Trump is going to attack Assad

>Trump is going to attack Assad
When are you guys going to get it through your head that Trump is going to go down as the worst President ever?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Another Slide Thread
>Falling for this kind of bait

"The process by which Assad would leave is something that requires an international community effort both to first defeat ISIS within Syria, to stabilize the Syrian country to avoid further civil war and then to work collectively with our partners around the world through a political process that would lead to Assad leaving,"

This is tillersons official statement. Where does it say "attack"?

>everyone is a shill trump is great no matter how many times he does the opposite of what I voted for
kys my man

>2 post by this ID
Well that's new.
There was also a rundown I saw the other day that I fact checked to be true.
Trump has been in office less than 100 days,
yet has already accomplished or tried to accomplish (but blocked by dems) over 20 campaign promises.

that's not new at all. shills use canadian proxies to spread bullshit. it's when their random third world proxy bots start threads that they have to use their leaf flags to fill the thread, leaving OP with only 1 post.

>blocked by democrats
>control congress
Healthcare reform, that was blocked by democrats not his own party. Fucking kys.

*tips tinfoil*

>Trump is going to go down as the worst President ever

Well at least I'll go down as a Pre....

Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now

Call and email congress

Call them email them


We must stop this

>worst president ever
Liberals have no historical scope. It's so odd seeing as how they act like they are so much smarter than everyone else.

>American Sup Forumstards refuse to believe Russia wants to see US collapse..

But, go putin!! Amirite?

When you quit your Cuck job and realize there are only 2 genders.


>straw man
>assuming that a bill headed by Ryan ( a neocon, which is largely considered to be the democrat alternative to main stream DNC politics) and failed because of Ryan.
That wasn't Trumps bill. Ryan pimped that bill while acting headstrong against Trump. Ryan failed and Trump won't be so easy to back him or even consult him in the future. I imagine Paul will be the go to guy for the next round. If you're going to talk shit, at least know what you're talking about.

You said everything he failed to accomplish was because of Democrats.


The evolution of the shill is quite interesting

Neo-Cons = Democrats
(incase you weren't able to make that connection)

back to t_d

>implying jewpublicans aren't neocons


>Neo-Cons = Democrats

You have no idea what a neo con is.

Actual fake news

>being a leaf
>literally posting shit in word form
>not knowing that neo-cons come from the early 80's Reagan revolution, in which a huge number of democrats switched sides.

also. just in case you're trying to bait thread bumps, I sage slide threads.


is KYS the new word that shills say after every sentence?