/esp/ España General - Recovering Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Spanish politics. TRY TO KEEP IT IN ENGLISH SO NON-SPANISH BROS CAN KEEP UP!
What do we do to save Spain? Portubros highly accepted.

Latest News:
>Concern regarding corruption in Spaniards increases by seven points.
>The PP wants to give the presidency back to Sánchez if the causes are filed.
>ETA will approach its dissolution once weapons are given.
>Espinar drinks Coca-Cola in the senate after asking to ban it in the senate.
>Rufián to the Catalonian antifraud ex-boss: "See you later, gangster, we'll meet in hell"


No beaners, sandniggers or protestant netherlands allowed.
>Catholic Netherlands

Previous >>?
If there isn't a /esp/ General in the catalog, copy this OP and make a new thread! Let's make this become a thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Communists mods deleted last thread



Practicing jewjitsu in case the euro goes bye bye with le pen or some other event if not it will be used so as not to get inflation and be out of the bank in case they go Chipre on us or do a corralito,I recomend any good user should have some gold and silver at least enough to get a gun in the black market in case shit hits the fan(muzzies are already rolling guns in the thousands)
See the news above,I'm not talking about civil war,unless you count the muzzies as spaniards or civilians (see news above) I'm quite sure things will heat up in europe and somewhere it will pop up and then all muzzies will go jihad mode and either go to that country or try to take over Europe.
My guess is some countries economy will go to shit and if muzzies get rapie and mug and gerpneraly behave like shit even with free houses and salaries for doing nothing...imagine When no money...ok Now what happens when all baby boomers retire (soon) and they want their pensiones. ..yes,no money...
Hopefully im wrong

Why did last post get deleted?

Also, we were discussing this


>Lgtb indoctrination, promoted by our (((right wing))) party of all things.



Why do you think they deleted the last one? Because of the REEE DON'T MASTURBATE TO WOMYN guy or because of the Spanish posts?
So sad, we were having a /comfy/ thread.


Ok lads, we gotta keep this thread as anglo as possible!

It was deleted because I reported the pictures of girls some idiot was posting.

And I will do the same if he does it again. As I said, this board is not a sewer for degenerates, whores and porn junkies.


>el pais
Really now.

it was because of the assblasted one about muh nudes

Remember ultimate destiny and goals of patriots, get job, get wife, have 20 kids+ to urbanize, empower, and serve your people province and family by making it the strongest reminder for all comrades to love each other as brothers all spaniards are brothers and a family, do not let class politics and other non sense divide.

i just copied the last one
i prefer el mundo and abc, but i dont really trust anyone

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking massive faggots.

Horny user posted hot girls. Cucky user didn't like it and reported to mods which thought was too lewd for Sup Forums

Can we make a spanish "bloc identitaire"?

i didnt say i wanted nude pics, i just said that this is Sup Forums and u got pretty assblasted about some shit girlposting

>calls others faggots
>starts to cry like a child when he sees the skin of a woman
Are you sure your name is not Abdul? There's a shitton of way more revealing porn in Sup Forums, don't come here fuck with our comfy thread. They were not even naked for fucks sake.

Hogar Social Madrid it's like our identitaire version.

Don't know if they're based or not, i fucking hate neo-nazis.

>Catholic Netherlands

Anyway, good luck cousins. I pray for Spain half as often as I pray for Portugal, but I pray nonetheless.

Based and true.

All jewish tricks are divide and conquer shit.

Europeans should all unite.

Bump bump

Reminder luxury is arbitrary and that your capital and will should serve a true purpose your genes family people and such.





Neo nazis are evil filled with hatred.

Que te pongo hoy Antonio?

Their leader is a sudaca with a Nazi tattoo in her ankle, enough said. They do a good job feeding the poor Spanish families though, but as stated earlier, too linked to francoism, nazism and fascism.

You responded to the wrong post, I think?



>There's a shitton of way more revealing porn in Sup Forums

They are not fellow spaniards so I don't care that much.

>don't come here fuck with our comfy thread

If you don't defend strong morals, what is the different between mierdemos and you?

>starts to cry like a child when he sees the skin of a woman

Except I have a girlfriend and I don't need to jack off to pictures of whores like a fucking degenerate.


