Brit/pol/ - El Nombre Edition

Today’s Articles

> Theresa May meets Donald Tusk for Brexit start talks

> May heads for electoral test over Brexit and her leadership

> Unilever Sets Up UK-Netherlands Clash in Search for New Home

> UKIP's Mark Reckless defects back to Conservative Party

> Jeremy Corbyn: add VAT to private education fees to fund school meals

> It's WMD all over again. Why don't you see it?

> MAPPED: Brexit Britain's enemies revealed – and guess who REALLY wants the UK to suffer

>Thread Theme:

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>Section 24 Day.
>The day Buy -To-Let began it's descent into hell.


donald 'anti-war' trump is seriously going to push for regime change isnt he ahahahahah fucking americans crack me up



Fuck off you autist.

This one was posted first.

(((The sun)))


Most people didn't even care about EU membership before 2016.

This is what happens when you set aside 6 months for people to get on a podium and blame all our problems on the EU and immigration. Having rags spew out factually incorrect propaganda doesn't help either.

There's this weird narrative that the referendum was inevitable when it was called purely because of party political reasons. Leaving the EU was pretty much a fringe issue until fairly recently.

It was certainly a big deal for the Conservative Party, which has a noisy Eurosceptic wing and feared losing votes to UKIP in the election of 2015. But for most voters it was near the bottom of their concerns. Far from settling some "burning national question", Mr Cameron’s referendum took a non-issue and turned it into one which really could poison British politics for years.

Now now there's no need to be rude.

The only good thing the scouse did was to boycott that filthy Rag.

Bored off my tits lads

So, was WW3 inevitable no matter who the Yanks voted for?

We had a referendum to enter a Economic Area.
We never had another one despite 4 treaties that transferred massive powers from our Parliament.
We needed one.
We had one.
You wouldn't say what you say had you won.
>Fuck you.

Come on, we were the port for slavers.

Wasn't it late 2015 that Merkel said any nutter from the third world can come to Europe?

>Smoke some Herbs.

>The men were arrested in a series of raids in Birmingham and Stoke on 26 August 2016 after a vehicle driven by Ali was searched and a distinctive yellow, blue and green JD Sports bag was found under the seat. It contained what the prosecution describes as a “partially constructed” pipe bomb, an imitation handgun, a cleaver with the word “kafir” scratched on to it and shotgun shells. On the same day, a car belonging to Aziz was searched in Stoke and a “large bladed weapon” was found by the driver’s seat.

I fucking hate Pakis.

>CEO-to-average-worker in 1950 is 20-1
>In 1980, it's 42-1
>In 2000, it's 120-1
>In 2013, it's 204-1 (yes, that's a 1000% increase since 1950)

This is despite the fact that CEO performance has not increased AT ALL during this time. Yet (((right-wingers))) on Sup Forums will still defend it. When are you going to accept the socialism redpill and proclaim Comrade Corbyn as your rightful leader?

Same here.

Why are there three britpols?

You also entertained us Mancs immensely during the Moyes era, by Slippy G's poetic failure.

Oh shit, another 1?
>THE STATE of you guys.

is May the only politician ballsy enough to crash your insane housing market?

has to be done sooner or later

boomers are gonna shed many tears lmao.

No, they could have voted for Ron Paul and prevented all of this. Instead, they chose a literal meme (which admittedly made for great times on Sup Forums).


>tfw still ill and can't lift


Suck on this you cunt

>Diane Abbot and Tim Farron
>In Gillingham

They're going to get ripped to shreds by the locals, but then again the BBC will probably ship a load of cucks on a train from London

Its like the boiling frog.

Put a frog in boiling water, he'll jump out. Put it in cold saucepan and heat it up, it will boil to death.

The EU is like the water that is getting hotter. Britain made a choice to take her own path and not be demographically displaced by low wage Romanian people.

Just got out a rut the other day, still feel like shit. Can lift, though.


RIP Preuße.

As well as Eastern European niggers.

He caused so much damage.
But Ozzy G, left one genius correction:

Section 24 was announced in Summer 2015 Budget to commence this week.

Watch the landlords who are over-leveraged in debt, squirm like the scum they are.

>Housing Correction has begun; Expect massive propaganda from Scumm Landlords and the Idiot Middle-Class.

Watch some Bowden

best reaction webm


since yktd nothings gone right

Yep they voted for the guy who loves Israel and is now looking like he's well on board the grand plan for world domination (or has been jewwed into it) because it was fun to troll feminists.

What happened to that guy who was gonna dress up as a Rabbi and go?

But what if you do this to the frog:

Still a better choice than Hillary though.

But no links?

Still shit, though.

It's not true though. Get a frog and chuck it in a pan of water. Put that pan on the stove. When the water gets too hot, the frog will jump out if it hasn't already. They're not that thick.

>Supports Israel.
>No Palestine.
>But One-State solution.
>Zionists eventually outbred and out-elected.


I guess that's one way to negotiate our EU Deal.

Yeah ok, I don't trust him is all and I don't know why anyone does.

>no links
>has less posts

Nah jog on mate

>Abbot and Farron at Gillingham
>Clegg when the walls fell

what if all threads were /brit/pol/ ?

Reminder that the Tory fears the yellow (milk) man.

what does correction mean though - 10 years of stagnant prices is still a massive win for boomer cunts who bought a buy to let property in 2001

surely it needs to drop at least 30%.

>or has been jewwed into it
This seems more likely considering the absolute shitstorm of accusations they threw at each other.
I bet it was this and I bet it wasn't even difficult. Either that or muh based 9d connect 4, etc.

