Why did the whites become so successful and wealthy...

Why did the whites become so successful and wealthy? And why is Africa still living in clay huts without water and sanitation?

Are we really superior or were we just lucky to have the better climate?

No one in Africa had to evolve to cope with changing climates or huge populations. Sewage isn't a problem if all 100 people agree where to put it. It's really very simple. The very factors who turned us white forced us to evolve to live.

Look where arable lands are.

>western civilizations can sustain their nations and empires
>african civilizations can sustain and hold on to their traditions for a very long time

really makes you think


*Why did the meds

Now look where domesticated animals originated.

Civilization blooms where food is important. When not everybody is busy producing food, it allows the development of non-food related jobs, hence civilization.

>northern europe 1000 years ago
>africa last week

Because white people are really smart because God made us that way and niggers are really dumb


But according to this, Argentina and Canada have a similar percentage of arable land. And they have developed much more.

That's just white culture being appropriated by the black man.
Quit being such a fucking racist.

>better climate?

Is this because all the manure fertilizes the land?

- It's an average, of course most of Canada isn't arable lands, like Patagonia

- How exactly were Canada and Argentina developed for the last 2000 years, before the colonisation?

niggers cant even into artificial selection, proof of low iq

that's what architecture looked like in 99.9% of europe.

Europe e.g. has moderate climate which is much more favorable for farming than the climate in Subsahara Africa.


Lesser races of men (women do not count in this discussion) can not think past their dicks. Asians are insects. Europeans are thinkers, adventurers, conquerors, dreamers.

The map doesn't give the courtesy of cutting larger countries into chunks. The area I live would be akin to Germany's level of arable land. But, in the midwest, the graph would be 40+. Sonora would be like the Sahara or Arabia.

You're almost funny.
If someone wants to know why it's because the Himalaya is a formidable barrier that stops clouds, and most of India has a very good irrigation that comes from that mountain chain

Who do you think made those buildings dumbshit

Subsahara Africa has a tropical climate, which is more favorable for gathering. AKA. the food is always there. Europeans had to prepare. Niggers didn't, so both groups were selected for that situation.

So, white people appropriate white culture?
Typical nigger logic - I hope you're being a vpn, because finland doesn't need any more niggers.


Arable land is all land that is used for agriculture, not all that is usable

Those countries with such high percentages are going to have nasty environmental issues if they don't already

1400 years ago vs today.
Fuck off Achmed

It says arable land, not level of precipitation.

I wonder how many people who post this realise that the Greeks had a long Dark Age too.

Same as aboriginal australians or natives from the Americas where no domesticable animals existed.

The difference is that Africans were mostly spared by French colons while the Spaniards caused a genocide, otherwise on Sup Forums you'd see memes about dumb amerindians instead of niggers.

we have the genetics that allow us to realize if we cooperate with one another instead of competing, our entire race advances instead of just the strongest individual

Where does it say that? I just assumed it was the dictionary definition of arable meaning land that can be used for farming.

Like the two ain't related

Meanwhile, European history is rife with competition.
Moron. Competition is what advances the race.

>Arable land is land capable of being ploughed and used to grow crops.

Fucking Serbs can't into wikipedia

Awful heat very welcoming to diseases
Different tribes divided only by patches of desert
No river usable for transport
No domestic animals
Infertile land
Lower IQ

Don't pat yourself too hard on the back, dude.

Didn't know about this, no wonder we're being propelled to superpower status

>chooses to cite one disease that cripples the tropics
>tsé tsé

There are 10,000 cases of Tsé Tsé a year vs. 200 million cases of malaria

Most Africans don't live in clay huts.

Not only this, but domestic animals also have a very deep impact on genetics, since growing along with animals create different diseases and demand better organization and techniques.

No wonder when europeans came to america they killed so many indians with diseases they didn't even know they had.

Black death and pestilence
small ice age
tons of small kingdoms warring each other
Africa has Okawango, Niger, Victoria lake...
Goats, sheep,...

Has to be something else

>no domestic animals
>implying domestic animals started off being domestic
>being this fucking stupid

Exactly. Plus protein intake is crucial for brain development. Human became intelligent when they turned omivores.

There are no cases of tsetse my friend. Tsetse is a vector for many crippling diseases.

we wuz emperorz n shit

>white americans today

Well, when I say trypanosomiasis nobody understands. Everybody mixes the fly with the parasite, so...

Different kingdoms with prolific economies warring each other when their civilization is full of adult males is one thing. Several different tribes with different languages, all struck by hunger and disease in a constant fight is another.

