Well Sup Forums?
Has Huffington Post finally done it?
Well Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldn't bang her desu. Anyway, huffington post will meet their end soon enough.
how soon
If trump gets reelected, that means that people are waking up even more. That will be certain death for them. If not, they still can't deceive people for long.
Nice try faggot
you aren't getting gibraltar you dirty spics
Kikes are fucking retarded, they are revealing their hand way too soon with shit like this, they're trying to brute force it when they could wait literally one more generation.
Why would I want any pary of your dirty ass country?
Oh yeah literally all of your shit comes from us.
Jesus. The yoga one is even worse.
No link. You're a fag.
Why would I link to huffpost so you can boost their jew money?
Yoga is aids though
that's nothing compared to pic related
Waking up to what? Sucking your (((Greatest Ally)))' dick more?
He's just another jewish golem, get over it. The US was done a long time ago
>whites can't yoga
how this people became relevant?
>Nishma Jethwa
>Nishma tha Jew
It's actually a real article. Either OP edited the title, or the authors did. The new (or old) title is The Danger of Not Taking Social Justice Seriously.
Sorry, I mean "The Danger Of Not Taking Social Justice Work Led By Women Seriously"
>modern slavery
Like in India and the Middle East?
Wait... "Sachdev", "Jethwa"
Guess not. Why do I assume the best anymore?
Do they think its wise to push the group of people who basically conquered the earth into a corner?
Ya got me, but I don't love my mother, so I will not reply to this post.
sage, quit replying to this obviously shill thread. Any "white people are super..." or any type of obvious bait posts are just that.
You've obviously never read the huffington post
although pic related is fake, I just searched "white men" in huffington posts' search bar and I scrolled allllll they way down and I was still in the month of April 2017 like jesus Christ all they fucking care about is race yet they call us the racists for caring too little.
People who do yoga generally have aids like personalities, but yoga itself is good for fitness. Cultural appropriation is ridiculous. People move to your country and then complain when you cook a stir fry for dinner.
I hope you are Hungary right now and no amount of food will satisfy you today
that improper semicolon usage in the title is what triggers me the most
have a (you)
No rock for you
Who still reads this garbage?
I hope you die in nuclear hellfire, you cuck
Well done
they hire robots from Chinese and sjw antidfa retards
>white women still thinking they qualify as diverse
Article does not exist kys
Fuck should have seen this...
it's an opinion piece not news you dumb leaf shit
It still does not exist fucking moron he made it up
you leafs have no sense at all
>Why are men dropping out of society? Pls come back goys :(
no risk tonight
Jews should be banned from the media; Here's why
How will we ever recover?
Trump probably won't, but some other Republican might
>reading huffpo
>not reading the millennial's voice of reason in these chaotic times
kurva anyƔd
I hate you, Hungary.
i mean they're not wrong. If it was up to me i would ban all humans from politics. i would have multiple computer programs take care of all the politics.
So we're your fault then.
lmao gg faggot
This is fake
And not even a nessessary one either, the original title is just as cringe.
m8 pls
>Jethwa (or Jethva, Jaitwa, Jethi or Kamari, Camari) is a Rajput clan that claim descent from Makardhwaja, son of Hanuman, who appears in the Hindu epic Ramayana. They are a branch of the Suryavanshi Rajput clan and are one of the oldest clans found in Rajput history.
>Sachdev Name Meaning. Indian (Panjab): Hindu (Arora) and Sikh name, from Sanskrit satya 'true' + deva 'god', 'lord'. It is based on the name of a clan in the Arora community.
Looish *journalism* strikes again
I had more respect for communists before they replaced class warfare with race warfare in their propaganda.
They may not have understood basic economics, but at least they weren't openly advocating genocide.
You son of a bitch
> men fight traditional slavery in the past
> succeed
> women fight "modern slavery"
> get nothing done
They don't know when to stop, do they?
Haha wow
No matter how much I ignore these posts, my bitch mother still lives. Why get my hopes up?
bang bang skrrt skrrt
Niggers, Jews, and Faggots Should Be Banned From Politics; Here's Why
praise kek
I love my mommy
>Author is a human rights lawyer
>Talks about striping someone of their human rights because of their race and gender
Why isn't she in prison ?
I like how Sup Forums still cares about their mothers. Respecting your parents is redpilled and an admirable quality.
how about we take away womens right to vote?
I realized it after I clicked. I just thought it was a really good picture.
back to back trips
praise him
>Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?
They made manifestations for this
>White Men Should Be Banned From Politics: Here's Why
Completly normal
Fuck you
How do they manage to write entire articles that are entirely "because I'm not white man"? I mean the articles (apt name) are complete fucking garbage, but how do they manage to get so much self pity written down on such a consistent basis? As far as woe is me goes the Jews have really created their own enemy.
Why would they call them that?
i can't tell the difference between real and fake Progposting anymore