Antifa open carries fake guns
Antifa open carries fake guns
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Heres more pics of airsoft
*Blocks your path*
*Eats you*
Antifa-hate thread?
Ok lets get it started
*Jumps near your boat causing a tsunami*
*tsunami just kills gooks*
Is that all you can do?
Gods I hate fatties
*Enters your room at 3am and tries to seduce you*
worked for that nig nog in Cleveland last year
>Trump rally in Huntington beach
>Antifa shows up and pepper sprays old lady
>Get their asses beat by trump supporters
>Get arrested by cops
Kek I wanna grab like 5 of my redneck buddies and beat the piss out of these kids. Would be hysterically easy if only we could antagonize them to swing first
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it illegal to carry an airsoft gun in public without the orange tip visible?
*opens a marxist restaurant right infront of you*
Didn't mean to post with sage btw
In some places, but it's also illegal to cover your face during a public demonstration in many places and Antifa does that as well
The real reason is the owner ate the clients and you know it.
One of the best antifa pics I've seen so far.
in Italy is illegal to cover your face all time
they are but children, with childish minds
*performs a did-you-just-assume-the-owners-gender attack*
Can we arrest them twice?
It's illegal to cover face prettymuch anywhere in the US in public except for during Halloween.
KEK WTF? Do babby liberals even know where to buy guns?
*Teleports in front of you*
Holy shit, that actually made me laugh.
>Lick a Negros toilet brush
Unless you have that dreaded "Muslim Privilege
Its illegal to sell without it but you do not need to keep it on yours. Most places will also void the warranty according to google.
And most people who do airsoft think carrying replica is public even with the tip is stupid and dangerous.
Orange tip is only for interstate sales. You have to treat it like a real gun otherwise aka orange tip or not if you can't open carry and you have it out and don't respond to commands cops will blow you away
Otherwise criminals would paint orange tips on their shit and pretend to be gud bois that dindu nuffin
t.used to play airshart a lot
This should be STRONGLY encouraged. I have come very close to dying my hair, buying some problem glasses & shit clothes, & taking my AR or AK to these rallies & making the biggest push to have "my fellow antifa" arm themselves against the "oppressors". There is literally nothing wrong with turning a few of them pro 2A in the shuffle.
"Now is NOT the time for them to disarm us...HE WILL NOT DISARM US!!!!"
what is it with modern commies and being heavily overweight?
>What is effort
>What is work
Just dew the dew comrade
Its one of those laws they enforce when they feel like it. Started with the clan and their hoods. These days theyll use it if you piss them off protesting.
Leave it to a nigger
estrogen from a lack of motivation for sports
a lack of motivation for sports from estrogen
Yeah, it's rarely enforced.
Most of these are fake but that is a real Mosin.
>Otherwise criminals would paint orange tips on their shit and pretend to be gud bois that dindu nuffin
They do that anyway in the cities.
> NIKE trainers
Wew lad
>n..nazis out..
The guy on the ground was such a bitch the police dog tried to get lucky.
Of course fucking badger is a shitlib
Did he stab him?
Who would pepper spray an old lady?
Really? The fuck is that old lady going to do? She probably needs help bringing groceries inside the house.
He looks like he's more interested in popping some pussy than popping some pussy. If you catch my drift.
why is everyone saying the guns are fake... in the pictures i have seen i can tell you a few of the guns are more likely real than fake, and the resolution is so low i couldn't say yay/nay.
also, mosins and SKS's are likely cheaper to buy real than airsoft.
Garbage analysis. The image reposition is too poor to see the receiver joint, that is 7.62x39 AK, and without more angle or better images, the curvature of that mag is meaningless.
Airsoft is not cheap, so I don't know why anyone would think that adults in the USA would go out and buy them to LARP in public when they can legally go buy real gun for the same price or a few dollars more.
I was looking at the vids from the local reporter that was fucking with them looked mixed between real and airsoft. I wasnt looking super close though.
is that really the same actor? guess he does meth irl too
>sent from my Iphone
thats one of the videos i watched... and i would have to agree... likely a mix of real/fake... i would not let my guard down, these people are unstable... do not let the "airsoft" meme take you.
Every time
*gets shot in your path*
so stupid, their side wants to ban guns, but hey lets intimidate the other side by pretending to have guns and not have any conviction for our original stance on guns.
also this pic cracks me up every time, the "follow your bliss" tattoo, this fat fuck followed its bliss too much when its bliss is hostess snack cakes and not bathing/shaving. dont they get that followimg your bliss is lack of discipline, thats how we get those 600 lbs obese whale feminists.
I like that they all shout hate speech at cops and fuck white people, then shit gets real.......
people fight back, but THEN "hey maaaaaaaaaan we're all the saaaaaaame man, help me we're just all people maaaaaaaaan.
*unsheathes katana and blocks your attack*
What an futile attempt to kill me....
*does ten ninja backflips to get away*
Kaijuuvin Technique #54!!
*teleports in front of you*
You're dead kid....
*swings kata 10 millimeters away from your throat*
Just kidding.... Come and face me in 20 years when you are ready, kiddo....
*after image fades away*
(it was all a hologram)
My guess is that most of them are social outcasts looking for a group to feel a part of. Communism and socialism is basically all about group mentality. Since it's a left wing economic model it also mends with left wing thought of being accepting of everything and everyone. Are you gay? Black? Fat? Transgender? Well these are all equal identities that we are told by "society" are bad so they must change society to say it's good. Also these people are usually pretty privileged. We are living in great times compared to all other times in history and most of these people are probably low middle to high class.
AA12 would clean up the entire area and it would be self-defense because one of them pointed their "gun" at me (notice no orange tips)
n-not gay jared, w..what are you d-doing?
*Calls you racist, sexist and mysoginist defeating racism, sexism and mysoginy forever*
That blood looks kinda fake
and the little know facts are: socialism/communists in russia killed more fags, cripples, anyone who disagreed with the government than 1930/1940's german died x100, this just proves how fucking retarded communists are.
I'd rather be in a work camp than a fucking gulag anyday.
We need to Etch-N-Sketch Government and Society.....
it's transitioning into it's final form!
It very much is, most guns with actual quality are based on real firearms. Now tell me, do you think a cop with a REAL gun can tell instantly wheather your gun is real based on the curvature of the magazine?
The answer is pretty much "No"
The solution is that you just need to be careful and calm.
These people are literally just malnourished skinnyfag guys and fat girls trying to fulfill their commie anarchist revolutionary fantasies. They think they're literally fighting fascism when they're just use overwhelming numbers to beat random people, sucker punching, and pepper spraying women/old people.
or..... we wipe them from this earth and we all rejoice.... unless one of us gets hit in the eye with a plastic bb... then we where a patch like win ?
Why not open carry a real gun?
I'm anti-fa but I don't really identify with modern anifa groups because of this retardation.
So, like niggers and that Knock-out game shit that's STILL AROUND a decade later?
So is it confirmed this wasn't satire? I'm still not totally convinced.
name one facist, I bet you can't, goooooooooooooo!
it's your imaginary boogy man, there is no fascist, if you wanna really name the fascist, it's the fucking jews, prove me wrong
"fascist" is synonymous with authoritarianism. I also don't like these groups because, like a real anti-fa, I also hate communism.
>tfw you find a girl and she too wants free shit and loves posting Dawkins memes
Imagine the look on Stalin's face if he saw what his supporters looked like in current year.
>like a real anti-fa, I also hate communism.
jesus man, you won't last long if you think society is operating under your same definitions of these titles.
Apply yourself