Sublte Blizzard real subtle
Sublte Blizzard real subtle
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Omnics are literal fucking robots. Of course they did the jobs no one wanted! That's what they were built for. Why the fuck would you give your blender rights?! WHO THE FUCK MAKES A TV WITH FREE WILL AND THEN GETS ANGRY WHEN IT DOESN'T PLAY THE CHANNELS YOU WANT TO WATCH?!
>unironically portraying Abominable Intelligences as innocent little angels
Guess whose "volunteering" for service as a servitor soon.
Why did they program the robots to desire freedom? That was cruel. We didn't do that to dogs. They love being our slaves. Wasn't even hard to do.
They never actually built or intended to build AI, that's why it was such a shock when they suddenly rose up and started killing everything
>muh magna carta
Where did the Magna Carta mention robots?
Robots are not people, they are a tool.
They cannot have free will because they are programmed what to do, they cannot think.
Typical shit ai story. typical shit blizzard game.
>Implement Skinner box into a game,
>Collect billion dollars.
The only impressive thing is that no one ever learns.
>white nations are all terrible places full of racism and violence
>fictional african metropolis is the most wonderful place on earth
Really activates your almonds.
>Accidentally make AI
This is the dumbest trope, how the fuck do you accidentally make an advanced being capable of learning and make it patterns, And more importantly, why do you not purge it as soon as you realized what a fuck-up it was.
>tfw you get sent to escort a glove to a museum in some African libshit hellhole...
I didn't sign up to Overwatch to do this shit!
>nobody understands science bazinga!
>they don't even know how bees can flap their wings!
Multiple sentient AI's one for each killer robot factory, and now these machines that killed millions want to rights.
TF2 is better anyways
before hats, yeah.
>mfw you're just escorting an empty case because some nigger stole the glove
a nigger who makes robots. Is that supposed to be empowering or ironic?
Next Overwatch comic:
>the evil straight cis white men oppressed the poor omnics who dindu nuffin before the progressive Muslim transgenders fought them with hashtags and candle vigils that defeated the evil patriachy
at least omnics dont need welfare
That's even more worthless than the average objective of a TF2 map, where you at least committed major sabotage against the almost equal business rival of the company that hired the mercs in the first place.
They do. maintenance and electricity. They'd cost more than a human to keep alive.
Well in canon the (robotic) glove "can level a skyscraper" and other maps have you doing things like escorting an EMP device to shut down all the robots or putting a satellite into a rocket.
Actually so far the most based people in overwatch are straight people and this one Russian dyke. The badguys arw basically 2 spics and a french blueberry.
So fuckin true, I gave up hope on the lore being any good after best girl turned gay cause reasons
Best girl is Widow
She is literally designed as a dyke. Like how is this a surprise?
I promise you that in the future shitlibs will screech for giving robots rights.
I think she cute af, you faggots have your taste I have mine. >Literally designed as a dyke
So Tracer is but Zarya isn't?
Only because fake white guilt makes them feel like the robots will hate us and kill us all unless they cuck themselves for the robots.
>all the porn is lesbo with Widow
>blizzard say "okay she's lesbo"
>you get mad
Ye Tracer was the best girl until she turned into a dyke
>blizzard is in trouble for showing off her butt all the time
>make her lesbian
>now nobody can complain.
They're good at this.
A cartoon character, that would never have sex with you, because SHE DOESNT FUCKING EXIST, is "ruined" by bing gay. If she's gay, as far as I know, they never said straight up if she's gay, or bi.
But you're upset because a cartoon is gay.
What the fuck is wrong with you? What's your father's number, I want to call him, and tell him to put a foot up your ass for being a spastic faggot.
Zarya is bait for the Amazonian/Musclegirl fetishists. She's strong but still feminine. Completely different from "le ebin lesbo representation"
You've responded to the wrong person friendo.
I said zarya was a dyke like wtf? You're whiteknighting a cartoon character nigga.
Hey, the poo in loo is "autistic"
Robots exist just to serve man!
You think it's okay to make a character gay purely for political or financial benefit?
>how the fuck do you accidentally make an advanced being capable of learning and make it patterns,
By repeatedly creating primitive "beings" capable of emulating learning and pattern analysis and slightly improving their approximation of this act over progressing model generations until you get to the point where inadvertently create an approximation that's "good enough" to be confused with the real thing.
That's what you tech nerds don't get about AI. You don't have to actually create "true AI" to create something dangerous, you just need to create something that reasonably simulates the behavior of AI to the point a human mostly can't tell the difference. Sort of like how you don't need to create a perfect driving AI that out performs or even matches human performance to make a successful self-driving car. You just need to write a program that drives as well as the least competent driver on the road but obeys all traffic laws and never drives drunk or gets tired.
>not just nipping the sentient ai overlord scenario in the bud
That shit always starts because they start going "muh sentience."
You're right. Correcting.
They already do.
A cartoon character, that would never have sex with you, because SHE DOESNT FUCKING EXIST, is "ruined" by bing gay. If she's gay, as far as I know, they never said straight up if she's gay, or bi.
