We're heading to Syria Eurofags. You know what it means? More """refugees""" for your ass. Is your extra bedroom prepped for Jamal, Muhamad and Aicha? Are your daughters and wives shaved? His your son transgendered and ready to drain these poor people? Good.
Is your guest bedroom ready Swede and German fags?
I think the new fences will hold.
lube up
You sound like a faggot.
*sips tea*
feels good to live in murica
*shoots gun*
no shitskin refugees
*stretches luxuriously on several acres of land*
no stupid babbababba yuro language
There you go Sven. Get ready!
We concrete now.
>iben hamas, iben jihad, iben raw penetration
You fucking assholes. Any Amerifatbros reading this, do a favor for old Sven will you? Shoot as many civilians as you can so they don't make it to our border.
But your whole country is made up of shitskins mate, refugees or not.
Yeah the view would ruin your tea
Coming from the "country" with cocksicles
Agreed, we have loads of shitskins, and we can't do anything about them anymore. I'm not taking a piss, but you should really expect a increase in arrivals from Syria and all these shit holes if we go to war.
If you burgers hadn't forced international refugee treaties and had a history of invading countries that do anything to da poooor widdle nonwhites and pushed back in the day tolerance shit and made countries write constitutions forbidding nationalist speech we could have the gates lead right to massive ovens
Make sure you wipe as many of the rats out as possible
How would they get here? There's fences and borderguards everywhere now.
We're assholes, but you guys have big hearts. We need you to feed all the orphans we leave behind.
not your mate, sven
More opportunity to get a bigger backlash against the fuckers. Maybe instead of mass deportations of these things you Americans have the retardation to call "people" we can make them into soap
I don't know. Some feminists in your government could say: "open the gates"
It's not our gates though.
Who would wash with a soap made out of shitskins? Its like washing with shit
Actually the problem is you aren't big enough assholes in the right places. You should be mowing down every single one of these vermin
Yeah but we're not World's pest control user. We tend to regulate muslim population here and there when the occasion strikes or when we need gas.
Wash out the ash buildup on inside of the ovens with it so they'll always be operating at full capacity. Also can be used to wash the streets
Maybe so but the problem is you have in the past attacked people for doing their own pest control. Serbs in the 90s immediately come to mind here
Did I hurt you marmite?
>hitting targets
you're actually gonna lessen the flow
Of course they will hold. Those fences are meant to keep you in Sven. You and your boipussy belong to the refugees. Better get used to spreadin.
Go to give you credit guys. Hans and Wolfgang didn't show up for this thread. Guess they're making the guest's bed.