No not another
*teleports behind you*
Heh, your memes are trash, kid. Nothin' personal.
pre WW1 map with some minor fixes
Poland existing and splitting in half Posen and its Eastern losses (keeps Lvov, most of countryside to Ukraine, etc)
Germany keeps all but Metz area and gains Luxemburg, gives that insignificant sliver it does lose to Denmark, keeps Memel and Prussia
Gross Ungarn with some of the 40's addendum inside Transdubania.
Ubergross Bulgaria
Turks and Muslims in general expelled from Europe, land given to Greece and Italy.
Thats about it.
Always the fucking same. When are you retards going to figure out where Wales is.
>wanting more Albanians in your country
>Greater Gibraltar [EN]
All of you morons posting Germany with German Empire territory don't realize that with today's leadership they'd basically just have a larger area to cuck
How about this?
Definetely nuke
>Le ireland xd meme
>Scotland owning Isle of Man
I hate euro poors so much
Heh. Not bad kid, not bad.
How about no.
Althou I admit Greater Gibraltar made me kekle
>Romania cut up like that
>muh greater Hungary
hey wop have you paid the protection tax to your local mafiosos?
fuck off you cunt the uk stas united and ill murder anyone who tries to split us up
>muh romania own es Erdély since 20000000 bc we wuz gods choosen peepoo all hail Ceausescu greatest fascist lederr muh mungulols stole it from us and killed Atlantis ( ancient romulan city btw) k
Why is Russia split into strips?
Wtf ahahaha Ireland Iceland and Wales we have nothing in common? We're all poor I guess
well said
I'd like south tyrol back
stop trying to make us into a country
we are a non country
>globalists btfo
Rate my map.
Butthurt itallian detected
no dalmatia 4 u bitch niqqa
>all these filthy bozgors giving transylvania to hungary
if we really wanted dalmatia we could just walk there and take it
Get Austria and Czechia out of this trap shit you fucking bong.
Holup, dawg
>blocks your path
bretty gud
serbs thought that too, turks thought that as well, you dont see a lot of serbs or turks around here do you?
Its ours and you can suck big slav dick
also gud
shit tier map desu
yeah nah pastanigger
retarded britbong craves perpetual defeat
10/10 for greater Gibraltar
Why did you choose Ireland/Wales to cut in thAt strip of England? North England could probably work as country on its own
You are a nob.
You forgot to include all of Scotland and brittany in the an celtic empire.
I fixed your continent.
bretty gud
Also realistic.
Question why does Norway not just annex sweeden since the swedes don't want it anyway?
Why are you not shilling?
yeah it didnt work and never will again
beady anglo fail again
We needed a launching area to create the northern polders for the Netherlands. The autonomous region of Wales will soon return the land after England conquers the new caliphate of Scotland.
>calm down Finland
Ideally the UK moves towards a US style of government where Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England enjoy a fair bit of autonomy rather than Londonistan running the show.
It ain't a commie shithole this time.
I like it a lot
but why is Europe so bent?
A perfect map of Europe is one without Germany.
>germany exists
Why is the Czech Republic always off limits on these posts? It sticks out like a sore thumb
for whom?
I like it. Netherlands to Germany, as well as the dutch speaking part of Belgium to Germany and the French speaking part to France.
read up on husite wars, czech are nasty when they want to
>sacrificing land
why did you post that
>Giving more land to muslims
>All the retards in their shithole country fucking up one of the best country on earth, switzerland
stay mad and keep doing your fanfiction map
too much Hungary
learn English Ahmed
Mine recognizes the importance of Swiss neutrality and existence.
valid point.
The pipeline mean cheaper gas for you.
can't wait to own my own northern polder island
Muh Grossgermanium
t. Prussia pro
Based America.
>Flanders part of Greater Netherlands
>Brussels area included
muh nigga
>Swiss neutrality
>Ideally the UK moves towards a US style of government where Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England enjoy a fair bit of autonomy rather than Londonistan running the show.
I like tihs
any deal in geopolitics means we're fucked i've no delusions
Lmao whiteboi u mad? The bmc will cuck you
Sudtirol is Italian Hans, deal with it
Only swedes are blonde.
>tfw when transylvania had 47% non romanians in 1920 and because of forced integration there are millions of non romanians who are only speaking romanian
just looks like an average game of Hearts of Iron 4 m8
where is switzerland ?
Scotland and Wales already do have a fair bit of autonomy.not sure about NI. Wales has the Welsh assembly government and Scotland has even more autonomy than Wales with the Scottish Parliament I believe.
The problem is
>our councils are shit
>the Welsh assembly government is shit
>r whole fuckin government is shit and don't know what they're doing
>r nations want independence but we can't have it because we're too poor and our government is shit (see second point)
>Nigel is great but the labour and conservatives prevent him getting anywhere
We're going to literally need a revolution to sort r nations out
There u go some facts for u ameribro
would live/10
Silesia here, we wuz germans n shieet
>Not including turkey
Have an internet dear user
Alsace is french you fuckers
Fixed your garbage picture anglo scum
>Not including Austri-Hungarian empire
>Not Splitting poland and giving half of to germany
>Not having full amount of uk
Rightfully divided between Italy, Germany and France
Thank me later.
This is the only european map I will accept
You dont want to piss off czechs. But they have huge piss off glass
>ever being great ever again
Isle of Man was Scottish for a long time historically
I'm so fucking sick of the maps you eurofags make. This is the only halfway decent one.
These lands are gonna be mine.