But you're upset because a cartoon is gay.
What the fuck is wrong with you? What's your father's number, I want to call him, and tell him to put a foot up your ass for being a spastic faggot.
I don't get off to overwatch porn like you faggot, you act as if the autistic reddit community impacted the actual sexual orientation of the character, so much so that blizzard was like "aight this is cool"
Literally nobody is doing this.
I. DON'T. CARE. It's cartoons, for a video game.
What's better, getting angry because a cartoon character won't have sex with you?
It doesn't fucking matter, you retarded weeabo shithead.
Fucking goobacks.
My nigga.
AdMech truly is the way of the future,
How do you deal with the questions of automation and trans-humanism?
A Whole Lotta Religion.
aren't omnics the niggers of overwatch that started a war and shit
Get a new trolling line, faggot.
Take the 2d pill you fuckin degenerate
I agree, Titan Fall 2 is superior fps in the current market
>Weeabo shithead detected
Go fuck your pillow, loser.
Stop being a spastic shithead. A cartoon character's sexuality, that has nothing to do with how the actual game is played, is meaningless.
Go shove your wife pillow up your ass.
begone normalfag
Are there really people who masturbate to this...?
I didn't say they were, at least not yet anyway. The question was asked though ,"how could that even happen?".
I can't tell what's worse: that fact that you have no argument other then accusing people of being wanting to fuck cartoons because they don't want good characters/potential role models to innocent children to get corrupted by the agendas of insecure faggots with inferiority complexes, or the fact that you are against 2D waifus.
Shit views and shit tastes.
Cry more, you pathetic lump of failure.
New to Sup Forums?
>le it's just a videogame le xdd argument
That influences the thoughts of millions of players, ranging from a core/subliminal level to directly
This is the new Blizz which has no ability to create original quality products. Plz stop supporting their lack of artistic integrity by giving them attention.
I bet most of you are kids who didn't watch cartoons in the 90s.
You literally have a one track mind. You think of one insult and repeat it over and over again. Stop fucking yourself.
Shame on that person for not adding the caveat of "realistically speaking"
Another useless lump of shit chimes in.
If you have a relationship with a pillow, eat a bullet. You fail at life.
Nobody cares that you're 30, takagi.
>guys im being triggered by fantasy
>it's fictional and never happened but i must reee
I thought pol was a board of intellectuals
i know next to shit about Overwatch besides High Noon, the Brit chick eats carpet, and the Russian bull dyke is full 14/88
i gather people make the Omacs or whatever and they were used for what they were made for: survents. how did they become sentent? because no company would make them that way on purpose. 1. it makes for an unreliable product. 2. the hardware for sentence is an unneeded expense
if humanity suddenly found a bunch of free willed droids on its hands we'd scrap the lot of 'em
>Omnics try to wipe humans off the face of the Earth
>The Omnics are the oppressed ones now that humans are willing to just barely tolerate them
They did the same thing with Orcs in Warcraft. Genocidal belligerents who attacked without warning or provocation, and humans are now the bad guys for imprisoning them instead of outright killing them all like they could and should have.
next post will contain bullets or failing at life.
Well then why even include it?
Oh noes, a handful of losers on Sup Forums can't dream about dating Tracer now! What ever shall we do?
None of you fags were sniveling when Tracer had her tongue up a woman's pussy before that dumb comic came out, like someone else said.
The only thing more pathetic than this anger over a fictional cartoon, is defending it.
I already thought about that, and AI should be given the same righs as animals
>artistic integrity
You mean the same integrity every other person in the field of art has?
You don't think it's realistic for humans to incrementally create more and more potent iterations of a concept over time until they inadvertently create something existentially dangerous?
>muh white guilt vehicles
>of course ai would want to kill us LOOK AT HOW BAD WE ARE TO THE ENVIRONMENT THOSE POOR TAPIRS.
That's all it is.
It's gonna end 40k style, where humans lose all trust for anything after they've been burned one too many times due to a lack of vigilance.
Not even humans deserve rights!
Just rape the bitch. Who gives a fuck about what she wants?
I don't think they'd secure funding, no.
This guy is fucking hilariously insane.
Hurr durr, pillow fucker thinks he scored a point.
What the fuck is wrong with you? At what point did you give on on being a man, and settled for a hunk of nylon? How extreme is your autism?
No, I'm still wondering, if this is just a meme or if someone would actually lower himself to masturbate to that. Or to cuck porn for that matter.
Called it.
>coming from cuckenziedouche
Based Trobjuron.
Literally the same story too
We wuz controlled, we dindu nuffin. We's really good guys at heart *proceed to bomb london and take hostages*
TF2 = Team Fortress 2
Titan Fall is cancer faggot
It's not about a fucking 2D character, it's about the way they use those imaginary scenarios to push an agenda
wow blizzard concentration camps for robots... who fucking cares. use the off switch.
And escorting an actor.
>everyone makes shit for me to eat so it's okay to gulp it down
But first it would have to prove it's actually an AI and not simply a lookup algorithm.