Who is leader?

Anything that goes right of (((PP))) will be tagged as nazi/facha anyways, we might as well just embrace it.


they are fascists based in the ideology and principles of primarily, ramiro ledesma ramos who is intrinsically related to primo de rivera

melisa es de descendientes sudamericanos, por parte de madre, si no me equivoco, pero la muchacha es inteligente y 100% based, no tienen nada de neo-nazis... es lo que los commies dicen con su tipica propaganda basura

>mfw PP abolishes the constitution and makes a cuck dictatorship

>Their leader is a sudaca with a Nazi tattoo in her ankle

Holly shit, disgusting.

I love the photo, that's exactly why i hate them.
How do you keep that scum out from right wing movements?

I see the same shit with the alt right, many good people, educated and wise and then you have the fucking faggots who always post shit about the jews.

What is the solution?

this, we just need to put the line the most to the right we can so everything will be considered leftist and perse oaky

You're an exaggerate.
>what is the difference between a communist party who wants to convert us in the next Venezuela, who want to open our borders to immigrants, radical feminism, veganism, anti-spanish culture, who defend islam and suck euroglobalist cock and someone like you who doesn't mind if someone in a bhutanese ping pong forum posts pictures of girls who are not even naked?
This is how retarded you sound.

Pain in the ass.
We, the majority wanted the guy to keep it, was giving some happiness to the thread.

A la cueva trolazo.

English is the global language, and it's cool to have more anons understanding everything.

Weren't even nudes. The guy is just a cuck.

Just fckng neo nazis, with a panchita leader. Kinda ridiculous.

Stop being stupid and falling to their design be more moral just and kind than the enemy make nationalism about being extremely kind and most moral and the others as the evil aggressors.


Who is their leader?

You lads have a more positive history of fascism than the rest of Euros, so you can probably roll with that.


es la prueba de su propaganda funciona, la tipa no tiene un tatuaje de esvástica en el tobillo, te lo digo yo que la he visto en fotos recientemente

solo tiene un laurel

y me hace gracia que estés en contra del ''nazismo'' y directamente descartes a una persona por ser sudamericana, esa hipocresía

Deny any evil and hndesirable representation in nationalism.

Aqui viene el verdadero meme, señores

Sois del madrid o del atleti, compañeros?

Remove the shill cucks like you and maybe we can fourish.
You seem like either a lolbertarian a cuckservative or simply shill in the first case there are still many things yon learn, in the second you're pp cancer tier corrupt and unpatriotic so you should be removed after the reds or before I have my doubts

>We, the majority wanted the guy to keep it, was giving some happiness to the thread.

I don't give a fuck about majorities, fuck your democracy, shitstain. A Sup Forums, MARICON.

You are deluded. Only strong family values can save us, and you can't defend that and the same time promote a DEGENERATE culture of sex. Girls in their 20's whoring themselves out are not being family mothers, and that's the biggest of our problems. Make strong families again and you will make the country great again. Destroy family units and you will achieve NOTHING.

Don't dare to call yourself traiditionalist, revolucionary or counter-culture if you can't realize that fact. I have zero tolerance with these things and I will use all means in my hands to fight against them.

You don't understand it, any nationalism/traditionalism will be portrayed as nazi/fascist by the left.

My point is that we should stop caring about what they call us.

Postea la foto de la mujer que dice que es panchita de hogar social madrid

Debería reportarte por poner semejante basura.

>es la prueba de su propaganda funciona

>y me hace gracia que estés en contra del ''nazismo'' y directamente descartes a una persona por ser sudamericana, esa hipocresía

>Si no te gustan los inmigrantes eres un nazi

Hazte lo mirar user, parece que la propaganda también ha hecho mella en ti.

South American with a swastika.

That's shit tier movement.

Tempting to say Atleti, love the atmosphere in the stadium
Real sometimes feel like a fucking cinema theatre

Fuck off retard, I'm saying for all people to deny evil aggressors representation and to condemn all criminals and such nationalists will be the most moral and kind.


That's the only solution right now, you cannot apologize for your beliefs.

