what was the point of supporting Trump over neocon Hillary again?
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Guys we stopped the Syrian war in 2013 and we can stop it now
Call and email congress
Call them email them
We must stop this
There was a chance he might go against the deep state, however slim it may have been. With Hillary, it was beyond any doubt from the beginning she would be a globalist-interventionist puppet. Supporting him was not wrong; there was nothing else to try. It turned out to be a disappointment, but that's not the voters' fault.
Fuck with the concern trolling you dumb fuckign paki
War with Syria after four months instead of one week.
>just call them the representatives
>it'll work :^)
How fucking long did it take USA to get out Iraq?
oh i agree and supported him for the exact same reasons, Hillary was a foregone conclusion. don't blame the voters, i suppose my question was more rhetorical and directed at the government more than anything.
>Hillary promises World War 3 immediately upon election
>Trump says World War 3 is probably not desirable
If he goes to war in Syria, he's dropped. And people will probably become more radically anti-kike.
This has kike fingerprints all over it.
>Put your hand right up Trump's shirt
>Pull the strings that make him work
>Jaws will part, words fall out
>Like a fish with hook in mouth.
The difference is we haven't done a full-blown invasion of Syria yet you fucking mongloid.
Public displays fucked it all.
It doesn't even matter if he actually did it or not but that everybody else think and how USA is going to react.
BREAKING: Trump has talked to several world leaders about setting up a safe zone in Syria: White House - @L0gg0l
Chomsky's a retard. You seriously think Trump's the one who staged the attack? And not neocon globalist kikes?
ITT delusional Trump voter tears.
how did he know what happened before any investigation if he didn't do it?
Hillary would have continued the Obama policy of pretending Assad wasn't launching chemical weapons all over Syria.
Trump is taking responsibility and taking a stand. If America is ever to be great again, we have to reclaim our role as thd Globocop of WMDs.
>doubting the god emperor
Pic related thinks this is a good thing and he's called the Prognosticator of Prognosticators for a reason so I'm not worried.
fuck you spamming faggot. Safe zone for refugees so they don't goto europe.
I thought Trump always talked about the horrors of regime change, and used it as an example of why Hillary was unfit for president.
Wtf is going on
trumpsuckers are worthless cucks. what else is new?
Actually, I had a potential girl-friend from a college-class, and should have taken and kept her, and part of the reason was because she was struggling in her homework in our JP-language class & I told her to follow me after class outside to one of the nearby picnic-tables since I needed to teach/tutor her on how to study for classes (and it helped with getting her to pass her tests for which it otherwise would have been a real struggle for her). For which-ever reason, she was obviously stressed (actually, more like, I hinted that she seemed stressed, and even if she wasn't, I insisted that she definitely was), and that she needed to relax a bit (and of course, I insisted that I needed to help her with relaxing, via giving her a nice-and-relaxing, full-body-massage).
When she finally finished doing the drills that I made her do in order to study better, and explaining that this is how you memorise new words when learning a foreign language, that was when I got up & walked behind her, and put my hands upon the back of her neck & shoulders, followed by massaging her body (because I had always used this « you seem stressed » method as an excuse just to get my hands all over the bodies of these lovely young ladies of course). Anyway, I continued the massage over on the grass where I had her rest down on her stomach, soothingly feeling her everywhere from the neck all the way down to the ankles (even getting my hands all over her rear-end and explaining that this area is full of what are called the sciatic-nerves), and whilst telling her to relax she was commenting about how it's hard for her to relax when some guy is touching her all over her butt (hint: this means that it's causing her to feel sexually excited even though I did not pick up on that or interpret it that way at the time due to my lack-of-experience with women back then),
well, he does have better domestic policies than shitllary
then I continued the massage all the way down to her feet, had her turn over onto her back, working my way back up her body from the front of her feet until arriving around the abdomen-area.
