It's horrible when a few hundred civilians die from getting gassed

>It's horrible when a few hundred civilians die from getting gassed
>It's totally OK to wipe out 2 cities with nukes

Huh..really makes you think

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Ludicrous shit part 1

>Soviets kill tens of millions of their own people, no one bats an eye
>Assad allegedly gasses 20 people, everyone loses their shit

Gooks aren't people

Maybe some corrections, it should read (((Soviets))) and "own people".

>B-But the soviets conducted it in the 20th century!

Basically a scientific experiment on civilians, totally unnecessary. Don't fall for the "it ended the war and saved lives" meme

Ah yeah I forgot, killing innocent people is only bad in the current year and killing innocent in the last century was always ok.

Oh wait.

Allegedly the japanese were planning to send submarines to america with some kind of disease on them. So it's probably not that much of a meme. But there is no proof for anything on the internet, so I'm gonna emphasize that it's alleged.

Not to mention the development and dedication of resources for nuclear weapons implies their use is acceptable. If you have nukes you can imagine using them.

glad it happened then instead of 10 years later where the consequences would have been way worse.

>plague in the 21st century
Nah, it wouldn't be worse mate.

Russians don't deserve to live.

This extraordinary claim is brought to you by the same people who invented the holohoax story

But that could be wrong too.
Everything you believe in could be wrong.
>Inb4 we live in the matrix

>act of war against a hostile country
>using chemical weapons against your own civilians

you might have a point if we nuked LA (if only) but we didn't
it's okay bong, being stupid can be hard sometimes

They were civilian settlements, they had no relation with any military bases.

That's interesting coming from a citizen of an Axis country. If you understood anything about Japanese culture at that time, you would understand that the civilian casualties in Japan would have been far greater.


You're implying that your origin must be related to that certain country's culture?

The atomic bombs had little to none to do with the end of the war, it didn't even impact the japanese military. The Soviet invasion of Manchuria is what led to the Japanese surrender

battle-hardened Soviet armies sweeping away the Japanese divisions is what compelled to Japanese high command to surrender

this is just typically falsification of history by the Anglosphere, in the same way that the British tell themselves that the firebombing of Dresden was necessary to win the war in the European theatre

>They were civilian settlements, they had no relation with any military bases.
Blatantly false, Hiroshima hosted the HQ of the 2nd General Army, 20,000 of those killed were soldiers garrisoned there. Nagasaki was a significant seaport and had many arms factories.

Also false, it was both Hiroshima and the invasion of Manchuria that caused the Japanese surrender. The meme that the bombing had no actual impact on the surrender is literal communist revisionism from the 60s that's been proven false since.


Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now

Call and email congress

Call them email them


We must stop this


3rd nuke needed



You may of deduced that the world is far different than it was in 1945.

Didn't know that before. Thanks.
But still, I was implying that civilians are still civilians. They were innocent people who got nuked, it's pretty unnecessary in fact to blast a kilometers wide explosion just to destroy some military target. They could've used something else too... Maybe.

Depends on the culture.

But what if i don't care about people being gassed?

>a few hundred civilians die from getting gassed
no way, kike
it is a fake news

the nukes weren't even close to the worst sociopathic shit that was done with bombers, USA carpet bombed wooden japanese cities with first explosive munitions (to turn it all into kindling) then incendiary munitions to turn it into an inferno.

Where's the context my nigga????