Once you do that or try to compromise with the left they'll devour you.

She had an interview about it, it basically went like this:
>Do you have such tattoo in your ankle?
>Can I see it?
>No, if I don't have it, you can't see it.
Except it was more ridiculous, it's pretty obvious she has one, I saw a pic of it when she was in a pool.

I am not against nazism, I am against the neo-nazis (who make us look like idiots), which is a difference you'll understand when you lurk enough, perhaps you could go to /nsg/ and ask for the difference, or simply check this image And yes, we also need to send them back. See pic.

Why do you keep meme'ing Med flags when you fought brutal wars with each other

Dying your hair blonde to appear white doesnt work

And I forgot the pic.

>That dyed hair

She's full South American?


Barcelona!! Messis crack!

And whats the problem with that?

Entire Europe have been fighting with each other the entire history. And now (finally) we get along with each other.

It's good to have good relationships with our closer friends with similar culture and stuff.

Jesus es malinche

Don't involve yourself, women aren't meant to do that and it's fishy as fuck just do the truths, have children, be strong, get money, advance nationalism from a position of honor morality and power.

wtf is "evil aggressors representation" mean to you fucking cuck?


Why can't Franco and Salazar come back?


Just seems stupid I dont see what Spain and France have in common

Mestiza I think.

I don't even have a problem with south americans (as long as they are decent legal workers). The problem with this gal is that she is a neo nazi, everyone knows it, she says she is not AND she is mixed, what makes the entire stuff ridiculous.

You're condemned you filthy enemy, nationalists are kind moral honorable people not a single thought of hatred.

If i were her, I´d train a successor, another girl, Her time is up, and she has a kid to take care off.

Soon, Portufriend, soon.

Feels thread?


Don't cry user, just don't.

France are not in the group.

Portugal and Italy does.

France is not*

Spain do need to remember things forgotten long ago. Education, the value of hard work, honesty... This country needs to be rebuilt from its ashes.

You will not help this country by being a "leftist" or a "rightist". Both, different sides of the same coin, ignorance before understanding.

[spoiler]Remember, "Gabriel Rufián" is not a good example of human being.[/spoiler]

Yeah, exactly that, you fucking scum.

Just leave them parade their communist shit while we have to apologize because someone has a fucking swastika.

"not a single thought of hatred" kek

And here we have Trudeau with a fucking proxy.

Fuck off back to Canada.

Family values play a part of it, sure. But the real problem is our politicians, they're traitors, they've sold themselves to the eurocrats, the globalists and the anti-Spaniards who want our culture to go away. They're corrupts who steal from us the folk and keep doing it because they KNOW we're not going to overthrow them. This is what really plays a big role along with the anti-Spanish rhetoric in the media and education.
Spanish culture has ALWAYS had very sexual visions of women and you know it. Of course, not to the levels of today where women want to be able to walk out naked outside, which is obviously way more harming to our traditional values than just some girlposting. Libro de buen amor, la celestina, el burlador de Sevilla... many old, and culturally glorified books which I assure you, put women in a worse light than the pictures that user was posting.
Spain, and the entire world has always loved the following: cuernos, sexo, tragedia, drama y comedia. Just chill a bit, mate.

Fuck off.

If a civil war started would you ask your former subjects to help, many are still passionately loyal to Spain.

(Reposting this from the last deleted thread)

Anons i have to ask.

Do we have some redpilled youtuber over here?

The only spaniard i see it's a lolbertarian called Fernando Díaz Villanueva has some good videos to listen while you're doing something else.

And this morning i found this video about feminism and it's fantastic, redpilled af.


But seems like his channel is not very political related.


yay, panchito invasion
Did you know Franco used about 60K Morroccans in the civil war?

Best just ignore it, if you're a nationalist have 20 spaniard children and teach them the true values of serving their people and the good that comes from it.



Spains a fucking shit hole

The youth unemployment rate is like 30%

Its pretty incredible considering their Bloodthirsty soldier crushed Mexico, central, and south America under their feet.

How pathetic.

Great language though. Very user friendly and fun to learn. Great food too.

Soooooooo, no girlposting?
No they are not. They hate us cuz "muh gold and systematic raping"