Kushner is a fuck. He's a scheming, ambitious, elitist little kike. We need to let Trump know that we are not okay with him favoring Kushner over Bannon. Get some anti-Kushner memes rolling please. We memed a man into the White House. Now we need to meme somebody out of the White House.
Kushner Hate Thread
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His father.
If you dont talk to the people
This is what will happen
His silence has hurt him and will continue to
>tax evasion
>illegal campaign contributions
>witness tampering
Holy fuck. His father is the Juden to end all Judens.
Not concern shilling, but if we go to war with Syria and Bannon gets pushed out by Kushner, I'm fucking done. I'm ready to take the black pill.
Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now
Call and email congress
Call them email them
We must stop this
How the fuck did Trump let the son of a criminal jew become a senior advisor? The fuck was he thinking? Fuck Jared AND Ivanka.
Fucking goddamn fucks. If trump is gonna be a faggot and completely bitch out of our bloodless coup that HE KNOWS EVERYONE WANTS, then it's time we turn it into a bloody one. Fuck Jews, fuck Mexicans, fuck niggers, fuck the media, fuck the politicIans, celebrities and bankers. They all have to die
FUCK. This Syria thing is making me so fucking angry. We elected him so he would stop us from following Israel's foreign policy objectives. He fucking betrayed us on Syria
low quality but will help it get rolling
Sup Forumstards still believe that there is a difference between so-called Zionist and Jews, lol. There is no such thing as good jews especially in the USA.
This, willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt but we'll see what his actions are. Words are cheap.
Keep pumping out memes.
Some are bound to be good.
Shifting the narrative from "Trump betrayed us" to "he was stabbed in the back" is solid. Hitler used it
Miller is a good Jew. Possibly the only good Jew, but still a good Jew.
This. Trump has not betrayed us yet. Let's remember that. However, if he continues down this path, he will be going against everything he campaigned on.
Kushner did nothing wrong you paranoid nutters.
Kushner is Trumps prodigal son, his actual sons are fuck ups who don't even have positions in the WH or the administration, Trump will never move against him.
I used to think it was just a made up joke that the Jews influence everything. My normie and alt lite friends the "Wow milo and ben shapiro destroy feminists" type aren't prepared to discover this red pill
I honestly think Kushner is a closet faggot and wouldn't be surprised if it comes our on Breitbart that dainty Jared had a secret boyfriend at Harvard.
ik its impossible to break through to my alt lite pals. They think its an epic maymay like "lol user and the j00s again haha dude ur a total nazee xD" when I am 100% serious.
Remember when Trump was set to start a trade war with China and took a phone call from Taiwan, Kushner was the one to tell Trump to drop the rhetoric because a Chinese ambassdor 'convinced' him to.
Miller was going hard on conservative talk radio in HIGH SCHOOL. His dad went broke and he had to go to a public school in Santa Monica surrounded by illegals and degenerates.
I did my duty.