Is bipolar real?
Is bipolar real?
I was unsure until my friend got worse, he was literally two different people until the meds/therapy balanced it
>spoiled kids
yeah, is real goyim; don't forget to buy LIthium
Yes it is. My dad has it and once we got medicated he was so much better. He would exercise too but that didn't help him feel any better
No all mental illness is just self-absorbed attention seeking faggots
If it is real, we'll never know because every attention-seeking cunt with tattoos and colored hair claims to be bipolar.
polar bears are real
I was told I have bipolar and when I took lithium I got much better but after a while I just got really really lazy and I hated that so I quit taking it.
An otherwise very normal friend of mine is. He didn't know about it until his life was getting really out of control. He always was occasionally depressed but in his mid 20s he started not sleeping and doing shit tons of work and would go on tears using hookers and coke and then weed to calm down.
Getting proper meds made being a responsible adult possible for him. Otherwise he'd be devolving into criminality and insanity.
I was recently diagnosed with bipolar after having many concerns from family and co-workers. Idk if it's true or not. I haven't taken the meds yet
Bipolar/Cluster B Mom. It's like a light switch. She'll be having a normal conversation then space out for a few seconds. Suddenly, crazy psycho bitch.
yes, but a lot of people fake it or self diagnose
i had a manic psychosis. thats how you know for sure you have a bipolar 1 disorder.
also have body dismorphic disorder....
I know right. Look at this egotistical faggot throw a tantrum at his mom. She's just enabling him!
>body dismorphic disorder
like what? annorexia?
Yes, cannabis is the best treatment for it.
Are you retarded Autism is a neurological disorder not a mental Illness.
So a chronic pot head may have this disorder, and not even know it. Makes you think. Hah.
something like that yeah
>Mental illness is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life.
haha no its not m8
it's a chemical reaction when narcissists realize no one cares about them.
You telling me that guy isn't mentally ILL. Fuck off. His neurological disorder CAUSES symptoms of mental illness. kys
It's real.
Trouble is you feel great when manic, so the pills dont look appealing.
Checkpoints for mania:
Spend uncontrollably
Start conversations with random strangers (random bums on the street,etc)
Speech pattern changes
Depression side i suspect pol is more familiar with.
Trust your family, they want whats best for you, treat it, before you get yourself into trouble.
My older brother is bi-polar, and it's pretty sad.
He's a pretty normal and clever guy, and likes running his own small business. Howeevr, the cycle hits over and over, and it constantly derails his life.
>starts a business
>get regular clients, well respected
>crash comes, literally stays in bed for days
>clients get furious as he stands them up
>goes into manic phase
>approached my parents with all sorts of schemes and ideas that are pretty poorly thought out
To be clear, I'm in my 40's and he is in his 50's. It isn't some teenage scheme for attention or avoiding work. I've watched it my entire life.
In the last few years, it's gotten better with new meds and new doctors, but I've watched him crash dozens of times after months and months of work and stability.
Now he's basically a neet who helps my elderly parents
Autism spectrum or autism spectrum disorder describes a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders
don't cut yourself on that edge
nope, jewish trick #457
Ah a sensible answer
the kid in the video is obviously mentally ill
according to this definition I'm not saying all people with autism are mentally ill
Ok, I'm sorry ;_;
Yes, it gets worse when you take hormones.
no problem pls don't cry
Don't know how you could even doubt that it's real.
If you've ever been extremely temperamental over something or had bad mood swings, while that isn't necessarily considered bipolar, should tell you that it's real.
I've had times in my life where I'm sitting there chilling, and someone says something to me that turns me into a raging lunatic. The fact that our brains can flip like that is all you need to know.
If not it still feels fucking real, thank god third generation psych meds. Besides its been round of hundred years, even when psychiatry didnt even exist properly.
Try to be Finn on mania, its like living in hell to be super social in finland. Depression is pretty easy tho.
i will check it out but as far as im concerned cannabis is really dangerous. i had a manic psychosis partially induced by heavy cannbis use.
would not recommend, thanks for the source tho.
have any experience yourself?
I'm mixed bipolar whatever the fuck that means and I feel like it's more of a reaction to life problems/ environment then it is actual brain chemistry problem.
That's me. Chemical imbalance?
Of course not!
Just like every other bullshit disorder made up by the evil psychology/psychiatry establishment so sell you more fucking bullshit drugs therapy sessions to make more fucking money.
Its normals to have mood swings and be sad n shit. That's fucking normal.
The biggest load of bullshit these fuckers feed us is that our natural state is to be happy all the time.
That'd why people are Fucking miserable now. We're designed for disequilibrium with the environment.
Apathy is fucking death. Conflict makea us strong.
King D is right about everything once again.
When do I get my fucking medal?
Or better yet, a hoe in the kitchen making my sandwiches.
I just my senpai to stop sending me money. They said they will never stop. I even said I'm taking advantage of them.
Wtf that's not what I wrote.
dude .....
you sound like a manic. Are you bipolar? for real.
>Its normals to have mood swings and be sad n shit. That's fucking normal.
I know that you throw all your people who have mental ilness in to china, but if you ever see manic episodes and those moodswings in real life, you will understand that it not even close on that when bitches get perioid style moodswings.
yes, all psychiatric disorders are real, now off you go goy, your processed frankenfood is getting really cold