What good is having goats and sheep if you can't even feed them?

Burger shut the fuck up. Leave this to the grown ups.

I know, but you have to work with striking images. Otherwise this thread would have zero replies. At the same time even in highly developed South Africa, 20 % of population have no water access vs. 100 % access in Germany.

Yes we are the master race whites are the smartest people on this earth and we will be it's victors Hail Victory !

How's that native North-American civilization based on domesticating the buffalo going, my dear obese european-descendant friend?



Looks comfy.

I wouldn't be surprised if this burger thought coke cans grow on trees or something. Or suggested they domesticate zebras.

I've heard of an Aborigine tribe that was in the early-ish stages of settling down when Europeans arrived. The tribe had a system of canals, domesticated fish they raised for food, and a system of weirs and dams for controlling the water.

You name it: "all struck by hunger and disease."
And my question is why?
The world is getting culturally "americanized" and not "nigerianized" or "japanized" and there has to be a reason for it. to develop into "first world" and "third world." And no, it's not white supremacy.

uhm try again sweetie ;)

Neanderthal dna

>Are we really superior

>implying all animals can be domesticated
Nobody has tried domesticating grizzly bears, bison, or African buffalo. There's a reason for that.

Those russian proxy-using trolls are out of control. It feels like i'm on the /totallynotrobots subreddit, but here it's /totallynotrussian


No, I'm far from putting the blame on Europeans, or even colonization.
I don't have a problem in saying genetics play a big role in it, I just can't honestly say this is the only thing, you know?

As far as I understand, Africa is a deeply divided continent. The only ones who think "why are them blacks not going well" are us, because they themselves see each other as very different people. One single country can have up to 6 different tribes with different languages. This may play a big role too, and it probably has to do with blacks being one of the most ancient race.

Oh buddy it gets worse. I have seen disgusting levels of poverty in rural america that you wouldn't believe.

>Everything sophisticated is white culture
wew lad

so this is why hitler delayed the attack on moscow and went for ukraine first.

There are several actually

- Massive irrigation from the Mississipi river system, allowing huge food production

Immigration by intelligent people that were persecuted, like the (((Azkhenazi))) which have the highest average IQ in the world

- Profited from the industrial advances developed in Europe and applied them with a free workforce (niggers)

- Never suffered an industrial-age war on its soil

- use Hollywood as a propaganda tool

- use the military-industrial complex as a welfare for violent, useless and young morons, as well as to obtain cheap resources


It's an average. Of course for large countries with huge unusable land like Canada or Russia, the average goes down.

I agree that there is not one crucial reason for this but many factors. And one of them can very well be the need to adapt genetically.

So you want to say that there is less social cohesion in Africa than the different countries in the west have for each other?

There are about 3,000 languages and dialects in Africa. Does that answer your question?

Partially. Even if I don't understand someone I can still feel solidarity for him.

Yeah, certainly. Again, because of many factors.

Countries in the west always had some sort of "human rights" philosophy (even before the Carta Magna): if someone was being too tyrannical to his people you had a good reason to wage war against him; and if you won you could appropriate some of the territory and treasures.

What do you gain by faring war against a different tribe in Africa? Human slaves.
You can't exactly sell those in the internet nowadays, can you?

This is also a major factor.
Not only different languages but whole different cultures. And they may look kinda samey for us, but they know each other very well (not well enough to communicate well, at least).

Colombian bro: this is also the reason I get so mad with this politically correct dumb sjw's who think we should study African history in schools. MOTHERFUCKING HOW? Most of them didn't even have written history! They don't realize they are the racists by seeing africans as a single people.

It's simple evolution. We pretend we are different from animals but we are not and different breeds tend to be smarter than others.

If you fare war against other tribes, you gain their land. And if you are lucky there are some rare raw materials underneath.

>Colombian bro: this is also the reason I get so mad with this politically correct dumb sjw's who think we should study African history in schools. MOTHERFUCKING HOW? Most of them didn't even have written history! They don't realize they are the racists by seeing africans as a single people.

I'm actually French but I'm in Colombia. I met a black creole (from the French caribbeans) once that told me lots of stuff about African history, such as that Soundiata king of that had invented a early "human rights declaration", or the stories about those African explorers that did the first transatlantic crossing towards Brazil in the Middle Ages, well before Columbus.