This is where I wanted to do IRL what I had always done in on-line multi-player RPGs for seducing the ladies which was proceed to cup my hands around the girl's breasts & fondle them whilst disguising it as a massage (and when you ever get a chance to do this make sure you put your thumbs on her tits & rub around in circular-motions briskly). Except she was like « don't you dare touch my breasts or I'll punch you » (I should have proceeded to touch them anyway then just block any punches that she may have thrown since I know kung fu [and yes I am certified as a kung fu instructor ever since even before me and her met] followed by other expert-seduction-techniques that I am now more aware of & experienced with). Anyway, I also suggested (make yourself out to be like a hypnotist who's giving these suggestions/commands to your patient) to her that it sounded like she needed a hug, and I got her into my arms (and unlike the typical hugs that came from other girls this girl actually pressed her whole body up into mine including pressing of our hips together... this is a gigantic hint that the girl is willing to have sex with you IF you were to decide to lead her to a private location with you such as taking her to sleep with you over-night in a hotel-room).
>Assad winning
>Has his biggest potential opponent, the United States, off his back for slapping Islamist shits
>Durr time to bust out the chemical weapons and incite the US
A fucking leaf.
Trump wants to win at something to boost his shitty approval rating.
>c-call your representatives
What a fucking faggot. No wonder the world sees our Race as faggots.
>j-jeff ring the phone as a way to show them instead of civil war
completely unrelated
much faster then if it already starts.
Putin shills on suicide watch!
the economy
>what was the point of supporting Trump over neocon Hillary again?
Jumpstart the economy.
I am enjoying the delicious tears of stupid Trump voters. Kek wills it.
Unironically this. I wanted trump to win because I wanted the filthy human vermin nuked off the planet.
You know full well that the only reason Sup Forums supports Trump is that he's a fucking meme and we're enjoying it.
Keep telling yourself that user. Convince yourself that you weren't to blame for this guy getting into office.
This. Watch the video you stupid assholes, he literally says that the plan is to defeat ISIS and then negotiate with Assad for him to step down.
>Invades multiples middle eastern countries killing hundreds of thousands
>Destroys countryside, sets up puppet dictatorships
>Complains about a couple dead people bcz muh terrorism.... go fuck yourself you incompetent piece of shit
Republican Presidents always raise military pay.
That's why I voted for him at least.
poor tillerson looks like he's about to hhhnnnggg
t. mudslime
Did you believe I wasn't referring to ALL the human filth, including in America? I want you extinct, primate.
>Mfw we are the peaceful hippies now
This timeline lads. This timeline.
That was shit
"No steps are under way."
>fake news says "STEPS UNDER WAY!!"
It doesn't get more retarded than this, folks.
they broke him. the signs were there. i thought he'd hold out a little longer, but he already needs his security blanket, ivanka.
This is how it's done faggot, courtesy of Mr. Hetfield.
>Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too
(((negotiate))) to (((step down))) so that the jihadi opposition takes over
fuck off
ron paul is right
In Islamic eschatology as found in the Hadith, the area of Dabiq is mentioned as a place of some of the events of the Muslim Malahim (which would equate to the Christian apocalypse, or Armageddon).[6][7] Abu Hurayrah, companion to Muhammad, reported in his Hadith that Muhammad said:
The Last Hour would not come until the Romans land at al-A’maq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them).[8]
Scholars and hadith commentators suggest that the word Romans refers to Christians.[9] The hadith further relates the subsequent Muslim victory, followed by the peaceful takeover of Constantinople with invocations of takbir and tasbih, and finally the defeat of the Anti-Christ following the return and descent of Jesus Christ.[10][11]
why don't you start with yourself? fellow primate?
daily reminder, the prophecy is true.
trump is mahdi
Shilling for the government because you want more rapefugees, and more reason for them to commit terrorism isn't doing you any good lol
I wonder why you blindly follow what your government tells you
Because you are the cancer destroying this world. And you just backed it up by employing the most tired line in all of English history.
> admits he wants to destroy the world and nuke everything
>tells me i am destroying the world
>people getting bent out of shape over obvious posturing
fucking stop already, god damn
im surprised there are no "it's happening" threads on this. weird