that? where the whitehouse had a different story than literally every objective agency on the fucking ground in syria and then the next day they all said "well we cant fucking disagree with the US can we" and flipped to it being assads fault?

im not doing this shit again. we killed libya and we're about to do it again. if this happens literally fuck Trump. Fuck all republicans, fuck all democrats, fuck them all.

Can't wait for the WW3 live streams and Sup Forums Apocalypse Generals

These Jews need to be stopped.

So I guess there really is nothing left but violence and civil strife

I'm rubbing my hands so hard right now. Enjoy dying for muzzies normalfags.


Regime change is the only option. Its the only way we managed to stabilize Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Somalia. Wake up, Sup Forums

this. based taco

Oh yeah, and any of the other options were better. Rand would have been the only other one worth voting for and he stood no chance.

Welp, there goes my support. Trump is just another politician after all, fuck him and those around him. I'm not voting for him again in 2020.

t. trump supporter since september 2015

Should've gone with Rand.


Yeah, another staging ground like libya for terrorists, all while we let in angry muslims here. GREAT IDEA. EVEN A MEME CANDIDATE CANT STOP THE WAR MACHINE

Fuck off CTR. Go find a safe space to inhabit. Preferably one with high atmospheric concentrations of Ozone.

b..but trump doesn't telegraph his punches!!!!1

Sweet! More instability in that shithole region

Lol enjoy the brown cocks. After this the rapefugees invading Sweden will increase by the tenfold

What's everyone so pissed about? He wants asaad dead for gassing children. I agree he should die. Big deal.

Stop fucking pretending this, firing Bannon, and the Internet thing are anything less than a coup by the deep state. Two options: trump is a traitor or he is doing this under duress and needs violent help from our side right now

Assad has kept ISIS at bay for over 5 years,now the allied forces will destroy what's left.
When the muslims make their move in Western Europe can we expect Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Iraq etc to intervene and bomb the shit out of those resisting?
Because I think that's what's gonna happen.


Trump was a fucking mistake. Can T_D faggots leave already?

T-this must be 3-D chess... R-right?


He shilled for Israel his entire campaign. Why is everyone so surprised he is a kike puppet?

>NBC news

goddamn neocon kikes

Didn't Putin come out earlier saying he's not to keen on assad right now?

Ivan we better both hope they're pulling some 6D chess. Our countries at war is mutually assured destruction. Of more fucking whites.

Yeah enjoy 100 000 Syrian refugees after Trump has rekked Assad.

i hope so, i genuinly feel heartbroken about this shit

Tillerson is on a unscheduled emergency call with lavrov

>Being dumb enough to drop support for your president to save an autistic barbarian

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD.

Jokes on you, I don't care what happens to Sten Dundergrens girlfriends. Praise Kek

Once Russia disavowed, it was only a matter of time tbqh. RIP Assad, I never gave a duck about you anyways.


Maybe Saudi and Iran will stop flirting and just fuck the whole region and reduce the number of Muslims.

I don't think it's dirt, I think he's being manipulated by the Beltway rats that surround him.

>kikes are literally going to drag the entire planet and the human race into a disgusting gutter swamp of misery and ignorance forever

Glad Im moving to Alaska and fucking off from this (((society))) Enjoy being farm animals for slaughter.
