/sg/ adressing Sup Forums

This is an /sg/user adressing Sup Forums.

We are facing the biggest false flag in Syria since 2013 gas attack that was later proved to be work of Al-Nusra and Turkey. Assad would be the most stupid man of earth gassing his people. Esspecially NOW. Now that he is winning.

/syrian general/ has been a part of pol for over a year by now. We follow this conflict daily. And this "gas attack" has happened before. 2013. Back then Assad was blamed as well and the media went crazy over bombing him, just like right now. And Obama with his autistic ´red line´ almost did, until the CIA told him that in fact it wasnt Assad using gas, but Al-Nusra who got it through the Turkish intelligent service. This is not a conspiracy theory like 9/11, but confirmed by most experts on the war.

Let me tell you this. Assad is the only choice. The only choice for Christians, Druze and Alevites in Syria to live in peace and without being beheaded, like the "moderate" jihadis did before. The alternative is another jihadi disaster like in Afghanisten (today 40% of Afghanistan is controlled by Taliban again), Lybia third of Lybia is under jihadi control), Iraq (IS, enough said).

The question I ask my fellow American shitposters is: Do you want US soldiers to fight another war for Israel? (((They))) will flood this board, now that even the CIA realized how important it is. Dont give the shills attention. Stay true to Sup Forumss motto: IT´S THE KIKES and it will never change. Make your choice now. And that choice should be Assad. Everything else is the shills agenda.

We are in this together.

Other urls found in this thread:



Not everything is a false flag you dingle berry.

Actually most things arent

Turkish officials have confirmed that the attack was done by Assad's regime.

Can you guys just apologize for backing a mass murdering psychopath?


look at the evidence

If a chemical attack is enough to drag USA into war anywhere in the world. How many false flags will be committed?

If thousands of dollars of chemical weapons can get you 100 billion dollars of military power why wouldn't you do it?

This is a bad precedent. Also every anti-trump neocon is all-in on twitter for war.

>doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons as 2013

>doing the same thing and expecting diffrent results

sounds like jews to me.


.01 shekels have been deposited into your account

Why should they use conventional bombs for years and then when they are making territorial gains everywhere decide to use a chemical bomb?

Check out Eve Barlett a reporter with boots on the ground in Aleppo countering the western media claims

Syrian rapefugees not welcome
Syrian rapefugees go home

>some people actually finds no fault with this

Esspecially just a day after the US said that Assad may stay. Imagine how butthurt Jihadis must have been hearing that.

This is no coincidence.


The same neocon war mongers calling Trump a buffoon clown are now begging him to be a war monger with them.

This is 100% a neocon trap. You want more war in Middle East? This is Hillary GLobalism.

>Turkish officials
>Israeli officials
I am average leaf i wholeheartedly believe undocumented claims made by people who want Syria to turn into ruins


Turkey is our greatest ally. Erdogan has no ulterior motives and loves America and the west.

Turkish officials have been caught on leaked audio planning false flag attacks to go to war with assad.


Every Sup Forumsack who's not a newfag knows this is a false flag. Probably by those fucking roaches again. Except Trump is as dumb as a rock and Tillerson doesn't know a thing about foreign policy. Worst of all, if Hillary was the one elected, she would use this as an excuse to ramp up military action in Syria despite knowing it's bullshit. How come the U.S. is still the major global power? Ever since WW2 they have only fucked up the globe.

Whats the motivation for Assad to gas his own people a day before an international summit on Syria.
Makes no sense.
Same lies as Iraq and Libya.

I mean, come on.

What the FUCK is going on right now? I'm watching the news and all they're doing is repeating these talking points:

- Assad is gassing his own people
- Assad has killed 500,000 of his own people over that past few years
- The evil Russians are supporting Assad and have their planes in Syria, but we might just bomb them anyway because it's the right thing to do :^)
- We need to build a coalition to oust Assad, nation-building is hard but oh well :^)

I don't know anything about Syria but I know the media is full of shit and that these points are likely just more wartime propaganda like Iraq and what they tried to do with Iran. Can someone well-versed in this conflict please explain what the evidence is for these claims they keep making and why they shill against Assad so much? Thanks.




>over a year by now
What? /sg/ has been around for 3 years +

>muh false flag


It was /ug/ before though.

bump for rage



>implying that we imply that it was actually Sarin



Unironic thread by a Jew advocating further destabilization of the Middle East. Pure coincidence!