They will be on the 23/06/17

>Scroll wheel isn't working on the catalog
>Works everywhere else
Fix your shit 4chungz.

Same, had the flu for the last 3 days now and I can feel my gains slipping away

Fuck knows, probably all mouth and no trousers

Why is America going to war again? Could they keep their trousers for once.

To be fair, I bet if you chucked a frog in a pan of already boiling water it would be fucked. No jumping for that frog only horrible death. Probably some chong recipe.

I've been sick since Saturday, getting slightly better, did a couple push ups and chin ups but no proper workout since.

Every passing minute feels like an eternity.

1 (You) = 1 Prayer

I wouldn't trust him either.
It really was the only way to at least frighten the fucking Deep State.


OK then my general point still stands.
If you introduce 4 million shitskins within 5 years, it's revolution time. Over 50 years, and everyone is like "meh".

>Last BASED US President.

Don;t touch the Deep State or the Money supply ownership and you may live.

So look like the Jews have blackmailed Trump into war in Syria, will Mummy May take us along for the ride as well or can Britain rebuild the Empire after a US-Russian nuclear exchange?

He looks absolutely mangled in that gif. Sure it's just cocoa?


>America going to war

Guess who will shortly be following them then.

>You wouldn't say what you say had you won.

Funny thing is Mr. Brexit himself, Nigel Farage, said he would push for another referendum had Leave had lost.

We had an opt out.

The UK had the ability to suspend EU10 migration from Eastern Europe for 7 years which would have decreased overall EEA migration by 82% but we never bothered to. Nor did we ever stop non-EEA immigration which is higher than EEA immigration and we had 100% control.

>low wage Romanian people.

>le wage supression meme

There are numerous amounts of studies showing this to be utter tosh.

>tfw working class are blue pilled

I don't even care, we won't get a thank you. Jihadists will conquer Syria, we'll end up with Libya 2.0, we'll still have ackbars complaining and blowing us, despite them having their precious caliphate.

It's a lose lose situation, we cannot win whatever move we make.

Steve Bell's caricatures are fucking demented.

What's going on now?

Military industrial complex.

>Women (white and brown, but not black surprisingly) actually choose to fuck these things

What's wrong with women desu?

That's fuck all to do with being left or right wing.

This is why I pray for splendid isolation.

jesus christ

Poll ratings

Libertarians would suggest that this is just the free market in action and there's nothing wrong with it.

Silence traitor.

they alright the high focus firm

Try to read this.

Section 24 come in in this week in April and many BTL landlords who took on stupid debt levels to pay high prices are gonna have to sell as HMRC come calling.
Most amatuer Landlords either don;t know or aren't bothered.
London will get shafted. I mean corrected.
So much financial fuckeries have contributed to the mess in Housing.

We could just send them all back and then ignore the entire ME because it's a shithole. The sooner we're not so fussed about fossil fuels the better. I love cars but fuck all this nonsense over gas and oil and fuck the saudis.

Shut the fuck up kanacken.

I only ever loved her

I hope everyone is stocking up on canned food & iodine tablets

fucking hell lads, i've got a story for you

>go for a couple of pints with my wise 60+ year old friend
>decide to go to tesco to make some beer inspired purchases
>go to enter building
>a literal physical confrontation in doorway
>what appears to be a shoplifter, security guard and 2 tesco employees involved. all on the floor. flower pots smashing and shit
>they stand him up, shout at him to leave
>he steps outside, still shouting. shoplifter obviously uneducated, common and poor scum
>shoplifter starts shouting incoherently "IMMIGRANTS, BLA BLA, HAVEN'T EATEN IN 3 DAYS, BLA BLA. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU ATE?!"
>security guard answers in trolling manner "an hour ago mate, now BACK DOWN AND LEAVE"
>by this point i've slipped into tesco and joined the crowd watching this play out
>chat with staff and customers, turns out he's a regular shoplifter.
>say to staff "you don't get paid enough to deal with that" one bloke responds "i know right, the security guard gets paid less than me"

hilarious, kinda felt sorry for the shoplifter. obviously disadvantaged from birth, probably due to negligent, equally moronic parents. oh well, i got my goods and now i'm home vaping and munching

>The UK had the
>The Labour Party had the

You mean the Labour Party had the ability...

It didn't by choice... and it's old heartlands should never forgive it...

Good for Arms Dealers though.
And Oil companies.
And Israel.
And Saudi.


Why is the general public so fucking stupid?

>At least 41% of people are retarded

What else is new?

>The UK had the ability to suspend EU10 migration from Eastern Europe for 7 years which would have decreased overall EEA migration by 82% but we never bothered to. Nor did we ever stop non-EEA immigration which is higher than EEA immigration and we had 100% control.

We were never asked you silly cunt. We were asked in the 70s if we wanted to join an economic area, then the people in control went fucking mental trying to create a fedaralised Europe and turn it into a superpower to rival the USA. Powers were given up to the EU with not a single fucking person being asked, and that's not half as bad as what happened in most other countries on the continent.

You're in tears because the people were allowed to make a fucking decision in a democracy. Grow the fuck up and stop filling the threads with your childish diatribes.

Not the spelling:

>I'm in love with the CoCo.
>I got for the Da-Vo.

that's his job as a shoplifter though

So, was he white or not? that's all I care about Mr Hitchens.

A harsh upbringing maybe, but that is still no excuse for any such behaviour as an adult.