Turn out that when I tried to read a little bit more about it, it was all "we wuz kingz" bullshit.
When faced with the emptiness of African history, the black supremacists invented lots of bullshit stories without any proof to invent a "glorious African history"

The creole dude was very intelligent and educated but was desperatly clinging to those obviously fake history to fill his empty past as a slave descendant. Pathetic


Those SJWs are blinded by the same limited view on the world that keeps them from really learning about the history and political developement of their OWN country. And the connections that come from that.

>Are we really superior or were we just lucky to have the better climate?
Hmmmmm.... the frozen winters of Europe, that will kill a man by frostbite, hypothermia or starvation if unprepared...

vs. Africa, a literal garden of eden, where, before the population boom caused by European medicine and ending the wars between tribes, a person didn't even need to farm to survive, but could just walk over to a tree and pluck the fruit from it.

We had the SHITTIEST climate, which forced us to think to the future, and make warm houses, clothes, and stockpile food for the winter or we'd die. The africans never had to think beyond the present, and their brains never evolved.

Yeah, this happens here A LOT.
Brazillians (the dumber ones) have a fucking cultural delay on what happens in the USA. So this Black Lives Matter and African history bullshit is starting to hit hard here too.

Yeah, I agree with you: but we're assuming it's a land thats fertile and not impossible to defend (surrounded by deserts). Which is not the case in most parts of africa. The fight for raw materials goes on right now: congo and diamonds, copper and cobalt (if i'm not mistaken). Sadly, part of the "warriors" are 10 yo boys.

Yes. The saddest thing is that you can't even bring this shit up with them, otherwise RACIST. I know in germany you can easily get fired for this; that's bad already, but depending on where you're at here in brazil you can get fucking beaten because of "wrong think".

Dude, cold preserves food against spoiling microbiota. It's not hard to kill an animal to make clothes lol.

Blistering sunlight destroy crops, makes you lazy and dehydrated, and it helps diseases.
You see africans walking around almost naked because you wouldn't want to wear shit in 50°C.

Funny, I moved here for the cultural delay. It also happens with the economy. The economy in Colombia is similar to 80's France, and the new business opportunities are those that started two years ago in Europe. Life here is like quickloading a video game.

But fuck I'd like Colombian people to stop dressing like it's the early 2000's, it hurts my fucking eyes

Africans have lower IQs. Plain and simple. Building civilization requires brain power. Africans were genetically selected for strength and physical progress but they never needed any brain power to survive. Colder climates require tools, foresight, intelligence. Hence why asians and Europeans have higher IQ

lol at the shoes without laces.

> "Don't be hanging yourself yet Hernandez"

>- Never suffered an industrial-age war on its soil

>The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century. It then centered on the United States and Germany.

Cold weather selection theory.

Races that evolved in cold climates selected for High Trust and Long Term Planning. Races that evolved in hot climates selected for Quick Aggression.

This creates an absolutely vast difference in natural intelligence among races.

White anti whites are still butt hurt that evolutionary theory is being used for a non liberal cause.

name five things that niggers have invented besides peanut butter that is of any value to society.

Everything sophisticated was developed by whites. Too bad you're a fucking coon.

In France they teach us that the industrialization of war starts in late 1914 - early 1915 with the use of of industrial production methods for the creation of artillery shells, the invention of machine guns, and the use of chemicals. All of that following of course the stalling of the war front in the north of France and the start of the trench warfare

I wouldn't say that peasants fighting with muskets and cannonfire is an industrial-age war...

so why isn't norway a turd world shithole ?

Peanut butter was invented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson, a white canadian, who patented it 12 years before the black guy (George Washington Carver) got his book out that described it.

potato chips
the method of seperating blood and plasma
folding bed
gas mask
predecessor of the spark plug
protective mailbox

Take a guess, pic related.

What were the achievement of Norway in the development of civilization? None. They became a nation about 100 years ago and only got there due to smart management of their petrodollars


>niggers can into wooden beams and boards

Fuck off Kraut!

Gatling gun and Shrapnel Shells were a thing in the 1860s. Hydrogen Cyanide was used during the Crimean War in 1854, and the Union considered using chlorine gas during the American Civil War.


>Historians consider The American Civil War to be the first modern war. They regard it to be the first modern war because it was the first war where widespread use of mechanized and electrified devices like railroad trains, aerial observation, telegraph, photography, torpedoes, mines, ironclad ships and rifles occurred.

why they are so thin

OP is a fag

i was like you once, then i found out about

Well TIL. American Civil War is barely touched in our history books, so I learned most about it by myself

> aerial observation

Tell me more. How? Were there blimps already?

Peanut butter was made by meso-americans. 2000 or some odd years ago friendo.