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I know a few other girls who had their life changed by Black-stars

No, but you are OP since you read into it that way.
I guarantee you watch cuck porn OP.

Furthermore, Lennon was an outgoing well-known women beater. In other words, he was dominant. Throughout his whole career he displayed dominant traits, he was the alpha in The Beatles.

You're just a cuckold OP. You can't even view innocent pictures of two musicians and his girlfriend without your mind racing, can you?

Stop posting on Sup Forums and don't ever come back

Lennon was totally cucked.

He took gau jew dick up the ass to get famous.

The gay jew dick Probably made him insane , thus Yoko.

Why do people hate Yoko Ono so much?

Lennon loved gay jew dick

Lol He was a total drug abusing commie race mixer
Yeah very "alpha "
funny bait btw

Check. Digits confirm gay jew dick lover

I'd fuck the shit out of 1970s era Yoko desu

>Lennon was an outgoing well-known women beater. In other words, he was dominant
lol no. that sounds like cuck shit to me.

>he was the alpha in The Beatles.

this is gold

t. Cucks

Cos she was unironically a cunt.

Are you genuinely trying to imply he wasn't?
You don't know what "alpha" means, you fucking retard.

Go on, please tell me how you're so alpha. Where are you millions of dollars? Where are your literally millions of women of all ages screaming at your shows? So much so, that you had to stop going on tour?
I could go on...

You don't know what "alpha" means, it's that simple, you fucking cuckold.

>left his wife and kid for mysterious yellow meat

She got into lennon's ear and was part of the reason behind the beatles break up. She was also obsessed with fame, and would try to shoehorn her way into lennon's live performance with chuck berry. For example:

SeeAre you implying he wasn't an alpha male?
What does alpha male mean to you then, faggot?

>Millions of women adored him and stalked him
>Owned his own island
>Numerous children
>One of the best musicians of all time and in the most popular band of all time

Come on, tell me how you're so much more alpha than he is right? Lmao

Look at the all the cucks responding you.

You're completely right, though.

I would love to go back in time and sniff and lick Yoko's feet. I want to stick my dick in her crazy asshole and see what noises she makes

This Is bait niggers

Yoko was whatever the female cuck is. She literally set him up with some other chink bitch to fuck. There was a song about her and everything.

You mean by Yoko fucking a black guy?

I doubt he was that lucky. He probably had to keeping having sex with that slanty-eyed goblin himself.

It's bait? I don't think so you fucking pathetic moron.
Go on then, explain to me what alpha male means to you.
Lennon was certainly alpha male whichever way you look at it. More so than most. I'll wait, faggot.

They can't help it. They forget who they are when they're on the internet.

im so alpha I waited 2 months to buy the Nintendo switch. didn't even preorder.

>Video games
Yeah, I don't think so

I just strolled into walmart and politely demanded they ring up the system behind the glass.

I told them to grab Zelda while they were at it. because not only am I alpha, but I have great taste too.

You don't know what alpha means, cuck boy
Back to plebbitt you go