Many sources say it was probably Chlorine.

trump playing 5d chess my ass
what the fuck man, he is not making me look good right now.
he's getting harder to defend by the day.
my energy is waning. it's all so tiresome

i will defend trump to my last breath, but i can't say the same for that snake kushner



Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now

Call and email congress

Call them email them


We must stop this

>shitskins killing shitskins
I care

No really I do, look how much I care



Are you going to care when you intervene on behalf of Al-Qaeda?

Why the fuck do Americans do this with politicians?
Why don't you just hate them all for being lying cunts like normal people

Looks like Trump divided us.


I won't be intervening in shit Mohammed, I'll be sitting here in my comfy little house shitposting as usual, I literally could not care less what happens in shitskin countries, or any country outside my own honestly

So far no one has refuted this.

fuck off with your blind personality cult of Trump

/sg/ is based and all they say is true

Americans, this is the time to be mad. To be mad about a system that wants you, the people, to fight another war for Israel. Another war for the war industry that is owned by the kikes. Another war that will get YOU nothing. NOTHING at all.

This may be the beginning of another meme war. A meme war when Sup Forums advocates for peace and the liberals and their master advocate for war. What a twisted timeline indeed.

Definition of politician: a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office




>/syrian general/ has been a part of pol for over a year by now


Chemical weapons on a civilian population, not even hitting entrenched ISIS troops or something.

It makes literally zero sense.

from the /blimpf general/ thread



its over , cia achieved their goals with this false flag, usa will go to war , neocons have trump by the balls,its over .


Checking her out now, thanks for the tip, mate.

nothing will come out of it
kikes are losing the plot
all this bullshit makes me wish to see a global nuclear war that wipes everything but europe off the map

it was. chlorine gas doesn't cause the symptoms we saw (foaming at the mouth, neuro debilitation, etc.)

>(((They))) will flood this board, now that even the CIA realized how important it is.

Read this carefully dear Burgers.

>A fucking jew

And now all syrian rapefugees think they own Sup Forums and they're flooding all over

that only rules out an "accidental" release through bombing

if it was a rebel chemical supply it's not outlandish to think they would have sarin (after all they are being funded by israel, the saudis, the CIA, god knows who) and could have unleashed in the area either to target the regime's forces or they fucked up like the poor trained ahmeds they are or they used on their own side on purpose because that's how bad the fight has been going for them

all you have to ask is what does assad has to gain and what assad has to lose from using chemica weapons

he gains nothing, the war is almost won, he's backed by russia and now china, and he stands to lose everything by commiting these violations, it doesn't make any sense and even if it happened from their side it would have been by accident or without top brass orders


Syrian rapefugees support FSA mostly.

>Same lies as Iraq and Libya.

FUCKING THIS. Assuming we are all adults who lived through 9/11, the Bush years and the WMD scaremongering and outright fabrications, how could anyone still be this sceptical? Your government and your own media tell boldfaced lies constantly and bumblefucks like the guy you quoted just cruise along with it in all their above-it-all cynicism.

Pick a side lads


Maybe this will let the_donald fags know they're not in good company

>"""""chemical attack""""" happens
>all of a sudden everyone wants to go to war in Syria
It's obviously one


Eva Bartlett an independent Canadian reporter. The only one spewing truth atm




Who could be behind this post?



I hate Assad, but i agree.

This gas attack makes absolutely no logical sense on any level.

Im 34 and remeber the lies around 9/11, the w on terror etc.

Not buying none of it anymore. Never did, but this latest attack is just further proof

Don't care who they support
They all should go back to Syria where they belong
More syrian rapefugees, more trouble

It literally doesnt matter if assad personally gassed every ugly brown baby either. No one deserves to die in anymore jewish wars ever again.

Thanks for the info



Syrian girl on Infowars also calling False Flag




akli basinda insanlar oldugunu gormek guzel



Quick! Someone get me the fucking picture where Kerry tweets that Syria disposed its chemical weapons







>The latest chemical attack was a false flag against Assad
Thanks OP but we reached that conclusion when it happened. The timing was too bizzare


BBC caught FAKING chemical attack in Syria in 2013.


Bless you!

I just sent a message to the pres, both my senators, all my house reps, and my governer, Think they'll hear me.

The BBC was saying that since it's Chlorine it wasn't counted in the chemical weapon stockpile.

Probably the best video I've seen yet:


>since 2013 gas attack that was later proved to be work of Al-Nusra and Turkey

what? Are you a moron?

holy shit Canada, just shut up

Oh I'm sure the Israeli and Turkish sources have no conflicting interests at all in Syria.

fuck off roach, turkshit


Fuck off turkish roach. You assholes deny everything even though we all know you did it.

>Implying they didn't transfer most of it to Hezb before the U.N came
No one can be that stupid and gullible.